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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Harry Potter Drabble M/M(DracoxHarry)


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Hey guys. Thougt I give you another drabble. This is of my favorite pairing: Draco MalfoyxHarry Potter. God I wish they were a couple...well that's why we have a thing called an imagination and the internet. Ah well.. Welp enjoy and remember, I want to own them but Jk Rowling does. :P

"Achoo… Heh-choooooo!"

I hate when he starts sneezing like

that. Those wet and painful sneezes

tell me that he's either coming down

sick or he's already sick. You see, the

love of my life, Harry, is tucked in bed

with a really bad head cold, 102.F

fever, nose red as a lovely rose; and

eyes glazed over as if he's about to


Which he does when he can't


"Achoo… Heh-choooooo! Sniff!

Draco… Cad you give be sobe


"No problem Harry." I place my book

down and get up from my place in

the chair seated next to the bed that

he's in, and go in the bathroom and

get the tissues. I got the ones with

aloe. Those work wonders. I come

back into our bedroom and see that

Harry is about to sneeze again. I

quickly grab some tissues out for

him and held then in front of Harry's

running nose.

"A-A-Achooooooooooooo! Ugh!

Heh-Chooooooooo! Heh-Chooooooooo! Heh-Chooooooooo!"

Never have I seen someone sneeze

so much! When Harry gets sick, you

know by the sneezes. I really do hate

when he sneezes like that. I sit down

on the side of the bed and watch my

sick boyfriend blow his nose. He

sees me cringe although I tried not

too. It's not his fault he got sick. He

just has a low immune system. After

blowing his nose and cleared his

throat, he speaks in a very congested


"It's dot by faudlt that I'b sick Drac-Achhooooo!"

The sneezes were so painful that

Harry fell backwards on the bed. All I

could do for him was kiss him on the

forehead and try to make him as

comfortable as possible. Harry

closed his eyes in discomfort but

sighed in content as I continued to

rub him down. I do this whenever

he's sick or just needs a good

massage after a tired day. I finally

speak up.

"I know it's not your fault Harry, these

things tend to happen. You're just

stress from work that's all.

"Do you think I'b disgusting?" Harry

was sitting laying down as I helped

him under the warm blanket and

placed fresh tissues in his hands. I

shook my head softly before

speaking again while running my

fingers through his messy black hair.

"Harry, you're not anyway possible

disgusting. You're my beautiful Harry

who needs his knight and shining

armor to care for him. I just hate your

sneezes because they sound so

painful and I can't do anything to

help you."

"Draco, you being here helps be.

Achhooo! Sniff! Draco, I love you so buch!"

"I love you too Harry. But there is one

other thing that I do find disgusting

about you that I can't seem to stand."

Harry quickly sat up and clutched his

aching head and with gritted teeth


"Whad do you bean'd!"

"Well that hair for one… I mean

sheesh Harry you really let yourself

go! Tsk tsk!"

Harry was stunned at first and then

chuckled softly to himself. He started

coughing and laughing at the same

time. I joined in the laughter as I got

him a glass of water that was on the

bedside table. I handed him the

water as he drank it slowly and gave

it back to me to place it on the table.

Then he scooted over so that I was

able to join him in bed. I hugged

Harry as he still laughed but it died

as he went to sleep. He needed it.

I still hate Harry's sneezes but at

least I can make he smile. And that's

what counts. I joined him in sleep

land and smiled as I knew that I

would always be there for Harry.

Sneezes or no Sneezes.

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owh...it ended :-(...I hate it when stories like this end because I need moar!

Im sorry! I'll make one more just for u where Draco is sick and Harry is the caregiver. K?:heart:

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So cute! I'm not much of a Draco/Harry shipper, but in this context I thought it was pretty adorable! I also liked that Draco didn't enjoy the sneezes, but felt bad for Harry! :)

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So cute! I'm not much of a Draco/Harry shipper, but in this context I thought it was pretty adorable! I also liked that Draco didn't enjoy the sneezes, but felt bad for Harry! :)

Thanks so much! ^_^ I feel bad for harry too and I wrote it. XP

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  • 3 months later...

Get Draco sick ;o Malfoy needs to be childish and weak. Huehuehue. Yeh. Don't end the fic, we need contagion. I love this shipping <3 . Please do continue ! :)

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Thanks u guys. I almost forgot this was my own story. Im like omfg finally a draco/harry sneezy fic then i realized it was my post. :sweatdrop: i'll see what i can do for you guys that want draco ill.

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  • 2 months later...

Awh, this is PERFECT! His concern is just...WONDERFUL.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok u guys....contagion u shall recieve. I planned this to b a one shot but the people have spoken.

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