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Sneeze Fetish Forum



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I just saw 'The Wolverine' and it rekindled my love of Logan.

And then I downloaded the latest Wolverine comics (vol5 #7), in which he has lost his healing factor, and THIS:


I think it's a sign! Are there any other Wolverine fans out there...? /hopeful

(Would someone be able to teach me how to imbed images here? I tried HTML but it didn't seem to work. Also, this is my first post so maybe the feature isn't available for me yet? Anyway: hi! I like Wolverine. And Sherlock. And things. :))

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OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG YES. He looks so darling with that tissue curled around his nose, oh yes. wub.png

Also oh shit, I didn't realize that movie was out already! *zooms off to the theater*

Edited by AnonyMouse
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i like wolverine too :drool:

is there a chance that you can give me a link to that comic? ;)

pleeeeeeaaaassseeee?! :lol:

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AnonyMouse: The movie is wonderful! And while there is no sneezing in it, there are a couple of heart-melting h/c scenes. So. Much. Love! Let me know how you liked it (and Wolverine in all his glory). I really hope the comic takes sneezy!Wolverine further...

Ciuty80: Isn't the comic (and Wolverine!) just adorable?? You can buy the comic here: http://comicstore.marvel.com/Wolverine-Vol-5/comics-series/9824. It's #7 (that cover...!). Or you can search for something beginning in tor and ending in rent.... /shifty eyes.

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Oh man, what a great find. I certainly didn't torrent the comic, though. Absolutely not. No way. whistling.gif

That's the only sneeze though, unfortunately. But the rest is still pretty cute. He gets proper drunk off just 10 beers. He's afraid to shave an accidentally hurt himself. He's pretty much a wreck through the whole thing. So adorable!

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YES! Oh my God. Wolvie is my faaaavorite of the X-Men. I was actually inspired after seeing the movie to write a sick!fic for him. Perhaps that'll happen eventually~ :shifty:

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This is a fantastic find~~


I would love you more than I already do :DD

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Do these comic people know we're out there? And they're just like, "Let's make people with bizarre fetishes happy." Cause that's what it feels like sometimes.

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LOVING the hanky... drool.gif Thanks for the link!

Do these comic people know we're out there? And they're just like, "Let's make people with bizarre fetishes happy." Cause that's what it feels like sometimes.

Sometimes I do actually wonder this about Disney...

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All the Wolverine love makes me so happy! <3

Murphy D: did you also happen to acquire #6? The ending scene is pure, heart-melting whump. At least, it totally pushes all my (admittedly non-standard-issue) buttons :)

Spoo: omgomg. If you DID write a Logan sickfic, I would squee so loudly you'd be able to hear me from a thousand miles away! I'm new to the forum but I've lurked for ages and I ADORE your work!! If you write one, I will too, even though my writing skills are rustier than, um, rusty things.

In fact EVERYONE should dive in and produce buckets and buckets of Wolverine!whump! /puppyeyes

Blackscatter: isn't it just adorable?! I can't wait for 1) the potential Spoo fic (omgomg) and 2) issue #8 of the comic :)

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Murphy D: did you also happen to acquire #6? The ending scene is pure, heart-melting whump. At least, it totally pushes all my (admittedly non-standard-issue) buttons :)

Ooohh, no I need to get #6 then! :D Thanks!

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