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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Hannibal Doodle (M)


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I did a thing. I don't understand how Mads Mikkelsen's face works at all.


I may toss some color or shading on it tomorrow.

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I just love his effort to contain the sneeze. :dribble: Aside from that, he looks delicious. Mmm. :heart:

I could eat him up. HURR.

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Hot diggity dang that is some good stuff OvO hot hot nose wrinkling action. Mads' face does seem incomprehensible but you've done quite a good job!

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Oh, gawd yes. x__x

Yes, yes, this is good, yes. Uh.

Mads is one of those 'I-can't-decide-whether-your-face-is-beautiful-or-strange-or-both' kind of men, which usually translates into blazing hotness in my brain. I think you've captured him beautifully. <3 I could just eat him up. twitchsmile.gif

Edited by VoOs
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I think you've succeeded in making him more attractive to me ;) I didn't really see all the fuss (he's not terrible, but not terribly attractive to me either. This definitely improves on my opinion!)

Lovely as always, Garnet! <3

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Holy Moly, this is fantastic! I just started watching the series, and I've been waiting for something fetishy! Thank you!! :D

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Oh jeez, you guys are so sweet <3 Super glad you enjoyed. Mads is kind of fun to draw, I may do more of him soon. In the meantime, I tossed some color on for kicks.


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Oh my Jesus Christ. UGHHH. His noseee. Andandand the way you can see him trying to keep the sneeze contained ajsdklfjksdfl.

Nope. NOPE. RIP, Spoo. :stretcher:

Gar, you are seriously talented and amazing and never stop, okay? Okay.

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Nice! I've only seen the show a few times (LOVE the movies though) but I thought that actor was really hot :D

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Holy sprlghmngahh! :dribble: Mads is maddeningly attractive, beautiful, and sexy. And you just... heh... :sillybounce: TOO SEXY!!! I especially love the coloured version. Gah. Please, if you ever feel like drawing him again, you know you will have a fan drooling and worshipping RIGHT HERE. :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is gorgeously perfect!

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  • 2 weeks later...


I actually can't decide whether I like the b&w or the colored one better; they're both so great! I love that the only color in the original one is the pinkness of his nose (and eyelids, maybe?), and I love how he's literally shaking with the effort to control the sneeze. Guhhhhh. I'd say you did a pretty freakin' good job figuring out how that face works. :)

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*SCREAAAMS* because this is PERFECT! oh my god, who did you sell your soul to, to draw this gorgeous Mads???

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