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Fine (Star Trek: Into Darkness, M) [Update: 12/31]


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Just a little ficlet that basically wrote itself after I saw Star Trek: Into Darkness for the third time (yes, I know, I have a problem). On that note, there will be MAJOR spoilers, so if you haven't seen the movie yet and want to remain unspoiled (and unbroken), then I suggest you don't read. Additionally, this wasn't intended to be slash-y, but if that's the way it comes across…oops? heh.gif Enjoy!

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by Spoo


The term 'awkward' didn't even come remotely close to describing the uncomfortable situation Jim had unwillingly fallen into.

He tried not to let it get to him, but he found that extremely hard to do when ( a ) he had been firmly instructed not to move and ( b ) Bones was holding a scanner inches from his face. Leave it to him, a recently restored starship Captain, to come down with a cold at the very start of their five-year mission.

But that was the beauty of it: It was just a cold. A harmless human virus that would clear up in a few days without prolonged consequences, unlike some of the more crippling illnesses that festered in the darkest quadrants of space.

Jim guided a closed fist to his mouth and coughed to get McCoy's attention, and also to thwart the postnasal drip that was irritating the back of his throat. The CMO looked up, his hazel eyes narrowed in suspicion, before he returned to his task.

"The answer is 'no'," he quipped, addressing a question that hadn't even been asked yet.

The man seated in front of him groaned. "Come on, Bones. You and I both know that it's just a cold, and that I'm not going to drop dea--"

Jim stopped before he could finish that sentence, for McCoy had looked at him again with a sharp expression that read 'Don't you dare'. Apparently, he had retained some trauma from Jim's death, following the events of Khan's wrath.

"I'll get over it," the Captain amended, scrunching his nose up when it started tingling from the inside. "You know, after I…hihh…"

His full lips parted a bit more, and before Bones could say anything about it, Jim turned away and buried the lower part of his face into the bend of his elbow.


"After you sneeze it all out and infect the rest of the crew," McCoy concluded, setting down his scanner and retrieving a box of tissues that sat nearby. He shoved them at his 'patient', who accepted it gratefully, before he stood back and folded his arms across his chest.

"I don't know if anyone's ever told you this, but you're really good at glaring," Jim noted, once he'd resurfaced from a productive nose blow.

McCoy wasn't amused. Not that he ever was to begin with. "You need to be more mindful of your health, Jim," he fussed. "We've barely made it out of our damn backyard, and you're already comin' down with something."

Jim exhaled indignantly, yet he instantly regretted the action when it ruptured a pocket of congestion in his chest. He coughed again and then cleared his throat prior to speaking.

"Look, it's better if I get sick when we're still in relatively familiar territory instead of later down the road when we're who-knows-where."

McCoy looked as though he wanted to protest, but his sturdy resolve disappeared and left him sighing.

"I don't want you on the bridge," he stated. "I want you in your quarters, restin' up."

It was Jim's turn to look like he wanted to say something that suggested just the opposite. He hardly thought that a case of the sniffles was a good enough reason to keep him away from his duties. He'd led his crew under worse circumstances, after all.

In spite of the compulsive desire to do what he pleased, however, Jim found himself nodding. "Rest it is, but only through alpha shift," he negotiated, twitching his nose in a sniffle.

It wasn't the response that Bones wanted, but it was better than a flat-out refusal, he supposed. It was also better than having to lecture an overgrown child about what he should and shouldn't have done.

"Alright. But so help me, Jim. If I catch you anywhere near the bridge, I'll stick your ass back in a cryo-pod and leave you there until the cows come home."

Even though he was spewing threats, Jim noticed a much deeper concern hidden in McCoy's otherwise intimidating tone. The sentiment sat beneath a layer of grumpiness, wedged somewhere between paranoia and irritation. He hadn't been around to see it for himself - he'd been dead, actually - but he could have only imagined how difficult it must have been for Bones to be presented with the lifeless body of not his Captain, but his friend.

Jim himself had experienced that a few different times - the most significant being Pike at the start of their most recent catastrophe. Going off of that thought, his crystal blue eyes, which were glassed over with a low-grade fever, attempted to look hopeful.

"I'll be fine, Bones," he said, putting on a smile. "Seriously. I'll take my medicine and everything. How's that?"

McCoy wasn't a fool. He caught onto the saccharine sappiness that was oozing from Jim's words, making him feel all sorts of uncomfortable. It's why the doctor muttered something under his breath and scooped up his PADD into his hand.

"Just do me a favor," he grumbled.

Jim went to reply, but another sneeze robbed him of both breath and words.

"Huh'UTSCHhhhuh!" He shook it off, sniffed hard into his tissue, and then asked in a slightly thicker tone: "What's the favor?"

McCoy huffed. "Try not to suffocate on your own damn mucus."

Edited by Spoo
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Okay, I just had to stop by and read this.

I'll leave the actual fetishy comments to the others, but I just have to say I love how in-character everyone is. I could read every line in Karl Urban's voice, and maybe even in DeForest Kelley's. The instant I read the title, I just heard my mind say "Fine," in the same tone he used in the shuttle in the 2009 movie. That might not be exactly what you meant by it, but it really just drove home for me that these are the characters.


following the events of Khan's wrath

I see what you did thar.

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Drats I've been waiting and waiting for new movie fics to pop up but I want to stay spoiler free (thanks for the warning!) so I can't read this for a painful couple of months yet sadsmiley.gif so in that case I'll say preemptively: I'M SURE IT'S AMAZING AND I TOTALLY CAN'T WAIT TO READ THIS. :drool:

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Oh my gosh, I loved this movie so much and I'm so happy that you're the first one to write a fic about it, Spoo! :heart:

I'm totally dittoing Blah-San's comment, btw. Everyone was sooo in character (especially Bones) and I love you for making Jim sick. Chris Pine is possibly the most gorgeous man alive (and his eyes are AMAZING!).

I would love you forever and ever and ever if you continued this (Kirk stubbornness against Bones or Spock stubbornness is the cutest thing EVER :wub: )!

BYE! :heart: :heart: :heart:

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This is beautiful and exactly what I needed. I am so in love with Chris Pine as Captain Kirk. Thank you!!

I'd love it if you wrote more if you get a chance :)

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SPOOOOOO! Haha you TOTALLY read my mind with this fic <3 When Bones is first checking up on him during the prelim mission in the movie, I was like...hmmm....I smell a fic here. This is perfect and yes, I agree with everyone that the crew is SO in character. Kudos, love!

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I love it already!! And that is the PERFECT picture for the fic it's like they're meant to be

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Oh please say you're going to continue. After having seen the movie twice, I'm so looking forward to reading some fics.

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I've read this a million times, but this is the first time I've been logged in and reread it and realized that damn, I need to comment on it.

I don't think there's another person on this site that can portray the characters as perfectly as you can, ngl. I can hear it all in my head, and it's brilliant. Like, you've got them all spot-on. Especially Bones, though. He was perfect. Also I love you writing style! And sick, sniffly Captain Kirk ain't bad either ;) This could easily be a scene in an epilogue or something. Now I'm off to reread more of your stuff until I fall asleep! :3

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I will echo everyone who has said it already, but this was so PERFECTLY in character! You've got Bones' voice down perfectly, and Kirk is perfect, and everything about this is perfect. Everything is perfect and nothing hurts! :3

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I will echo everyone who has said it already, but this was so PERFECTLY in character! You've got Bones' voice down perfectly, and Kirk is perfect, and everything about this is perfect. Everything is perfect and nothing hurts! :3

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  • 6 months later...

One of my ancient Kirk/Spock stories was recently dug up from the forum's trenches, and it rekindled something old and precious to me. That being said, I've decided to squeeze in another part to something that already exists. tonguesmiley.gif Still no pairings outside of general commradery. Enjoy! biggrin.png

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Part 2

by Spoo


Was he dreaming?

That would totally explain his hazy consciousness and how it distorted any semblance of reality, including the notification he heard that suggested someone was outside of his quarters. With a hoarse groan, Jim untangled himself from his bedsheets and worked on responding, his actions slow and uncoordinated and just plain sad.

"Yeah?" he croaked over the comm., once he was able to efficiently communicate without drooling all over himself. What the hell kind of hypospray had Bones given him anyway? A moose tranquilizer?

"Permission to enter, Captain."

Jim might have been as sick as a dog, but he was able to recognize Spock's voice without even trying. There was no one else on the ship (outside of the occasional android or two) that sounded so robotic. The more he thought about it, the more he…started to fall back asleep.

It took yet another trilling of the comm. to have him snapping back into alertness and issuing a disorientated: "Wha--? Oh, sorry. Come on in."

While his visitor entered, Jim attempted to compose himself. He sat up and rubbed a hand over his groggy face, but that hardly did anything to remedy his messy hair and overall tousled appearance. He figured that his First Officer had seen him in worse conditions - and he meant worse conditions - so a little bed-head wouldn't be the end of the world.

Spock strode in, as perfectly postured as ever, and stood a few feet away from Jim's bed; his hands were clasped behind his board-straight back, his dark eyes trained on his captain.

"I see that you have consulted Doctor McCoy in regards to your condition," he observed.

Jim issued a thick, unattractive sniffle. "It's not like I had much of a choice. You would have dragged me to sickbay if I didn't suck it up and go myself."

One of Spock's upswept eyebrows arched. "Seeing as your illness has not impaired your walking capabilities, it would be highly illogical to forcefully escort you to--"

"It was a figure of speech," Jim interrupted, saving himself from a longwinded statement. "Bones gave me some meds - some really…powerful meds - and told me to stay away from the bridge. That's why I'm here, trying not to 'suffocate on my own damn mucus'."

For emphasis, or just because he'd reminded himself of his insane congestion, he reached for some tissues that were strewn amongst his bed and held them against his nose. Self-consciousness was the last thing Jim Kirk ever felt, but having Spock watch him while he was on snot duty didn't feel right.

Too bad an impromptu pair of sneezes decided otherwise when they snuck up on him.


Yup, that did it.

Even if he hadn't wanted to blow his nose he didn't have much of a choice now, considering he'd more or less emptied out both of his nostrils with his most recent expulsion. Once he recovered, Jim looked up to find Spock still staring at him. Big surprise there.

"You know, most people say 'bless you'. You should try it sometime," he joked, attempting humor in the midst of his misery.

As per usual, Spock wasn't amused. "I would suggest remaining in your quarters until your health has improved, though I feel that you will attempt to return to your position prematurely, regardless if you have recovered or not."

Jim knew that Spock had a point. Bones would probably skin him alive if he broke his agreement, but he had been contemplating tiptoeing back to the bridge after his nap (just to peek, not to command). It was almost scary how Spock could see right through him, like he was made of something transparent and not blood, guts, and marrow.

"Yeah, well. I doubt that anyone will take me seriously like this. I wouldn't take me seriously like this," he coughed.

Jim was willing to bet that the only person on his crew who would genuinely listen to him and accept orders in his present condition was Chekov. Everyone else's compliance would be reluctant because of his--


Because of that.

But enough was enough already. Resurfacing again from his handful of tissues, Jim asked Spock: "Were you sent to check on me?"

"I felt it necessary to confirm Doctor McCoy's diagnosis and verify that you are not presently fit for duty," the Vulcan answered.

"So…you were sent to check on me."


Jim could practically hear Bones' voice griping at Spock, and Spock retorting with that monotone 'gibberish' his CMO loved oh so much. He found it undoubtedly impressive that the two were actually working together to make sure he got some rest and didn't sneak back on the bridge. Then again, it was also annoying in a way, because of course they'd form an alliance when it came to something Jim didn't approve of. Typical.

"You don't have to 'verify' anything. I'm not going anywhere. Especially now that I know you and Bones are temporarily in cahoots. I'm reckless, Spock. But I'm not stupid."

His pointy-eared companion looked like he was going to suggest exactly the opposite, or at least bring up not one, but multiple circumstances where Jim's judgement hadn't been the best, thus disproving his whole 'I'm not stupid' statement.

"Anyway," Jim continued, just as Spock parted his lips to disagree. "I should probably, you know, get back to sleep."

"A wise decision," the First Officer agreed. "I personally will see that the bridge maintains its proper operations in your absence."

"You do that," Jim yawned, turning away from Spock. He laid down on his side, which was his usual position when falling asleep, but just before he was able to settle in for what was presumably another drooling coma, a final sneeze made itself known. "Huh'IKSCHhhshuh!"

"Bless you, Jim."

A drowsy smile upturned the sick man's lips as the doors hissed open behind him. "Thanks, Spock."

Edited by Spoo
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i'm sorry what was that jUST ME MELTING


my goodness wow how do you even make something this hot i just

spock blessing him at the end

oh my

chekov being the only one who would listen to him


truth right there

i'm sorry if i don't make much sense at the moment your fic has just done a fine job of destroying me from the inside

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Mmm, I'd forgotten how much I love these guys. :wub: And McCoy and Spock in cahoots together to keep Kirk in bed is just adorable.

:laugh: Agreeing with Daisoku on the Chekov thing. He's such an eager to please little Russian bunny. :heart:

I hope to read more!

BYE! :bleh:

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I think I must have skipped this when it first came out as it took me aaages to see the film but I'm glad you added a second part to it as well.

Post!khan over-protective!Bones is my new headcanon, thank you Spoo! :D

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OH I'm giggling like a school girl!! (I am a school girl though) The interactions between these two ARE JUST GOLD. You write them so well I love your fics <3

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I'm so drooling over this fic I might have messed my keyboard... the stubbornness of all characters, Kirk especially when he was planning on sneaking onto the bridge, is just so endearing that the interactions between all three are what fangirl heaven is made from!

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  • 1 month later...

i saw the movie yesterday and this is just PERFEKT! It´s like what i picture it would be like if kirk fell sick! great job :D

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It´s like what i picture it would be like if kirk fell sick!

what is happening to me?! what is this grammar??? sry to everybody who read this *hides behind her bed*

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