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Surprise for Nightwolf~~~


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Since you wrote me a tad of Kellin Quinn I'd thought you'd enjoy a drable of mine. I'm not very good but here it goes... Kellin Quinn drable for NightWolf ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Charecter:Kellin Quinn(allergies) I DO NOT OWN Kellin Quinn or sleeping with sirens although I Wish<3 enjoy. --------------------------------------------------------------- Kellin woke up and felt his sinuses where itchy and clogged. Nonetheless he got dressed and ate breakfast aswell as did his hair and was off too rehearsals shrugging off the allergic feeling he wasn't so much aware about. As he got in his car to drive to his destination he felt a tickle at the back of his nose and sneezed twice "he-hetchieww hechieww". He was glad he wasn't spending the day with his daughter Copeland because he wouldn't want to infect her with what he had caught,not realizing it was allergies. He soon arrived at rehearsals and greeted his bandmates of course today was the day Pierce The Veil was coming to watch, band,some friends of sleeping with sirens. He greeted the Mexicans and hugged Vic Fuentes one of his best mates. He quickly had to pull away from the hug and turned away from victor and sneezed "hatchioo". "Bless you,are you ok Kellin?" Vic said. "Of course I'm alright,thanks"Kellin said. They started with band rehearsal as Justin and Jessee(I think) played bass and guitar Kellin started the vocals for "if I'm James dean,you're Audrey". "Stay for tonight..". Kellin felt that familiar tickle in his nose and rubbed his suddenly itchy eyes and noticed that Jamie(hamie) Preciado (member of pierce te veil) had brought his cat and now it all made sense why he felt like shit. Damn cat .-. . As Kellin continued singing he finally couldn't handle the burn in his nose "Stay for tonight if you want to I can sh-show you what my Achieww -sniffle- dreams are made of as I'm Atchieww dreaming of your..." He suddenly stopped singing and broke out into a sneezing fit "hatchioo hatchieww hatchieww heh?-hatchioo heh-heh chieww". He finally stopped sneezing and was able to catch his breath and rub his itchy eyes. Everyone stared at Kellin and laughed. It was so funny too see someone as calm and collected as Kellin be so weak. Only Vic Fuentes spoke up "Bless you Kellin, why are your eyes itchy?". Kellin looked up at him with red puffy eyes.. His normal green/gray/blue ones now itchy "Thanks, I'm allergic to preciado's cat .-.". Kellin looked at te ground embarrassed. As if the cat could sense Kellin's allergy the cat Jalapeño walked over to Kellin and started paw-ing at Kellin's nose wich made Kellin break out into another sneezing fit of about ten "hetchieww hetchieww hetchieww heh?-hetchieww hetchieww hetchieww hetchieww hetchieww". Jamie (hamie) Preciado handed Kellin a tissue as Mike Fuentes( Vic's brother) picked up jalapeño(the cat) and exited the room trying to get Kellin's nose too calm down so they could watch Kellin's band rehearse...... --------------------------------------------////------------------- sidenotes: I do not own Pierce The Veil but I do own the cat c: the cat is my made up carecter and I might continue if someone wants me too. I only used autocorrect so excuse my grammar and word errors. Thanks for reading ....

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surprise.gif For me? *flails* OhMyGodILoveYouSoMuchRightNow! This was amazing! Thank you thank you thank you! Please continue this!!!! You killed me with this amazing drabble! stretcher.gif This story is just dribble.gifdrool.gifworshippy.gifCan I marry this drabble please? whistling.gif
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@Nightwolf Ahaha thank you <3 you're making me blush I didn't think this was any good more like rubbish and yes for you since you're an amazing writer c: I will continue once inspiration strikes me so soon enuff.

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Alright well guess who is going to attempt to write something that is not rubbish? Me ;D. So here goes. ------------ Chapter 2. ~Kellin Quinn~ -------- Kellin was grateful that the Mexicans got Preciado's cat out of the room as his symptoms were slowly decreasing he dabbed his eyes with a tissue since allergic tears were still running down his cheek. Vic asked "Kellin could you continue rehearsal now do you think?". Kellin said " snf I think so -sniffles-. 1...2..3". The guitar and drum beat started for "If you can't hang" and Kellin started singing "Met a girl at seventeen yah she ment the world to me so I ga-ah-ah -Kellin rubbed his nose- she gave me everything. She turned out to be a cheat..." . Jaimie(hamie) asked if they could go outside just too chill to give Kellin some fresh air, They all accepted although Kellin only barely accepted to go because he wasn't sure how he could handle the pollen count that was fairly high today. They walked out the door and went too a park downtown and sat down on a grass-y hill. Jaimie(hamie) had brought his acoustic guitar so he started strumming the acoustics to "Roger Rabbit by sleeping with sirens". Kellin started singing the lyrics to roger rabbit but as he was singing the tickle was back as pollen danced in his itchy nose. Kellin quickly rubbed at his nose in attempt of subsiding the tickle,it worked for a while as he continued singing. "Nobody's gunna love you if you can't display a way to ca-ah-ah". Everyone stared at Kellin as he fanned his face and pinched his nose shut to attempt to stifle the sneeze. "Hit-chiew heh-shoo" he sneezed uncovered towards the grass and sighed. Jamie,Vic,mike,Jessee and Justin all blessed him and asked if he was okay. He nodded and thanked them. They continued jamming for a while as Kellin still had the itchy feeling in his nose....... ---------------------------------------------------------------- excuse the lack of sneezing. Their is more plot sorry :/ it's quite of rubbish. Again I do not own pierce the veil or sleeping with sirens although I wish<3 shout out to NightWolf whom I wrote this for. Enjoy everyone maybe more parts to come (:

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Still loving you! Please continue this! Also, I'm working on another Klaine drabble for you. Any specific requests for it? (Another Kellin one is coming up too)

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Ah thank you a new Kellin one for me? And Klaine ?? Oh gosh you're spoiling me. You're my new friend okay?? And yah ill continue I didn't think I was any good

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Yayyyy I have a new friend!!! Your story is beyond good! I love it! Thank you so much for it! Also, do you have any special requests for the Kellin one? I need some ideas so I can get it up soon :P

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So before I continue the story I'd like to imply my request for the Kellin one. Perhaps allergies? An allergic Kellin is what id enjoy c: so here goes again another part for you Nightwolf. -----------------------Kellin Quinn chapter 3------------- they decided too go too a small coffee shop instead of letting Kellin suffer on a grassy hill. Pierce The Veil and Sleeping With Sirens all walked downtown too the coffee shop. They arrived there and all took a seat in the booths next to the window. The waitress came and a sweet scent came along with her like a lavender type smell. Vic,Jamie and the others had all ordered then it was Kellin's turn. Kellin said "I'd l-like a m-mocha please?" Kellin rubbed at his nose since the perfume was bothering him. The waitress asked "anything else sir?". Kellin said "No th-than-ah-ah *kellin sneezes* achoo. Uhm snf no thank u." The waitress blesses him as does Vic and Jamie. Kellin thanks them and the waitress walks away. The boys chat and joke around for a few minutes then the waitress comes back. Kellin breaths in the sweet smell of coffee and lavender and realizes he made a mistake as the annoying tickle settles in his nose the sweet lavender dancing in his nose ._. . Kellin rubs at his nose discreetly. The waitress sets the coffee down on the table and leaves again. Vic and Kellin are engaged in a conversation with Kellin's tickle still not gone and suddenly Kellin try's to talk but looses the battle with his nose "So as I was saying the lyrics for king for a day are quite good we should pra-practice some-ti-time Atchieww atchieww" Kellin doubles over sneezing bending at the waist. Vic says "bless you Kellin,what are you allergic too now?the coffee?". Kellin laughs and says " aha of course not just the waitresses perfume ._. And thanks". They all chatted for a while and .......... -------------------------------------------------------------- Note: I have mentioned all the things I'm allergic too ._. Welp perfume,cats and pollen. Frig the pollens killing me right now. Anyways that's all for now I hope u enjoy c: and I can't wait too see why u write.

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Thanks night wolf I can write more maybe if u want. How's you're kellin story coming up?

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Please continue it, yes! As for my Kellin story, it's harder than I thought. I had one written, but it was horrible so I just erased it all. I need ideas. I am at such a loss :(

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Night wolf I suggest writing in a certain environment were kellin's allergies would strike or something like that yah know? Can't wait too see your awesome story <3 mkai ill put up a new part now (:

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Hum I might run out of idea's quickly but here it goes... Kellin~Quinn~Chapter 4. ----------- -------------------------------------------------------------- The boys all left the coffee shop and they went home. Kellin got in his car the sweet scent of lavender still dancing in his nose and he sneezed openly on the steering wheel and wrinkled his nose in disgust and wiped off the spray on the steering wheel. He continued driving without any interruptions and made it home. He greeted his lovely wife Katelynne(I think it's spelled as so) and picked up his daughter Copeland giving her a hug then told his wife he was going to work on writing songs in his office. He went upstairs and opened the door to his office , sitting down at his desk. He started scribbling down lyrics for new songs, to go In the album "Feel"(by sleeping with sirens. Coming out June 4th (: ) . He quickly rubbed his nose feeling a tickle in it again, he looked at the window desperate too get the sneeze out, sunlight in his eyes he finally could sneeze (photic sneezing how lovely) "Hitchiew Hitchiew" Kellin pinched his nose attempting to stifle and he plucked a tissue from the tissue box eyes suddenly getting itchy. He dabbed his eyes and blew his nose forcefully,eyes and nose now red. He felt something on his legs,saw a small kitten purring and rubbing itself against him. He quickly went downstairs picking up the kitten aswell and asking his wife what was going on. Katelynne simply giggled and said "oh Hun I'm sorry, Prince(the cat) was going to be a surprise for you silly ". Kellin stood there eyes streaming and he doubled over in a sneezing fit "Hitchiew hatchoo Hitchiew Hitchiew hatchoo Hitchiew heh-cho". He sniffled wetly and looked up at Katelynne eyes streaming with allergic tears. Katelynne felt so bad but she didn't wanna give up the cat so...... -----------------------_______________________. Duh duh duh CLiff hanger x3 I expect my kellin story soon nuff right night wolf purdy please? Here's another part for you enjoy c:

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Youl get one soon ;) I just gotta write another drabble as well (I like to put up two or three at a time ) and holy damn that was great! Maybe they can get rid of the cat, but he gets sick? :) I'm a sucker for colds hehehe

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Haha yeh thanks for Attempting to write one... But I have a plot of my own involving a cold but still the cat . Mwahaha I'm torturing kellin <3

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Poor Kellin! I almost feel bad for enjoying it hahahaha and no problem. It should be up later tonight or tomorrow.

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I loved loved loved your Drabble ._. I can't get Enuff ... Anyways here's another part. -------------------Kellin Quinn~Chapter 5---------------- The next morning Kellin woke up with his nose runny like niagra falls.He thought nothing of it, blaming it on the cat that slept in his room which he shared with his lovely wife. Kellin suddenly felt a tickle in the back of his nose,he tried to stifle so he wouldn't wake up Katelynne "Hitchieww Hitchieww". Katelynne woke up and sleepily mumbled "bless you Hun". Kellin said "I'm sorry for waking you up -sniffles- thank you". Katelynne grabbed Kellin's hand and brought him downstairs too get breakfast. They went downstairs and Kellin sat down at the dinning table while Katelynne said "Kellin what shall I prepare for your breakfast?". Kellin answered "No thank you,I'm not hungry" and he sniffled wetly. Katelynne said "Not hungry?" She walked over too Kellin and put her hand on his forehead,he felt rather warm. Katelynne said "Do you feel sick babe?" . The dark haired boy looked at her with bloodshot eyes and said "No I'm not its just allergies I swear ._.". Katelynne said "Okay if you say so" and kissed the dark haired boy on the forehead,it was like kissing the sun. They walked upstairs hearing Copeland wake up. Kellin cradled her in his arms and they all went downstairs in the living room. They decided to watch the movie "Legion of the black:black veil brides" on Netflix. Suddenly as Kellin had Copeland on his lap and Katelynne was holding his free hand, he felt a tickle in his nose once again and tryed not to sneeze. He put Copeland on the ground and cupped his free hand over his face breath hitching "heh-heh-heh".. The sneeze was stuck. Katelynne asked him "Kellin are you okay?". The dark haired boy said "Of course just sn-sn heh heh sneeze is stu-heh heh stuck". Katelynne giggled and told Kellin too maybe pet the cat. Kellin called for the cat "Prince prince come on my la- heh heh lap". The small feline came over and curled up on kellin's lap meowing. Copeland who was on the ground noticed the kitten and said "Kitty Kat c:" Copeland petted the cat and suddenly she sneezed "Ishoo". Her dad and mom said "Bless you sweetie". Copeland sniffled and said "fank yew". They saw tears streaming down her cheeks and Copeland said "Daddy why are my eyes so itchy now?". Katelynne said "oh hunny looks like you and daddy share the same allergy, seems like we will need more allergy medicine". Kellin almost forgot about the tickle when it came back, he put the cat close to his face and then fanned his face, breath hitching desperately "Heh heh heh? Heh heh" .. He almost gave up and then he doubled over "Hitchieww hetchoo Hitchieww hetchoo Hitchieww Hitchieww". Copeland said "Bless you daddy" and Katelynne said " bless you Kel, seems like you finally got that sneeze out". Kellin thanked them and they went back to the movie. The dark haired boy leaned on Katelynne's shoulder and they relaxed for a while. Kellin sneezed into Katelynne's shirt tiredly. She wrinkled her nose in digust but didn't say anything about her shirt beeing so damp, she simply said "Babe I think it's time for you too go too bed, bless you by the way". The dark haired boy picked up Copeland and brought her too bed and sang her a lulallabye until she fell asleep. Katelynne took kellin's tempeture, he had a slight fever so she put him too bed and gave him cold medicine and water. Kellin was much too tired to protest.... ----------------------------------------------------------------- End of chapter 5. That many parts already? I hope it's good at least. Sorry if there's a lack of sneezing or something. Anyways enjoy Nightwolf c: I wish someone else would read tho. I don't have any ideas for a next part so you can request a prompt or such.

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it's soooo cute! what if he keeps denying that he's sick and/or he gets one of the band members ill as well. contagion= drool.gif also, i could post a link to your thread in my drabble thread and/or story thread so people check out your ahmazing work!

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Thanks Hun c: sure post a link in your drabbles if u don't mind and yah I think Kellin should be in denial a little more.. Mwahaha. ;-; ill write more.. Maybe I will add Andy Biersack and make him best friends with Kellin and torture them both<3 Andy Biersack is a photic sneezer so I could play around with that for a while. Anyways ill post something soon (:

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