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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Orange is the New Black (F Taylor Schilling, cold F/F)


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ok, so everybody who has netflix should absolutely be watching orange is the new black. it's freaking awesommmme. (it's a netflix original series, so the whole first season was just put online in one lump). it's a women's prison drama, but it's really not a drama, more like a black comedy. same creator as weeds. lots of F/F for those of us who appreciate it, most notably the title character, piper (taylor schilling) is locked up with her ex-gf, alex (laura prepon, donna from that 70's show). in ep 8, there's a bad cold/flu going around, and piper goes out of her way to avoid germs the whole episode; but then right at the end, after she and alex had a fight, she goes to see alex and alex has it, but piper still stays and cuddles her a little; and then right at the end, they're looking at each other in total silence; and alex says, "why are you making that weird face?", and piper sneezes pretty intensely into her elbow. then she sniffles, straightens up, and says, "oh, shit," kind of woozily. it's adorrrrable. watch it now! sneeze is right around 55m (no other sneezes in the ep from anyone else). enjoy!! :D

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Thanks for that review. The algorithm on Netflix keeps suggesting it to me, although it probably has more to do with advertising a Netflix original than my previous viewing tastes. Thus far, all of the Netflix original content has been pretty good, notably House of Cards. I can't pass up any sort of illness on a woman so I will certainly give the show a try.

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Oh wow, Laura Prepom REALLY sounded sick! Also, I'm positive I heard at least two sneezes in the background during that scene. ;) Thanks for posting this! You got me to watch the first episode, and it's pretty good!

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  • 2 weeks later...

There was sneezing in the background for a lot of the show. You have to listen close to hear it. I agree, it's a fantastic show!

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It was really interesting, it's a really good show, I'd watch it again.

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This show is like crack. lol I just started watching it a few days ago and just finished this episode. Here's the scene for anyone who doesn't have Netflix, etc:


Hmm, the link's not working for me. Maybe try MediaFire or another hosting site.

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  • 2 months later...

that was nice.. But WOW!!! Luara!!!! i hardly recognized you!!! My opinion, please dye your hair back... it was so pretty originally red... it's was OK blonde... but WOW black!

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