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April Showers (F/F Glee Faberry! Just a fluffy little cold fic)


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Hey guys! I've been feeling kind of stuck lately and I needed me some Faberry to clear the cobwebs. Takes place in their first year of college, no spoilers. Just fluffy times! Enjoy :)


April Showers

A Faberry story for SFF

Part 1


“Rach, are you in there? Helloooo! You better be ready 'cause we're already late!” Quinn called impatiently through the closed door of her girlfriend's Julliard dorm room, knocking a little louder in case the dark-haired girl had her earbuds in. Finally, she heard an indistinct grumbling response through the heavy oak door as it swung open to reveal a cranky-looking Rachel, half her hair still in curlers, clad in a faded McKinley High Athletics t-shirt and a pair of yoga pants.

“Um, I guess I'd better text Kurt and Santana to save our seats a little longer,” the blonde girl teased gently, brushing a messy lock of dark hair out of the little starlet's face as she leaned in to kiss her.

“It's karaoke, Quinn, not the damn Emmys,” Rachel huffed, barely returning the kiss before she turned and marched back to her makeup mirror, leaving Quinn to show herself in and close the door behind her. The blonde girl raised an eyebrow in mild confusion at her normally excitable girlfriend's unenthusiastic greeting, especially since they'd barely seen each other all week.

“I know, babe, it's fine,” Quinn shrugged mildly, seating herself at the foot of Rachel's bed and watching her remove the rest of the plastic pink rollers from her hair. “Just seems like something's bugging you, that's all. You usually love karaoke night. And I usually get a better hello kiss. Not that it's a tragedy or anything, I'm sure we have a few more good years left in us before we turn into a boring old married couple...” Quinn trailed off, and Rachel turned away from her makeup mirror, an unwilling half-smile on her face.

“I'm sorry, angelfish. It's just been a long week, I shouldn't take it out on you. Come here...” Quinn complied happily, jumping up from the bed and wrapping her arms securely around her girlfriend's lithe body, drawing her in for a longer, much more satisfying kiss.

“Mmm...that's what I'm talking about,” Quinn growled playfully, nipping Rachel's throat as she pulled away. The dark-haired girl smiled back, but it was a weary, halfhearted smile, and now that they were right up close, Quinn noticed how exhausted her girlfriend looked; especially her eyes, which looked puffy and a little red. “Aw, starfish. You really did have a long week, didn't you? Want me to call the guys and tell them we're taking the night off? We could just stay home and watch movies in our pajamas instead. You look like you could use a night in, baby girl.”

“No, it's fine, they're already waiting for us,” Rachel sighed, betraying herself with a soft yawn. “We don't have to stay late or anything, but I'm not gonna ditch out on our friends for no reason. I'll get my second wind soon. It's fine.” Her weary smile brightened a bit, but Quinn still frowned.

“You sure? It's really no big deal to skip one karaoke night, I'm sure Kurt and Santana won't mind.”

“I said it's fine,” Rachel snapped, yanking the last curler from her hair. “Stop coddling me, will you? I'm trying to get ready here.”

“Okay. Sorry,” Quinn shrugged, taking a step back and remaining silent while her cranky girlfriend finished getting dressed. She knew something was up, but after three years together, she was secure enough in their relationship not to press the issue. When Rachel wanted to talk, she would talk. And if it really was just exhaustion making her act like a hormonal middle schooler, Quinn knew she'd be there to scoop her little starlet up and get her home when she finally crashed. Either way, it was Friday night in New York City, and she'd follow Rachel anywhere.


It was cold and rainy outside, and the two girls huddled under a large umbrella as they walked to the subway, Quinn listening to Rachel complain about her dance teacher's latest attempt to berate and undermine her in front of her classmates. A gust of wind kicked up and blew the rain sideways against their legs, and Quinn felt Rachel shiver and huddle a little closer against her.

“Are you warm enough, honey? D'you want my scarf?” Quinn asked sweetly, unwinding the red knit scarf from around her neck and offering it to her shivering girlfriend.

“For fuck's sake, Quinn, I think I can dress myself without your assistance!” Rachel huffed, her eyes flashing with pre-tantrum emotion as she stamped her foot, inadvertently splashing their legs with more cold water from a puddle on the sidewalk. “Oh, dammit...w-what the hell is wrong with me today?” The little starlet whined, wrapping her arms around herself as her teeth began to chatter.

“It's okay, Rach. We've all been there,” Quinn sighed, wrapping her arm a little tighter around her shivering girlfriend's shoulders and kissing her lightly on the cheek. “I'm sorry I'm annoying you, I only wanted to help. We can do whatever you want, okay baby? What do you want to do?” Quinn stroked Rachel's hair back from her face, then hastily grabbed the umbrella handle with both hands as another strong gust of wind threatened to pull it from her grip.

“I...” Rachel shook her head, looking up at Quinn with a dazed expression for a moment. Then, she hastily turned her head to the side, cupping a hand to her face as a hitching gasp of air filled her lungs. “Hhh'iishhiew!!” The dark-haired girl pitched forward into the rain with the force of her breathless sneeze, shivering again as she straightened up, sniffling and rubbing her runny nose on her knuckles miserably.

Bless you, baby girl,” Quinn cooed, tucking a rain-splattered lock of dark hair behind her girlfriend's ear.

“Ugh...thadks,” Rachel sighed dejectedly. “I...*snnfl*...I dod't feel so good, Quinnie,” she finally admitted, rubbing her forehead woozily.

“Yeah, I can see that,” Quinn agreed softly, wrapping her arm more firmly around the shivering girl's shoulders and pressing a soft kiss to her temple. “D'you wanna go home, hmm baby? Have that PJ movie night, with some nice hot tea and unlimited cuddles?” Rachel blinked woozily, unable to respond as her breath caught softly again in her chest.

“Thahh...*snghf!*...that s-souhds...ahh, ahhh...” Her head tilted back and her eyes narrowed as she pressed two fingers urgently to her nose, already slightly pink and running in the cold rain. Quinn rubbed her back consolingly. “AhhtCHOO!!! *Snfl.*” Rachel sneezed again, her shoulders jerking her forward into the rain once more. Quinn felt a pang of protectiveness shoot through her as she watched her girlfriend shiver helplessly, the sneezy expression still plastered to her face as she straightened up rubbing her wet nose. “That...*snfl*...that souhds good.”

“Bless you, poor little thing,” Quinn cooed, stroking her girlfriend's hair and kissing her cheek as she sniffled miserably. “C'mon, let's get you out of this lousy rain and back in bed before you catch your death.”

“'Kay,” Rachel sighed in defeat, leaning her head wearily against Quinn's shoulder. Quinn wrapped her arm possessively around her girlfriend's shivering body, knowing how crappy the other girl must be feeling if she was reduced to one-syllable answers. It was a short walk back to Rachel's dorm; Quinn was glad they hadn't gotten on the subway before Rachel started sniffling and sneezing. It was less than ten minutes before they were back in Rachel's room, stripping out of their slightly damp clothes and towel-drying their hair.

“Did you...*snghf*...did you call Kurt and Santi to tell them we're not...*snfl*...dnot combidg?” Rachel asked absently, rubbing a finger under her damp nose as it began to tickle and run again.

“I'll send them a text in a minute. Right now, I just wanna get my little snifflepuss all warm and snuggly, okay?” Quinn smiled and kissed the slightly pink tip of her girlfriend's twitchy nose, making Rachel blush and giggle weakly.

“Ohh...okay...” Rachel nodded woozily, eyes closing as another sick, stuffy-headed sneeze welled up inside her runny nose. She cupped her hands helplessly a few inches in front of her face as her breath hitched and her nostrils quavered, glistening with snot; and Quinn hastily pulled a tissue from the box by the makeup mirror, pressing it lightly to her girlfriend's leaking nose as her eyes snapped tightly shut. “Ahh'ehshhioo!! Eh...ehtchOOoo!!!” Rachel snapped forward and sneezed helplessly into the tissue her girlfriend held for her, one hand automatically pressing down over Quinn's to keep the tissue in place.

“God bless you, baby,” Quinn hummed softly, kissing the top of Rachel's head as she sniffled and blew her nose into the now damp tissue.

“Thag you,” Rachel croaked, holding the wadded tissue firmly to her irritated pink nostrils as she tried to squelch the tickle still swirling around inside her head. “I'b...*snfl*...I'b sorry you're stuck with be ahd by yucky cold, baby...you doe you...*snghf*...you dod't have to stay, right? I'll be fide by...hhuh...by mbyself...” Quinn chuckled wryly and handed her woozy girlfriend a fresh tissue, which the dark-haired girl grabbed hastily, dropping the first crumpled tissue in her lap as she raised the second to her stuffy pink nose, already flaring wide as a fresh trickle of clear snot dribbled lazily from their depths. “Ishhxk!! Ishhiew!! Iiih, iishhew!!! *Snfl,*” Rachel sighed miserably as she wiped her nose; and Quinn cuddled up to her and wrapped both arms tight around her sniffling baby, nuzzling her and kissing her ear.

“Bless you, little starfish. And I'm not going anywhere, so just forget it. I know you're used to being the one to take care of me, after all the medical dramas I've had in the last three years...but baby, you must be completely delirious if you think I'm just gonna leave you alone like this and go out drinking with Kurt and Santana. Not happening, Rach. So just relax and let me take care of you for a little while, okay?” Quinn smiled sweetly and wrapped a blanket around her girlfriend's shivering shoulders, kissing the end of her nose again. Rachel balked and tried to pull back.

“Baby, you gotta stop that. I dod't wadt you to catch by gerbs,” the dark-haired girl whined, pulling a fresh tissue from the box and blowing her stuffy pink nose again. “You shoulded't eved be sittidg ndext to be like this.” She tried to pull away, but Quinn wrapped both arms tight around her girlfriend's weakly squirming body, and held her captive.

“Cool your jets, bossypants. You're not going anywhere,” Quinn shook her head, raising an eyebrow sternly at Rachel's miserable expression. “I know, I know, you don't want to give me your cold. I'll take lots and lots of vitamins, and I'll wash my hands like a maniac, but I am not gonna stop cuddling you, so just forget it. You've taken care of me tons of times when I was sick, and you hardly ever catch anything. Now it's my turn, okay? Trust me, baby, I'm gonna make you feel lots better...I promise.” The blonde girl leaned in and kissed her anxious girlfriend on the cheek. Rachel sighed and leaned her head back against the wall in exhaustion.

“But you're the one with the crappy immune system,” the dark-haired girl pointed out, grumbling as she rubbed her nose again. “You catch everything that crosses your path, and you know it.”

“So I probably already have your cold germs anyway,” Quinn shrugged, smiling sweetly as she handed her girlfriend another tissue. “Which means there's no point in trying to quarantine myself now. Like I said, I'll take lots of vitamins, and I'll even go to your damn acupuncturist if it'll make you feel better. But I am not giving up my right to cuddle you when you're sick and feeling yucky, so just shut up already and let me take care of you. All right, crankypants?” Quinn raised an eyebrow, and Rachel rolled her eyes, smiling sheepishly back.

“Ohhh...*snfl*...okay,” the little starlet sighed, her body finally relaxing as she leaned her head limply against Quinn's chest. “As lodg as you stay right here ahd dod't...*snfl*...dod't mbove.”

“Yes, ma'am,” Quinn murmured teasingly, threading her fingers soothingly through Rachel's hair until the dark-haired girl yawned and closed her eyes.

“Uhh, I guess...that's...that's okay,” the little starlet mumbled, succumbing to another woozy yawn. Quinn pulled the blanket up a little more snugly around their bodies, and kissed the top of her girlfriend's dark head as she dropped off to sleep, snoring very softly with her breath warming Quinn's throat.

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SO cute!! And amazing as always :) More, please?? (I've been having a mega-craving for some Faberry, and nobody writes it as well as you)

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So good!!!! Question: Is Quinn's bad immune system canon, or just awesome invention? I see it a lot on the forum and was wondering.

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So good!!!! Question: Is Quinn's bad immune system canon, or just awesome invention? I see it a lot on the forum and was wondering.

thx dudes. rsquared, I wish, it's just cannon for me! I write so much freakin' faberry, I have my own faberry universe, and in said universe, quinn's accident last year resulted in a punctured lung and a ruptured spleen, both of which contributed to her getting sick a lot more. and, obviously, on this forum everyone's always just looking for a reason to give their characters the sniffles! ;p

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hey guys, thanks for reviewing!! here's part II, enjoy :)


April Showers

Part 2


“Uhhh, no...stop...gotta stop the car,” Rachel mumbled hoarsely in her sleep, her limp body shifting restlessly against Quinn's under the covers as she whimpered and twitched.

“Shh, Rach, it's okay,” The blonde girl cooed softly, putting down the book she'd been reading and devoting her attention to her girlfriend's bad dream, wrapping both arms around the sleeping girl's shivering body and gently stroking her silky hair. “I'm right here, starfish, we're both safe...shhh, I got you...”

“No, noooo...Quinn...gonna crash, I have t'stop it...please...” Rachel's croaky whispering trailed off as she thrashed weakly under the blankets, coughing and shivering against her girlfriend's chest as Quinn held her close and tried to soothe her.

“Rach, I'm here, I'm safe baby...shhh, please wake up...it's all right, I promise,” the blonde girl hummed, her eyes stinging with tears as she watched her girlfriend re-live the terror of the accident a year ago, when she'd almost died and Rachel had always, always been the strong one. “You don't have to be strong anymore, my sweet girl,” Quinn whispered, rubbing tiny, soothing circles over the back of Rachel's neck with her thumb. “It's all right now, starfish. Everything's all right.”

Finally, with a groan, Rachel blinked woozily up at Quinn, her dark eyes glazed with fever. “Quinnie...you're okay,” she sniffed, and a fat tear slid down her cheek.

“I'm okay,” the blonde girl agreed, leaning down and kissing away the salty tear from her girlfriend's warm face. “You just had a bad dream, cutie-pie. I'm right here, see? I'm fine. You're the one who's not-so-fine right now, huh baby? Let me feel your head, poor thing...” Quinn pressed a hand to her girlfriend's clammy forehead, and Rachel sighed softly and closed her eyes again.

“That feels good,” The little starlet yawned, rubbing her eyes as she let her tense muscles go limp again. “Ughh, it was just a dream...felt so real...” Rachel sniffled wetly, and broke into another rattling cough. Quinn hugged her close and rubbed her back until it passed.

“Poor baby girl, we need to take care of that cough,” Quinn cooed, knowing how upset Rachel would be at the prospect of having to take a break (even a short one) from singing, once the nightmare-wooziness wore off and she realized how sick she was. “I'm gonna go make you some of that Ayurvedic tea you like, okay honeybun?”

“No, don't...*snfl*...dod't go,” Rachel whined, burrowing deeper into her girlfriend's warm arms. “I like you better right here.”

“Aww, honey,” Quinn smiled softly, charmed by how innocent and unguarded her usually alpha-dog girlfriend was under the influence of a slight fever and a bad cold. “I like being right here, too; but I'll only be gone a minute. And when I come back, I'll have some nice hot tea that will make your throat feel better and bring your fever down, okay baby girl?” Quinn stroked a few sleep-mussed locks of dark hair back from her girlfriend's face, and kissed her lightly on the lips. Rachel smiled woozily.

“'Kay,” she finally sighed, with a soft sniffle as she wiped her nose on the back of her hand. “But you have t'have some, too. The immune-boosting one. Or else you have t'stop kissing me.”

“Not gonna happen,” Quinn smirked, leaning in and kissing her sniffling girlfriend again, as if for emphasis. “I'll take the tea, thank you very much.” They grinned at each other in comfortable silence for a moment. Then Rachel's breath hitched, and she pinched her pink-tinged nose hard between her thumb and forefinger.

HhhtCHXeww!!! *Snfl*...” The dark-haired girl curled up weakly on her side, shuddering with the force of her stuffy sneeze and burying her face in the pillow to avoid spraying Quinn with her germs.

“Bless you, Rachie-boo,” The blonde girl hummed affectionately, sitting up to retrieve the box of tissues from the bedside table, and passing them to her sniffling girlfriend.

“Thadks,” Rachel sighed, pulling a tissue from the box and cupping it to her nose for a stuffy-headed blow, which triggered another irritated cough. “Ughh, fuck this...hhuh...hhetchOOoo!! Iiih-iihshhiew!! *Snghf!*” Rachel shivered when she sneezed, her body limp and exhausted and shaking with fever chills.

“Poor baby, you're gonna feel better soon,” Quinn promised, taking advantage of the fact that Rachel had both hands clamped to the tissue over her nose and slipping out from under her in bed. “I'm gonna go make some tea, and then I'll be right back, okay?”

“As lodg as—”

“Yes, fine, I'll make some for myself, too,” Quinn sighed, rolling her eyes with an unwilling smirk.

“Good,” Rachel smirked sleepily back, leaning back contentedly against the pillows. Quinn leaned down and kissed her one more time, then grabbed two mugs and the appropriate tea bags, slipping out the door to the dorm kitchenette down the hall. When she came back, she found her girlfriend in the exact same position, curled up snug in bed with a sneezy expression on her woozy face, and a tissue clamped to her pink nose; only now there was a small pile of damp, crumpled tissues in her lap, too.

“Hey sweetie pie, here's some tea to help you stop sniffling,” the blonde girl hummed softly, sitting on the edge of the bed and putting both tea cups down on the bedside table, as the little starlet was obviously not about to pick it up with that distracted, sneezy expression on her face, eyes half-closed and breath hitching softly.

“It...*snfl*...it wod't stop ihhh, *snfl!*, itchidg...” Rachel whined, leaning her head back wearily against the wall as her eyes fell shut, and she pressed the wadded tissue firmly to the runny pink underside of her cold-ridden nose. “Ahhh'tchoo!! *Snfl.*” She snapped forward weakly, dark hair spilling across her face as she sneezed into the soggy tissue.

“God bless you...poor little thing,” Quinn cooed sympathetically, climbing back under the blankets beside her sick girl and snuggling up to her side, kissing her temple and passing her a few fresh tissues. “Here, sweetie, blow your nose. You'll feel better.”

“'Kay,” Rachel sighed woozily, taking the fresh tissues and dropping the soggy one into the growing pile in her lap. She clamped the tissue to her wet nose with both hands, and blew vigorously into it, rubbing her irritated nostrils through the soft material as they expelled a stream of slick discharge.

“Better?” Quinn asked encouragingly, sweeping a few mussed locks of dark hair out of Rachel's face again.

“Uhh...uh-huh,” Rachel nodded weakly, her eyes already falling shut again as she pressed the damp tissue back to her glistening pink nostrils. “AaahtCHHOO!!! *Snghf.* Aaah...*snfl*...ah, ahhh...” Rachel fought to keep her eyes cracked open, rubbing the snot-slicked underside of her pink nose in rough, urgent circles through the tissue, in a vain attempt to keep the tickle at bay. “EhhISH'shheww!! IihhshOOoo!!! *Snfl*...”

“Poor baby,” Quinn murmured, pulling the blankets up more snugly around her shivering, pink-nosed girlfriend and dropping a soft kiss on her temple. She felt the other girl's breath hitch sharply in her chest, and nuzzled her close as another sneeze trembled on the brink of release inside her congested head and chest.

“Aaht'chheww!! *Snf, snfl*...ah-ahhCHIIEW!!! *Snfl*...ughh...egxcuse be,” The dark-haired girl sighed, wiping the wet tissue absently against her equally wet nose, sleepily sniffling back the dribbles of discharge that slid glistening down her lip.

Bless you, starfish,” Quinn cooed softly, pulling a fresh tissue from the box and gently swiping it across the snot-slicked underside of her girlfriend's stuffy pink nose. Then she folded the tissue in half, and pressed it lightly back to Rachel's wet nose, pinching gently around the underside of her leaking nostrils. “Here, blow.”

Fever-dazed and woozy from the helpless string of sneezes, Rachel was uncharacteristically submissive to her girlfriend's command, and closed her eyes sleepily for a long, satisfying blow into the tissue being held to her pink nose. This time, to Rachel's surprise, the itch actually receded somewhat, as Quinn pinched the material to her itchy nostrils and tugged on the bottom of her stuffy nose with just the right amount of pressure before pulling away.

Now do you feel a little better?” Quinn asked again, kissing the rosy pink tip of her girlfriend's nose with a soft smile of pure devotion.

“Yeah...thadks, baby. You're pretty good at...*snfl*...mbaking be feel better,” Rachel yawned, rubbing her eyes with a sleepy smile.

“Well I learned from the best,” the blonde girl shrugged, picking up the gently steaming tea from the side table and blowing on it before passing it carefully to her girlfriend. “Now, drink.”

“I will if you will,” Rachel nodded stubbornly toward the other cup. Quinn rolled her eyes, but didn't argue, picking up the second cup and taking a sip.

“Yummy,” The blonde girl sighed, beaming as she watched her girlfriend slowly sip her tea. “Now let's watch some bad TV and get our cuddle on, hmm baby? I seem to recall that being an important part of the feel-better routine you always use on me when I'm sick.”

“'Kay,” Rachel yawned, snuggling up contentedly against her girlfriend's warm shoulder. If this was how it felt to get taken care of by her doting and adoring girlfriend, maybe being sick wasn't quite so terrible, after all.

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hello awesome people, here is more faberry fun! enjoy!



April Showers

Part 3


In the morning, Quinn woke up with a dull headache pounding in her sinuses, and a softly snoring Rachel curled half on top of her under the twisted covers. The blonde girl sat up slowly, careful not to wake her sick baby, and rubbed her eyes with a long, drawn-out yawn. Her muscles felt stiff and achy, but she ignored her own body's protests, turning instead to examine her sleeping girlfriend still curled limply beside her in bed. Just the fact that Rachel was snoring—even if only very faintly—was a major red flag, as was the feverish warmth radiating from her flushed face, and the glistening dribble of snot clinging to the underside of her raw, pink nose.

“Poor baby girl,” Quinn murmured to herself with a sigh, reaching across her unconscious girlfriend's body to grab a tissue from the nightstand, and lightly wiping it under the sleeping girl's wet nose. Rachel shifted and made a soft, whimpery sound in the back of her throat; but she didn't wake up. “Shhh,” The blonde girl whispered, running her fingers lightly through her girlfriend's dark hair. “You're okay, my love...shhh, just sleep. We're not going anywhere today, are we?” Quinn yawned again, grateful it was Saturday and neither of them had classes. Rachel's roommate, a high-strung opera major, had come home for all of five seconds last night, taken one look at the dark-haired girl's fever-flushed face and runny nose, and turned right back around and marched out, proclaiming that she was spending the weekend at her boyfriend's. Quinn was just as glad to see her go, since it meant she could spend the whole weekend here, taking care of her baby girl, without any interruptions.

And Quinn intended to take very, very good care of her girlfriend. She knew firsthand what a difference it made to have Rachel's doting attention and care when she wasn't feeling well, and she hardly ever got a chance to return the favor. Not that she was happy to see her girlfriend get sick of course; but she always hated feeling like the weak link in the relationship, even if she knew Rachel didn't see it that way. This time, it was her turn to help her baby girl feel better, and she knew exactly how to do that, thanks to Rachel's good example. Carefully, the blonde girl slipped out from under the covers, sitting up and stretching her bare feet to the cool floor. It wasn't exactly freezing, but it was a little chilly, especially compared with the warmth she'd just left behind under the blankets, and Quinn shivered and wrapped her arms around herself. Stumbling to her feet, she went to Rachel's dresser in search of a warm pair of socks, and maybe a sweatshirt to wear over her pajama top. She wouldn't bother actually getting dressed, since she was only going to the drug store around the corner and back.

“Hhih...hht'chkx!!” Quinn pitched forward over Rachel's dresser with a sudden, ticklish sneeze that came out of nowhere, hastily squelching it in the same snotty tissue she'd just used a minute ago to wipe Rachel's nose. “Ughh...*snfl*...fuuuck,” the blonde girl groaned, wiping her nose miserably. She knew her immune system wasn't good for much these days, since the accident a year ago that scarred her lungs and ruptured her spleen; but couldn't she catch a break just once in a while?

“It doesn't matter,” she sighed softly to herself, wiping her nose again as she pulled on her jacket and grabbed Rachel's key card off the desk. They were already spending the weekend in, and she was already going out for cold supplies. Whatever she got for Rachel, she'd just take some herself on the way home, and the dark-haired girl could be spared the inevitable guilt of feeling like it was somehow her fault that Quinn couldn't go a month without catching a cold these days. Hastily, she scrawled a note for Rachel and left it on the nightstand, giving her sleeping baby one more soft kiss on her warm forehead before slipping out the door.


Rachel, for her part, woke up shivering and cranky a few minutes later, her arms automatically reaching out for the warmth of her girlfriend's body, only to find empty blankets. “Quinnie?” she called out woozily, sniffling and rubbing her eyes as she blinked around at her empty room. Grumbling, she reached for a tissue from the nightstand; and that was when she noticed the note her girlfriend had left.

Good morning starfish,

Don't you dare get out of bed before I get back. You've definitely got a fever and you sound pretty congested, so I'm going to the store to pick up some goodies for you. I know you don't like taking cold meds, but you always make me take them when I need them, and I always feel better after, so suck it up! I'm bringing back breakfast, too, so all you need to do is relax and watch some Saturday morning cartoons. Back in a jiff to make you feel better!

XOXO, angelfish :)

Rachel smiled absently as she read the note, and happily curled back up under the covers, flipping on the TV and settling on the Cartoon Network, coughing and wiping her nose every couple of minutes. She hadn't even gotten halfway through an episode of Spongebob Squarepants when Quinn returned, looking very pleased with herself, her arms full of groceries.

“Hey snifflepuss, you're awake,” the blonde girl grinned, dumping her stuff on the desk and sitting beside her girlfriend on the bed, kissing her and smoothing her bangs back from her forehead. “How do you feel today, hmm babycakes?”

“Ndot...*snfl!*...ndot too bad,” Rachel sighed, wiping her leaky nose on the wadded tissue held absently in her hand. “You dided't have to get all this stuff, you doe.”

“Oh yes I did,” Quinn nodded emphatically, smiling as she began to unpack her goodies onto the desk. “You're not the only one around here who can play nurse, miss bossypants. I know this stuff works from all the times you've forced it down my throat, so now it's your turn. C'mon, open up babe.” The blonde girl made sure to open the package of cold pills inside the grocery bag, so Rachel wouldn't notice that the first dose had already been taken, and handed her the fat red capsules with one eyebrow raised sternly.

“Geez, yes dear,” Rachel grinned sheepishly, with no smart retort for once as she accepted the pills and gulped them down with a sip of cold water from the bottle Quinn handed her.

“Good girl. Now we're gonna lie here and spend the day drinking tons of fluids and watching cartoons. Maybe we'll work in a hot shower later if you feel up for it, to help clear out your stuffy head a little. Sound good?” The blonde girl smiled sweetly, snuggling up to her girlfriend and stroking her dark hair.

“That souhds...*snfl*...pretty awesombe, actually,” Rachel nodded, returning her girlfriend's grin woozily. “I thidk I like it whed you play ndurse...*snnfl*...ahhtchOOoo!!! *Snfl.*” The little starlet shivered and pitched forward weakly in bed, pressing the crumpled tissue in her hands back up to her cold-filled pink nose as the breathless, stuffy sneeze seized her body.

“Bless you, starfish,” Quinn cooed, kissing Rachel's forehead again and passing her another tissue.

“Uhh, thag you,” the dark-haired girl sighed, wiping and blowing her wet nose on the fresh tissue while Quinn unpacked the rest of the stuff from the grocery bag, including a bag of cough drops, a few more boxes of tissues, some Vicks vapo-rub, two large bottles of vitamin water, and two small to-go containers of oatmeal from the food cart on the corner.

“I got your favorite Dominican style oatmeal with cinnamon,” the blonde girl yawned, popping the lids off the gently steaming containers and sticking a plastic spoon from the bottom of the bag into each. “So no...*snf!*...no complaining, okay? You gotta eat.” Quinn pushed one of the containers toward her girlfriend, then hastily turned the other way to wipe her nose. Rachel, thankfully, was focused on her oatmeal and didn't seem to notice.

“Yeah, okay...thadks, baby. This is...*snghf*...exactly what I wadt right dnow. You're the best.”

“No, you're the best,” Quinn beamed, rubbing her eyes with a soft yawn. “Now let's see if there are any cheesy movies on TV we can watch...” As she reached for the remote, Quinn's eyes fluttered in sync with a ticklish twinge in the back of her head, and she hastily pressed two fingers to her flaring nostrils, feeling the slick dribble of snot against her knuckles. “Aaah...iiihshew!! *Snfl.*” The blonde girl jerked forward in her seat at the edge of the bed, sneezing irrepressibly into her lap with two fingers pressed urgently to her running nose.

“Oh, crap. Bless you baby,” Rachel groaned, rubbing her forehead miserably as she watched her girlfriend snatch a tissue from the box and blow wetly into it. “I'mb so sorry I got you sick, I should've mbade you go hobe last ndight...”

Made me? Cut the crap, Rach, c'mon,” Quinn sighed, rubbing her nose irritably on the crumpled tissue. “You don't make me do anything, and I don't make you do anything, either. We take care of each other because we...*snfl*...we want to. I just really wanted to take care of you for once...” Quinn shook her head miserably as her eyes welled up with tears, which she brushed away angrily.

“Baby, stop. You take care of be every day,” Rachel sighed, curling up against her girlfriend's back at the edge of the bed, and wrapping her arms around the taller girl's shoulders. “Takidg care of each other...it's dot just for whed you're sick, you doe that. When I'b...*snghf!*...I'b spazzidg out over a performbandce ahd stayihg up all ndight id the dandce studio, who combes to get be? Whed I start actidg crazy because I mbade ode little mbistake ohd a test, who takes be out for karaoke to mbake be forget about it, huh? Who?”

“Me,” Quinn sighed, and Rachel could feel her shoulders going limp in defeat; or maybe it was just exhaustion. “I just...*snfl*...really wanted to take care of you while you're sick, like you take care of me. I hate being such a...a weakling...*snghhf*...” Quinn's voice trailed off into a snotty sniffle, and Rachel could feel her breath hitching weakly in her chest, producing a soft, wheezy sound from deep in her scarred lungs.

“Aww, baby, it's okay,” the dark-haired girl murmured, rubbing her girlfriend's back in soothing circles as her breath hitched jaggedly, and her leaking nose strained to suck in more air.

“Hh—hhih—ehhihtchiuh!! Iih'iishhew!!! *Snfl*...” Quinn shivered and sneezed into a fresh tissue, pressing it firmly to the wet underside of her nose in an attempt to quell the itch there before in bloomed into another sneeze; but the woozy expression plastered to her face when she raised her head suggested otherwise.

Bless you, poor baby,” Rachel sighed, stroking her girlfriend's pale cheek and kissing the tip of her runny nose, a sympathetic smile on her fever-flushed face. “I doe it sucks, I wish I could mbake you ndot get sick adymbore...but hondestly, I'mb just so glad you're still here with be, ahd you're...*snfl*...walkidg, ahd everything...I'b fide with adythidg id exchandge for that. Eved if we had to live id a bubble for the rest of our lives.” Quinn chuckled wearily behind her soggy tissue.

“I don't...*snf!*...don't think it'll come to that,” the blonde girl sighed, kicking off her shoes and climbing back under the covers beside her girlfriend. “But you're right, Rach...I should focus on the good stuff, not the bad. I mean, I could've been stuck in that wheelchair for the rest of my life. I could've...*snfl*...could've lost a limb, I could be dead now. I really shouldn't...hhuh...shouldn't c-complain...aaah'iihtchiuh!!! *Snfl.*” Quinn sneezed breathlessly into the damp tissue she held absently to her face, shivering weakly. And, Rachel suddenly noticed, Quinn was obviously getting feverish, too, if the thin sheen of sweat on the blonde girl's ivory-pale face and throat was any indication.

“It's okay to complain a little,” Rachel smiled sweetly, rubbing Quinn's arm consolingly. “I'mb sorry you don't feel good, Quinnie-pie. But at least I can help you feel better, huh baby? Where's that box of the cold pills you got me?”

“Oh...I actually already took some on my way home,” Quinn admitted sheepishly, with a weak smile for her girlfriend, who raised an eyebrow expectantly. “I just didn't want you to feel guilty...and I...*snfl*...kind of liked it when it was me taking care of you.”

“I liked it too,” Rachel agreed with a soft yawn, dropping her head against Quinn's shoulder. “So how about, you keep doing it...you just have to let me take care of you, too. 'Kay?”

“Okay,” the blonde girl agreed with a sleepy grin, tilting her girlfriend's chin up and kissing her lightly on the lips. Rachel sighed softly into the kiss; then her lower lip quivered, and she jerked back and ducked her head against Quinn's shoulder as her breath caught deep in her chest.

“Uhh'ehhtchOOoo!!! *Snfl,*” Rachel sneezed dazedly into her hands, so wrapped up in Quinn's lips for that one brief moment, she hadn't had any brain cells left to remind her to grab a tissue.

“God bless you,” Quinn cooed, passing her sniffling girlfriend a tissue and stroking a lock of her hair back from her face.

“Thadk you,” Rachel sighed, wiping roughly at her nose. “Ndow c'bod, we have oatmbeal to eat. I will if you will.”

“'Kay,” Quinn agreed, yawning softly as she picked up her little cup of oatmeal, and snuggled down against the pillows next to her girlfriend's warm body, happy to be exactly where she was.

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ok, seriously??? where all my peeps at? new post has been up 2 days! anybody still here? just checking... toot.gif

Edited by wannablessedbe
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haha, thx guys! just wanted to make sure I wasn't just talking to myself here ;)

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I didn't se this! Omg this is totally amazing! I love reading it! Please keep it going!

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Hey guys, thanks for the reviews--you rock! Here is a new part, enjoy :D


Quinn was jolted out of a half-awake daze by the quiet vibration of her phone buzzing in her pocket, making her open her eyes blearily and shift slightly against Rachel's still-sleeping body. The Cartoon Network was still playing on low volume on the TV on Rachel's dresser, but obviously it hadn't been enough to keep either of their eyes open for long. Yawning, the blonde girl pulled her phone out of her pocket and answered it without bothering to see who it was first.

"Hello?" She murmured, slipping out of bed and crossing over to the desk so as not to disturb her girlfriend's rest.

"Dude, will you come let us into this stupid dorm already? It's like the freaking Pentagon down here." The blonde girl smiled sleepily at Santana's familiar and utterly irreverent voice, already standing up and looking for her shoes and a hoodie to throw over her PJ's.

"Yeah, hold on. I'm coming down." Quinn hung up and rubbed her eyes, woozy and shivering as she pulled on her old WMHS Cheerios sweatshirt that always somehow seemed to end up in Rachel's closet, and headed down the stairs to collect her best friend.

"About time," Santana rolled her eyes when Quinn opened the heavy front door, finding not only Santana, but Kurt as well, waiting on the welcome mat. "Hummelina was this close to giving me another makeover by the time you got down here, Q."

"Hi, guys. C'mon in," Quinn chuckled, ushering her friends out of the chilly spring rain and into the warmth of the cozy dorm. "I didn't know you were coming over, Rachel's still sleeping. Did we have plans today?" The blonde girl was rubbing her eyes again as she led her friends up the ornate wooden staircase, shivering slightly even under her warm flannel pajamas and hooded sweatshirt.

"No, we just wanted to check in on our little chicklets and make sure you're both taking care of yourselves properly," Kurt shrugged, holding up the Whole Foods bag he was carrying to illustrate his point. "I can't even remember the last time we saw Rachel take a sick day, so this bug must be pretty gruesome. We brought some provisions to make her seclusion a little more bearable."

"Thanks, that was really sweet of you," the blonde girl yawned, smiling sleepily as she ushered her friends down the long hallway to her girlfriend's dorm room. "Shh," she whispered sternly to them as she cracked the door open; but the little starlet was already awake, sitting up in bed and coughing harshly into one hand, her face normally olive-toned face pale and shining with sweat.

"I woke up and you weren't here," Rachel whined plaintively, pouting as her girlfriend's blonde head appeared in the doorway. "I missed you."

"Aww, I'm sorry babycakes," Quinn cooed softly, crossing immediately to the little starlet's side and climbing back into bed beside her, cuddling her close and kissing her feverish temple. "But look who came to visit? And they brought presents, too." Rachel rubbed her eyes and looked up at the two new faces in her room, giving her friends a woozy half-smile.

"It's the odd couple," the dark-haired girl grinned, using the nickname she'd jokingly given her two friends when they'd become roommates in Williamsburg. "Sorry we missed...k-karaoke night...ehhkxchOOoo!!!" Rachel shivered weakly and hid her face against Quinn's shoulder as the breathless sneeze tumbled out of her; and her girlfriend kissed the top of her head and handed her a fresh tissue.

"It's okay, mija," Santana smiled indulgently, her face unusually gentle as she sat down on the edge of the bed and reached out to feel Rachel's fever-flushed face with her hand. "Pobrecita, you're really hot."

"That's what she said," Rachel giggled, waggling her eyebrows suggestively and poking Quinn teasingly between her ribs. The blonde girl chuckled and rolled her eyes.

"Ignore her. She's slightly delirious." The blonde girl shook her head with a weak smile, pulling up the blankets more securely around her giggling girlfriend. "I was just gonna make some more tea...do you guys...*snfl*...do you want some?" She pulled a crumpled tissue from her pocket and pressed it to her nose as an irksome trickle of snot slipped from one flared nostril. "Hhh...hht'chhiiew!!! *Snfl.*" Quinn's shoulders jerked with the force of the stuffy sneeze, her runny nose pinched tight in the now-damp tissue.

"Bless you," said three voices all at once, as Rachel nestled up snugly against her side and Kurt ruffled her hair affectionately.

"I think you should stay right there, and I should make the tea," the fair-skinned boy observed wryly, raising an eyebrow at his sniffling friend.

"Yeah...okay," Quinn sighed, wiping her wet nose absently on the crumpled tissue. "I...*snnghf*...I tried ndot to catch it, but I...*snfl*...I couldn't help it..." Her eyes welled up again as her breath began to hitch, and a fresh trail of watery discharge dribbled gently down her lip. Rachel kissed her on the cheek and handed her a fresh tissue. Quinn took it wordlessly, cupping it urgently to her runny nose just as she doubled over with another breathlessly congested "Ahh'tchhew!!"

"Goodness, God bless you," Kurt tutted, taking a slight step back from the bed as Quinn blew her stuffy nose into the tissue. "Good thing we brought plenty of soup and throat drops, huh?"

"Thanks, you guys," Rachel sighed, giving her friends a wan smile as she dropped her head wearily against her girlfriend's shoulder. Santana, meanwhile, crawled across the bed to sit beside her best friend, reaching out to feel Quinn's forehead as she had done with Rachel.

"You know you've got a fever too, bubble girl," The Latina noted with an anxious frown, using the nickname she'd given her best friend due to her frequent bouts of illness since the accident last year.

"Yeah, I...I, uhhh...ihhihshhiew!!! *Snfl*...I doe," Quinn sighed, coughing and blowing her nose again into the crumpled tissue she held. "We both already took some cold meds, it's no biggie. We're definitely not going to have a very interesting weekend, but there are...*snghf*...there are worse things in the world than a weekend in bed." She turned and kissed her girlfriend's warm forehead, and cuddled up a little more snugly against her under the blankets.

"Who says you can't have fun while you're stuck in bed, hmm?" Kurt demanded playfully, arching an eyebrow as he stood up and fetched his messenger bag. "This could be just the opportunity I've been waiting for to catch you all up on RuPaul's Drag Race. All-weekend-marathon, anyone?" Santana groaned and rolled her eyes.

"Okay, if I have to sit here and watch fruity wanna-be fashion victims prance around and lip sync all weekend long, I am definitely going to need more junk food. I'm going to the vending machines, k? And I'll bring the two of you some damn tea before you cough up a lung." It was a lot less shocking than it once would've been to see Santana cave so willingly to a weekend in, and act so protective towards her sick friends, giving them both a kiss on the top of their heads before she swept out of the room with a saucy wink.

"She's really growing," Rachel observed with a soft yawn, grabbing a fresh tissue as Kurt pulled out a stack of DVDs and began organizing them chronologically. "She didn't even threaten us with physical violence for voluntarily giving up a weekend in the city."

"Yes, I do believe I am having a salubrious effect on our friend from Lima Heights Adjacent," Kurt smiled proudly, popping the first DVD into the player. "The other day she even made me breakfast without being asked. And I've noticed that she seems to have adopted a new and, dare I say it, complementary set of nicknames for us. I haven't heard her call you man-hands or treasure trail in ages, Rach."

"Yeah," Rachel nodded woozily, pinching her nose roughly in a wadded tissue as she sniffled back the wet itch in her head. "She calls me shortcake now...it's actually pretty...hhuh...p-pretty cute...ahh'ISHHshew!! HhitchOOoo!!! *Snfl*..." The little starlet shivered and sneezed helplessly into the used-up tissue, and sniffled miserably, pulling several fresh ones from the box and wiping her wet nose once before blowing prodigiously into the bundle.

"Bless you, babycakes," Quinn cooed, curling up against her girlfriend's side with a soft yawn.

"Quinn, sweetie, would you rather we just clear out of here and let you both rest? You look like you're about to fall asleep," Kurt tutted protectively, abandoning his DVDs for a moment as he sat on the edge of the bed and watched his two friends snuggle up like sleepy kittens.

"No, stay," the blonde girl yawned, rubbing her eyes as Rachel curled up against her and began lazily rubbing her stomach. "It's nice to hear your voices...even if it's just to argue with Santi about whether lip syncing is a valid form of performance art."

"Uh-huh," Rachel agreed absently, closing her eyes with a congested sniffle. "Staying good...leaving bad." She nuzzled her face sleepily into the fabric of Quinn's hoodie with a soft sigh.

"Well all right then. All-day Drag Race marathon it is," Kurt chuckled, popping in the first DVD just as Santana returned with snacks and tea for everyone.

Edited by wannablessedbe
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