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Now that I've found another fandom I'm interested in, I decided to give the drabble challenge a try once more. This time around, I'm going to be writing 100 word drabbles about Naruto. I've only seen the first hundred or so episodes, so I'll be working with canon up until that point, but I'll branch out as I watch more.

Enjoy, and please let me know what you think.

1 - Kink :: 2 - Science Fiction :: 3 - Frightened :: 4 - Fake :: 5 – Pencil :: 6 – Squint :: 7 – Misplaced :: 8 – Joy :: 9 - Touched :: 10 – Cough :: 11 – Hot/Cold :: 12 – Sin :: 13 – Care :: 14 – Frail :: 15 – The End :: 16 – Three :: 17 – Never :: 18 – Midnight :: 19 – Promise :: 20 – Fight :: 21 – Pollen :: 22 – Embarrassment :: 23 – Alcohol :: 24 – Mask :: 25 – Mistake :: 26 – Suspicion :: 27 – Disagreement :: 28 – Assignment :: 29 – Purple :: 30 – June :: 31 – Calculating :: 32 – Fall :: 33 – Cry :: 34 – Relief:: 35 – Breath :: 36 – Miserable :: 37 – Chocolate :: 38 – Violent :: 39 – Muffle :: 40 – Swift :: 41 – Run :: 42 – Poison :: 43 – Contagion :: 44 – Tissue :: 45 – Sore :: 46 – Enraptured :: 47 – Wary :: 48 – Pathetic :: 49 – Sweat :: 50 – Gentle :: 51 – Milk :: 52 – Ravenous :: 53 – Blanket :: 54 – Needles :: 55 – Sports :: 55 – Ruin :: 56 – Lovely :: 57 – Hospital :: 58 – Annoying :: 59 – Mother :: 60 – Bike :: 61 – Idiot :: 62 – Puppy :: 63 – Control :: 64 – Unfair :: 65 – Similarities :: 66 – Raincoat :: 67 – Worship :: 68 – Attitude :: 69 – Fuck :: 70 – Confession :: 71 – Floor :: 72 – Remedy :: 73 – Don't :: 74 – Ego :: 75 – Heartless :: 76 – Lullaby :: 77 – Secret :: 78 – Shut Up :: 79 – Music :: 80 – Grudge :: 81 – Solitude :: 82 – Magic :: 83 – Dirty :: 84 – City :: 85 – Teacher :: 86 – Sky :: 87 – Hypocrite :: 88 – Tattoo :: 89 – Money :: 90 – Childhood :: 91 – Goodbye :: 92 – Victory :: 93 – Weather :: 94 – Photo :: 95 – Rage :: 96 – Internet:: 97 – Fashion :: 98 – Favor :: 99 – Lazy :: 100 – Airplane

Series: Naruto

Characters: Kakashi

Word Count: 100

Prompt #24 – Mask

A line of fire spreads through Kakashi's sinuses, and he realizes he's about to sneeze. Before he can react to his information, he does. “Huhheh—hehpSCHOO!” His slowness is because he has a cold—which means that he ought to have been prepared to start sneezing, but the cold is making him dopey, too. He wasn't prepared, and so he didn't take off his mask, and now snot is dribbling down his mask and into his shirt. He peels it off, frowning, then searches his room for an actual sanitary mask. He cannot, after all, allow anyone to see his face.

Series: Naruto

Characters: Naruto

Word Count: 100

Prompt # 94 – Photo

“Okay, one...” The camera is ready, and the flash is about to go off. Naruto is posing for his Ninja ID card, and he has his makeup and his dangerous snarl set to go. As he tries to hold the pose, an itch blooms in his sinuses. He scrunches his nostrils, unable to touch them for fear of messing up his makeup. “Two...” The itch gets worse, and Naruto pants, and sniffs, and tries to hold it in until the photographer is finished. “Three...” The flash goes off.


“Well, that photo's ruined. Try again?”

Series: Naruto

Characters: Kiba, Akamaru

Word Count: 100

Prompt # 62 – Puppy

“You're bullshitting me, right?” Kiba blinks, and wipes a film of tears from his irritated eyes. He sniffles thickly, and strokes Akamaru, the puppy curled up in his lap. “I'm not allergic to dogs. Sniff. I've lived with dogs my whole life. Akamaru is my partner. I can't use half of my techniques without him, and I can't use the other half if my nose is stuffed up and I...hrrahhh-CHHR! CHHR! Sniff. Can't smell.” The doctor shrugs apologetically, and hands him a list of herbs that will combat his symptoms. Kiba groans, causing Akamaru to whine in sympathy.

Edited by Natto
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Aaa~ So cute~!!! And so nostalgic for me; it's been a while since I watched this show (or read it, for that matter), but I still love it!

Great job!! :D

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@ Natsuko - I'm glad you like it! Naruto is...not nostalgic for me, since I avoided it when I was young, but I'm really enjoying it now.

@ Hollowication - Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying it! Also, your screen name is excellent.

Here are three more drabbles--the first one involving Shikamaru, my favorite character, and the third one with the first sick female. I tend to prefer males, but I want to torment the ladies at least a little. Anyway, enjoy, and let me know at you think!

Series: Naruto

Characters: Shikamaru

Word Count: 100

Prompt # 99 – Lazy

It's not that Shikamaru likes having a cold. He doesn't. He likesbeing able to go ten seconds without wiping snot off of his upper lip or snorting into a tissue. He likesbeing able to talk without triggering a coughing fit, and he likes not feeling like there are bugs crawling around in his sinuses. He likes having the energy to move. But he also likes not having to. He likes being allowed to skip training without being scolded. He likes being allowed to lie in bed doing nothing. If anybody doesn't like it, he'll just sneeze on them.

Characters: Ino, Sakura, Sasuke

Word Count: 100

Prompt # 13 – Care

"Guess what?" says Sakura, smirking with pleasure. She loves these after-training gossip sessions with her rival, Ino. She loves being able to rub all the time she spends with Sasuke in her face.

"What?" says Ino, chewing on a strand of her hair.

"Sasuke came to practice with this miserable cold. His nose was the same color as my hair, and he couldn’t stop sniffling, it was so cute. I bought him a cup of tea after practice, and he thanked me!” Sakura laughs. “I hope he comes to practice tomorrow. I’m going to take care of him so hard!”

Characters: Tsunade, Shizune

Word Count: 100

Prompt # 23 – Alcohol

“Tsunade-sama, you need to get up! You can't fall asleep in a puddle, you'll get sick!” Shizune is thinking of waterborne illnesses, but Tsunade shouts at the top of her lungs that she never catches colds, and Shizune has nothing to worry about. “You can't go to sleep drunk, either! Let's go home!” Shizune pulls on her boss' arm, then watches in horror as Tsunade's nose begins to wrinkle.

“My nose is stuffy...” she slurs, sniffling and taking another swig of her vodka. “HRAACHHOO!” The sneeze is sudden, and water splashes on them both. Shizune sighs.

Edited by Natto
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So awesome, and so in character (which is something I personally strive for)!!! Please keep it up! :D

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@ Natsuko - Thanks! I definitely think it's important to stay in character. Half the fun of this is seeing how different characters react to...certain...scenarios. If they're not acting like themselves, it's not as fun.

@ Emily - Happy to do so!

Here's the next three! I tried to branch out and use some characters I haven't used before. I have a feeling I'll be returning to a few favorites, but Naruto has such a great cast, I want to make sure I write about a bunch of different people. If anyone has any particular requests, either for a character or a concept, or both, let me know--but remember, as of right now I'm on episode 132 of the anime (a little while after Kimimaro showed up) so don't request anything after that point until I say otherwise.


Characters: Hinata, Neji

Word Count: 100

Prompt # 48 – Pathetic

Ihh...ippiishuu!” Hinata folds up a tissue and presses it to her chapped, pink nose. Neji blinks, and asks her if there's anything he can do to help. Sniffling between words, Hinata rasps, “do. Just...dod't tell by father that I'b sigck...he'll be worried, ad he'll be bad adt be...hiipiichhuuu!” The tissue falls out of it's neat square. Hinata folds it back up, and quietly blows her nose. “He'll thingk I'b pathedic...”

Neji doesn't tell his cousin that her father already thinks she's pathetic. He agrees, because if he knows about it, Hiashi will blame Neji for Hinata's illness.

Characters: Naruto, Sasuke

Word Count: 100

Prompt # 61 – Idiot

The salty steam wafting out of the bowl of ramen is one of life's greatest pleasures, one which Naruto is currently enjoying. He grins as the steam envelops his face, and drifts up his nose.

His nose itches. He scrubs it with his index finger, and snorts. His eyes shut, his breath hitches, and he lets out a massive, uncovered sneeze that sprays Sasuke's arm. Naruto doesn't apologize. Instead, he moans, “oh noooo. I'm allergic to ramen! It's all I eat! My life is over!”

Sasuke snaps, “You're not allergic to ramen, you idiot, you just randomly sneezed.”

Characters: Rock Lee

Word Count: 100

Prompt # 18 – Midnight

That last kick pitches Lee into a pile of leaves. He drags himself up, groaning, and gets himself into position for the next kick. For missing one, he'll have to do a thousand more. It matters that Gai-sensei told him to sleep off his cold, but it doesn't matter quite enough to stop him. He wipes his drippy nose on the back of his hand, coughs a bit, and lunges once more at his target, a wooden board nailed to a tree in the woods.

At dawn, he stumbles home, coughing and sneezing, for an hour of sleep before practice.

Edited by Natto
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This is really good!!! Thank you so much for writing this!! :D You are really good at this and the characters are written perfectly. I am so looking forward to more. :D Ummmm on another note........could you write one about Itachi? :blush: pretty please? aaevil.gif Love me some Itachi torture....... Wait,,,,I mean did I just say that out loud? aaevil.gif

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  • 9 months later...

Hello everyone! At the prodding of Starry_Screamer, I decided to start posting in this drabble thread again, after nearly a year of absence. Zane, I know it's late, but I did write one Itachi drabble as per your request! Apologies about the bolded font, I'm having issues with formatting.

Series: Naruto

Characters: Konan, Nagato

Word Count: 100

Prompt #44 – Tissue

“Blow your nose,” says Konan, pulling a sheet of soft paper from her pliant skin. She's best at creating hard writing paper with her jutsu, but she can soften it enough that it won't hurt Nagato's delicate face. She presses the tissue to his nose, wishing briefly that he could move his own arms. Nagato complies, attempts to rid himself of the congestion from his rain-caught cold.

“Thagk you,” rasps Nagato. Konan nods, ejecting a stack of tissues from her arm into a nearby desk drawer.

Series: Naruto

Characters: Ino, Sakura

Word Count: 100

Prompt #56 – Lovely

“Well, don't we look lovely,” snorts Ino. She and Sakura are staring into Ino's bedroom mirror, attempting to hide their matching colds with makeup.

“If by lovely you mean like dribbly-nosed zombies, then yes, we look love...hapkkshiu!” Sakura scrubs underneath her nose, and sniffles. “Do you think I can get rid of the bags under my eyes with foundation, or am I just screwed?”

“Probably screwed.” Ino snorts into a tissue, then tosses it into a garbage can overflowing with used ones. “Ugh, whatever. The world will just have to live without our beauty until we're well.”

Series: Naruto

Characters: Itachi, Kisame

Word Count: 100

Prompt # 73 – Don't

Kisame sets down a steaming cup of tea on Itachi's dresser. Itachi shakes his head. “No, thank you,” he wheezes. “Don't give me anything.” He coughs violently, pounds on his chest. Kisame tells him that he sounds like he could use the tea. “N-no...thank you, really, I just...ahh-CHH! I don't want anything that will alleviate discomfort. I deserve every single bad thing that happens to me.”

“Yeah, because slogging through a cold will give you enough karma points to make up for killing your parents. Don't be an idiot.” Kisame leaves the room, tea still steaming on the dresser.

Edited by Natto
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XDDD heh.gif Ahem, anyway. On to my fangirling.

ITACHIIIIII~ *huggles Itachi* The poor baby!! Hmph, being so stubborn. xD That's so in character for him. Also KISAME~ I haven't fangirled over Kisame in a while. I guess it was overdue!

Konan and Nagato. *siiiigh* I don't know why but Nagato makes me sad whenever I look at him. XD Ohhhh but it was adorable all the same!! Just the kind of thing Konan would do.

PSSSST..... I updated my Naruto drabble thread too. 8D If you wanna have a look. XDD

I'd like to see some... uhhh... Deidara or Sasori maybe? xD You don't have to, but if you want to, it would make me squee and flail like I did over Itachi's. And the story you wrote me. X'DDD (Ignore the fact that puppets aren't supposed to be able to sneeze. Fetish fic doesn't have to make sense. heh.gif)

I LOVE YOU FOR STARTING THIS UP AGAIN~ Next Naruto drabble in my thread is gonna be dedicated to you for your awesomeness. ^^ hug.gif

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@ Starry_Screamer: Thank you so much for commenting! I wasn't sure if it was worth reviving this thread, since it had been dead for nearly a year and I didn't think anybody would still be interested. Knowing that at least one person is makes me happy!

Yeahh...I think that Itachi feels really guilty about what happened with his family, and that he probably seeks small ways to punish himself. Even if it's something as minor as not treating a cold, I don't think that he'd think himself worthy of any sort of comfort. And I don't think Kisame would be exactly supportive of that!

Everything about Nagato is sad. I didn't really like him much at first, since his motivation seemed...kind of clichéd? And I thought at first that he was the endpoint of Akatsuki, and I thought that his motives were bad storytelling. But he grew on me as his character was developed...and knowing that there's more reasons for the existence of Akatsuki than just his trauma makes me like him better.

Your wish is my command! This next batch includes Sasori and Deidara. If you (or any other readers) have more requests, let me know!

Characters: Orochimaru, Sasuke, Kabuto

Word Count: 100

Prompt # 27 – Disagreement

“It's a shame that you're sick,” hisses Orochimaru. Sasuke drains his nose into a dirty scrap of cloth. “But don't think that you can get out of training. Your body must be ready for me when I need it.”

Kabuto crosses his arms, grunts impatiently. “That's exactly why he shouldn't train! If he strains himself, his cold could turn into a serious infection, which could damage his body and make him less suitable as a host.”

“Oh don't be ridiculous,” scoffs Orochimaru. Sasuke ignores them both.

Characters: Kiba, Sakura, Akamaru

Word Count: 100

Prompt # 54 – Needles

“I'b dot scared. Sniff. Id's just a deedle. I'b dot a borod. Sniff.” Kiba scratches Akamaru's ear, and the dog whines in sympathy.

“Exactly. It's just a needle. One which is going to help you not be allergic to your dog.” Sakura swabs a spot on his arm, and prepares the shot. “Relax.”

Kiba shuts his burning eyes, tries not to notice the needle. Then an itch suddenly flashes through his sinuses, and he pitches forward, sneezing. The needle skids on his skin. “Shit. Sorry Kiba, but you moved. We have to do this again. Need a tissue?”

Characters: Sasori, Deidara.

Word Count: 100

Prompt # 58 – Annoying

“I'm not technically alive, so no, I can't get sick. Good thing too, human afflictions take so bloody long to get over.” A small creaking sound is heard. A grin slides onto Deidara's face.

“Are you sure? Because that sounded like a sniffle to me.”

“I don't have organic parts. Germs would have nothing to infect. My nose is made of wood, I can't sniffle.”

“Well, you sound sick. I think you're a fuck...ing...hhh...li...ar....HHPH-CHIEW!” Deidara's nose disappears into his sleeve.

“Maybe you're obsessed with the idea because you're sick,” says Sasori, rolling his wooden eyes.

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The one with Orochimaru and Sasuke and Kabuto was cute... but maybe that's just because I'm an Orochimaru nut. biggrin.png

... Aaaaaand... the one with Sasori and Deidara...


... *goes off to clean up what's left of her brain*

I giggled so hard. Hahahaha, Deidara, stop pestering Sasori-danna and just take care of yourself. And Sasori's comments. heh.gif BLAHAHAHAHA THEY'RE SO PRECIOUS. ... And hawt.

Also, Itachiiiii from earlier. *sigh* TOO BAD, I'M GOING TO TAKE CARE OF YOU. HAHA. *steals Itachi* I don't care what you say, Itachi, you're going to be taken care of, FETISH FANGIRL STYLE~! BWAHAHAHAHA. It's like being taken care of by a doctor but with more fussing and squealing and flailing.


Lol!! I knoooooow I shouldn't request anything else BUT...




For some reason I've been wanting to see something about Zetsu because I'm quite possibly the weirdest person on the planet? XDDD *makes a mental note to write something about him herself as well later*


Also, you rock. YOU HAVE SO MUCH SUPPORT FROM ME, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW. YOU... DON'T EVEN... KNOW. hug.gif X'D *realizes she sounded kind of creepy there*

Weeeeell... enjoy zee rest of your day~! XD

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@ Starry_Screamer: I always love your reactions to my work, they're so enthusiastic! It makes me happy. Anyway, you can request whatever you want, I'm asking for people to suggest things! In this case, I didn't make Zetsu sneeze, but I did include him. Hopefully, you like what I did decide to do. Thank you so much for your comment! Again, if there's anything that you (or any other reader) want to see, let me know!!

@ greetingsfromboston: Well, dogs play a pretty big part in Naruto, so I'll probably returning to that topic at some point. Thanks for commenting!

Characters: Shikamaru, Ino, Choji

Word Count: 100

Prompt # 33 – Cry

“Shikamaru, what is this I hear about you crying in front of Choji?” Ino shakes her teammate's shoulder, and pokes him in the chest. “You know that Choji gets all worked up about stuff like that, especially if you don't explain what the problem is. Why were you being a jerk to your best friend, huh? And what were you crying for?” She pulls away, puts her hands on her hips. “You can talk to me if there's a problem, you know.

“I wasn't cryig. Sniff. By eyes are just waderig. By...aller...gi...HHPPH! CHH! Are actidg up. Thad's all.”

Characters: Iruka, Naruto

Word Count: 100

Prompt # 85 – Teacher

Despite the disinfectant stench of cough drops, and the boxes of tissues scattered on Iruka-sensei's desk, it doesn't occur to Naruto that his teacher might be sick. He did not think that Iruka-sensei might have less patience for his students running on top of the desks and throwing pencils at each other.

He's taken aback when Iruka screams at him to get down and do his work or he will personally expel him from ninja academy. So taken aback that he doesn't laugh when Iruka sneezes and it sounds better suited to a little girl. Instead, he does his work.

Characters: Deidara, Zetsu

Word Count: 100

Prompt # 21 – Pollen

“Welcome to Akatsuki. Before we decide on your missions, I must ask...do you have any allergies?” Deidara shakes his head vigorously, despite the growing itch in his nose. “Okay,” says Pain. “Good. Because you might have some missions with Zetsu, and he produces pollen. If you're allergic, that could be a serious problem.”

Zetsu waves, a cloud of pollen wafting from his body. Deidara doubles over in an unstoppable sneeze. Little prickly knives are cutting up his sinuses, and his nose is running profusely. “I'm not...hhkk—CH! HehhhCHH! Hkkph—CHIEW! I'm not allergic to...Hhk-CHH! I have a cold right now. Really.”

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*sighs* Oh Deidara, why torture yourself? (But I'm not complaining >:3)

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*points up* I AGREE WITH AKA-CHAN. xD

Also, I loved it. It made me giggle soooo hard. Lol Zetsu, we all know you did that on purpose. And poor Deidara. But like Aka said, I'm definitely not complaining! BWAHAHA. There must be moar Deidara... XD

Aaaaand I suppose that's my request? XD I can't get enough of Deidara and Sasori, they're so awesome... wub.png


In conclusion: *flail flail flail* MY GOD YOU ARE AMAZING WRITER AND I heart.gif YOU~~

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@ Akahana: Deidara doesn't seem like the type who would spare himself any pain or inconvenience if he thinks that something else is more important. Poor dear. XD; Thanks for commenting, and I'm glad you're enjoying it!

@ Starry_Screamer: I'm sorry! I couldn't think of anything else for Deidara this time around. I've already written him with a cold and with allergies, and my brain was short-circuiting a bit trying to come up with another scenario. I also wanted to work with some characters I haven't worked with yet. But he'll show up again, I promise! Deidara has not been abandoned! Thank you for your super-enthusiastic comments! I'm also probably going to write Iruka again, because "frustrated teacher" is a very interesting trope for me!

Series: Naruto

Characters: Hidan, Kakuzu

Word Count: 100

Prompt # 67 – Worship

“Aw, fuck, I'm sorry Kakuzu, but Lord Jashin demands that I sacrifice this cat. I have to sacrifice lots of species or He won't be satisfied. Sucks you're allergic, but can you just fucking deal with it for a minute? It won't take long.”

Kakuzu presses a sleeve to his itchy nose, and grunts in agreement. This is better than Hidan wasting valuable ninja on his Jashin bullshit. The cat won't lose Akatsuki any money; Kakuzu can endure a little discomfort. He sneezes into a crumpled tissue, and watches Hidan kill a cat through a film of indifferent tears.

Series: Naruto

Characters: Temari, Kankuro, Gaara

Word Count: 100

Prompt # 16 – Three

Temari when Temari has a cold: Id's do big deal, I'b fide. Srrff. Just by dose beig ad idiot. Of course I'b going od the bission. Srrff. HRAHCHH!

Temari when Kankuro has a cold: Stop complaining you big stupid baby. You're fine. Go get ready for the mission. Pack tissues, I don't want you getting your gross snot everywhere. Ugh, cover your mouth when you cough!

Temari when Gaara has a cold: Are you okay? Do you need anything? Tissues? Cough drops? Do you want me to make you some tea? Soup? I just want to make sure you're comfortable.

Series: Naruto

Characters: Minato, Kushina

Word Count: 100

Prompt # 66 – Raincoat

“Just take it,” Minato says, shucking off his damp raincoat and passing it to Kushina. “Please.”

Kushina raise an eyebrow, and points at the gray clouds spilling water onto their heads. “It's my fault I was stupid and didn't bring any rain gear. You shouldn't have to suffer because I'm not prepared. And you have a cold! You need to stay dry and warm!”

“Yeah, but if you get wet you're more likely to catch it from me...Hiih-CHOAH! Oh, excuse me.” He rubs his nose, sniffles. “Come on, just take it.”

Rolling her eyes, Kushina accepts the raincoat.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No comments this time? Boo. Ah well, here's the next installment.

Series: Naruto

Characters: Shino, Kiba

Word Count: 100

Prompt # 39 – Muffle

“You have a cold?! Are you fucking kidding me?! We're on an espionage mission, dumbass, if you're sneezing and coughing all over the place, the enemy is going to find us!” Kiba shoves his hands into his coat pocket, and glares at Shino. “This is our first mission without Kurenai, and you're gonna fuck it up!”

With expert silence, Shino muffles a sneeze in the crook of his elbow. Just as quietly, he blows his nose into a folded tissue. Voice creaking, he says, “I think that we have more to worry about from your screaming than my cold.”

Series: Naruto

Characters: Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke

Word Count: 100

Prompt # 4 – Fake

“ACHOO! WOW HAVING A COLD SUCKS,” yells Naruto, voice clear and healthy.

Highh-CHH! CHH! AGHHCHHIEW!” Sasuke blows his stuffy nose on his sleeve.

“Um...cough. Ow, my throat,” says Sakura, affecting a false vocal strain.

Kakashi sighs. He has been trying to teach his students how to fake various physical states for days, and it isn't working. Today, they're faking colds. Naruto and Sakura are hardly trying, Sasuke found a bunch of flowers to trigger an allergic reaction. No one is learning anything, and Sasuke's throat is going to close up if Kakashi doesn't do something.

Lesson, failed.

Series: Naruto

Characters: Jugo

Word Count: 100

Prompt # 83 – Dirty

Jugo doesn't mind being locked up. He's a menace to society, he has no control over his actions, and he needs to be restrained. His only complaint is that his cell is crawling with mold and dust, and over time, he's developed a bit of an allergy.

His nose has been plugged up for three weeks now, so much so that he can't sniff up the constant stream of snot. His eyes are watering, and his nose prickling and preparing to sneeze, but all he can do is sniffle pitifully. If he could clean his cell, this would be perfect.

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Lol sorry I didn't comment last time! I really meant to and I kept forgetting. XD *smacks her brain*

SO. I'll do a double squee for this one.



XDD Totally loved the ones about Kakuzu and the Sand Sibs in the previous one. 8D Lol Kakuzu, poor thing. Hidan, stop being an asshole. (Although that's probably physically impossible for him by now. XD)

And Temari's three reactions cracked me up. ... I would act like that around sick Gaara too. wub.png


Shiiiiiino~~ Having a cold on a mission, that must suck. ... He's right about Kiba though, lol. Ah Shino is such a cutie!! The fact that he stifles in the show and muffles here amuses me to no end. It's just like him. XD

And the Team 7 one was too adorable. Naruto, Sakura... this is clearly not your forte. And Sasuke once again takes things a bit too far. XD I'm not a Sasuke fan, but reading that he actually found something to make him sneeze and fake a cold had me grinning. Best use of allergies ever. *lol DO SOMETHING, KAKASHI!!*

AND JUGOOOOOOO~~~~~ There aren't enough squigglies in the world to express my joy!! What an awesome little thing you did for him!!! I can just see it in my head, and it fits so unbelievably well, and... and.... AND HAVE I MENTIONED HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU?!?! *squeezes Jugo* The idea of him having allergies is just so cute!! wub.png

Another brilliant job! Can't wait for the next round~! biggrin.png

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for taking such a long time to update! I was visiting my boyfriend for the week, and I didn't have time to work on this. But here I am, back with another batch! As always, if you're interested in seeing a drabble about a particular character, or using a particular concept, please let me know, and I'll see what I can do. Special thanks to Starry_Screamer with her help on this upcoming batch--she gave me advice for rewriting Favor, and gave me the inspiration for Control.

@ DeathNoteOwner: Thank you so much! I'm glad you're enjoying it.

@ Starry_Screamer: Ahh, thank you! Your comments are always so flattering, they really make me feel good about doing this. I'm not 100% sure how Kakuzu's biology works, or if he even can have allergies since he's actually multiple heart monsters, but I'm going to go with yes. Because unless it's completely impossible, the answer should always be yes. XD; With the Temari think, yeahhh, I think she'd definitely want to take care of her little brother. I think she's closer to Kankuro, so she sees him as being able to deal with himself, and his more concerned about getting him to act like an adult, whereas she's never been close to Gaara and wants to bridge the gap by babying him.

I'm really glad you like the more recent ones, too, especially the Juugo one since you requested it. It never would have occurred to me to write about him, so thanks for that. Honestly, I think the allergy thing would be an issue for A LOT of people who were in Orochimaru's underground dungeon. All that mold and dust and no ventilation would cause a lot of people to develop allergies they'd never had before. And I'm glad you enjoyed the Team 7 one even though you're not a huge Sasuke fan!

@ greetingsfromboston: Thank you very much!

@ _JGirl911_: Thanks! Hopefully I'll be able to update more quickly this time.


Series: Naruto

Characters: Neji

Word Count: 100

Prompt # 63 – Control

The house is almost completely clean. It's taken hours of dedicated labor, at least twenty massive sneezing fits, and antihistamines, nasal spray and tissues, but the whole place is finally dust-free. This is important, because the sneezing fits are snotty and repulsive. He needs to keep his nose under control, especially around Hinata-sama. He wouldn't want to disgust her.

Unfortunately, despite his spotless home, he's still having symptoms. Still congested and sneezing and dribbling snot. After checking for missed spots (and sneezing twelve times) he thinks to check the pollen count. Off the charts. Of course. So much for control.

Series: Naruto

Characters: Tsume, Kiba

Word Count: 100

Prompt # 59 – Mother

“Where do you think you're going?” snaps Tsume, grabbing her son by the arm. Kiba turns around. His nose is painted pink, and the skin's peeling. He's panting like a dog, his nose too clogged to breathe through. He greets her with a wet sniffle and a “huh?”

“Where are you going?” she repeats.

“Uhh...a bissiod. Srrf. With Hidata ad Shido. Snnf.”

“Not when you can't pronounce their names properly you aren't. You're obviously sick.” When Kiba tries to protest, Tsume yells, “your talent is your nose, dumbass. You're useless with a cold. Go to bed, now.”

Series: Naruto

Characters: Fugaku, Mikoto

Word Count: 100

Prompt # 98 - Favor

“Bikoto, could you handle pickig Sasuke up frob school? I dow I said I'd do it, but I'b really dot feelig...kkyehhCHH!” Fugaku rubs the bridge of his nose, and sniffles.

“Of course,” says Mikoto, handing him a tissue. Fugaku blasts into it, nose squeaking.

“It's not that I cadn't,” he says. “It's just...” His nose twitches, and he buries the possible sneeze in the tissue. “I dod't want either of the boys catching this. Especially Itachi....he has...so...hnnn...much work...hkkk...” Mikoto's fingers dance on the tip of Fugaku's nose. She gives him another tissue, which he promptly sneezes into.

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