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Hey guys! So even though I almost always prefer to write about Quinn getting the sniffles and Rachel being the caretaker, this time I flipped it. I was just struck by a very specific, and very adorable image of a very sick and out-of-sorts Rachel, and she just wouldn't budge until Quinn came to take care of her. And FYI, there's a lil bit of messiness. Enjoy!




A Faberry Fic

Part 1


Quinn woke abruptly to the sound of a car alarm going off five stories below, on the street outside her apartment building in the East Village. She whined softly and pulled a pillow over her head; but it was too late, and she was wide awake now. With a sigh she sat up and stretched her arms over her head, then yawned and rubbed her eyes, glancing over at her girlfriend's peacefully slumbering body in the bed beside her. Rachel had adapted to New York far more quickly and easily than Quinn had; it was as if she was born to live here, and her body naturally recognized and felt at ease in its intended environment. Street noise never woke her, crowded subways didn't bother her, and every single day she went jogging over the Brooklyn Bridge, even though her production company had sprung for a perfectly good gym membership.

The blonde girl, on the other hand, had never taken to the city quite so seamlessly. She loved living there most of the time, surrounded by so much life and culture and art and community; but she sometimes felt a little overwhelmed by it, too. After almost two years of living in Manhattan, she still woke easily to street noise, and sometimes she just had to take off for a weekend roadtrip with Santana up the Hudson River Valley, to feel free and peaceful and connected to something bigger.

The most important something she felt connected to, though, was of course Rachel. At 20, they'd already been together nearly four and a half years, and Quinn honestly couldn't imagine any future without her gorgeous, brilliant little star at her side. She smiled groggily as she slowly woke up, and laid back down on Rachel's pillow, snuggling up closer to the sleeping girl, slipping her fingers into the soft hair at the back of Rachel's neck and quietly listening to her breathe.

After a moment, Quinn frowned and cocked her head. There was something off about the sound of her baby's breath. It was faintly wheezy, like she was breathing through a sponge that was lodged somewhere deep inside her chest. It was not a healthy sound. The blonde girl propped herself up on her elbow, peering down into Rachel's sleeping face. It was hard to judge her skin tone in the pale light of early morning, but Quinn could see the fine sheen of sweat shining on her girlfriend's face; and she was breathing through her mouth. Rachel never breathed through her mouth. But it was easy to see why she was now-- her nose was as stuffy as her chest, with thin, clear rivulets of watery snot trickling slightly from both nostrils down the glistening channel of her upper lip.

“You're sick, baby girl,” Quinn murmured softly, reaching over the sleeping girl's shoulder to grab a tissue from the bedside table, very gently pinching it around Rachel's damp nostrils and wiping away the slick discharge. The dark-haired girl whimpered and sighed in her sleep, but didn't wake up. “Shhhhh,” Quinn whispered soothingly, shoving the tissue still damp with Rachel's snot into her pocket, then stroking the sleeping girl's clammy forehead with her thumb. Almost immediately, her breathing evened out again, and Quinn stayed there cuddling her for a minute more, overwhelmed with feelings of tender protectiveness for the girl she loved when she looked so uncharacteristically weak and helpless. Rachel rarely got sick, and this was no little head cold she could shrug off with Chinese herbs from her acupuncturist. The blonde girl felt a stab of guilt when she remembered how early her girlfriend had fallen asleep the night before; she should've realized then that something was off. But even if she had noticed then, what could she have done? With a sigh, Quinn kissed Rachel's forehead and slipped out of bed, grabbing the phone off the nightstand and tiptoeing with it down the hall to the kitchen. She was about to make Rachel's director very unhappy, and her as yet untested understudy completely ecstatic. For the first time in her young Broadway career, Rachel Berry was calling in sick.


It was nearly lunchtime when Rachel finally opened her eyes. “Uhhhhhgh,” She sighed woozily, rolling from her side onto her back and rubbing her puffy eyes absently with the back of her hand.

“Hey there, starlight,” Quinn cooed, closing her Art History textbook and turning to face her drowsy girlfriend with a soft smile of pure adoration. “How do you feel?” Rachel yawned and blinked sleepily at the bedside clock.

“By alarmb dided't go off,” the dark-haired girl croaked softly, still sounding half-asleep. Her voice was both raspy and congested, giving it a froggy sort of quality that made her sound like she was about twelve years old.

“Yeah, I know. I turned it off,” Quinn explained gently, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips as she reached out and cupped Rachel's warm cheek in her hand.

“Why?” Rachel whined, like a cranky child.

“Because you're sick, silly. You've got a fever and you're all stuffed up.”

“Ugh, doe...” The little starlet rubbed her eyes and groaned. “I cad't be sigck. I dod't have tibe to be sigck...”

“I don't think that matters, babycakes,” Quinn shook her head, still smiling crookedly at her girlfriend. The girl was just unbelievably adorable, even with a fresh trickle of snot dripping gently down the divot in her upper lip.

“Uhhh...” Rachel gasped softly, her breath hitching involuntarily as she raised a hand and wiped the smear of clear discharge away from her now flaring nostrils. But it was already too late, and her eyes snapped shut with a hazy flutter. “Uhh'heISHHOOoo!!! *Sniffle.*” The sleepy girl snapped forward sharply at the waist, cupping her hands to her face at the last second so she caught the powerful sneeze in midair, an inch or two in front of her face. Then she sniffled again.

“God bless you,” Quinn cooed, taking the box of tissues from the bedside table and depositing it in Rachel's lap. “Poor little thing, you must feel so awful.”

“Ughh. I have to get up,” Rachel whined after she'd blown her nose a bit. “I have to have a hot shower and take my herbs and make some emergency tea, and then I have to go to work.”

“You can have a hot shower if you want, and I'll bring you your herbs and make you all the tea you want, love. But you are not going to work. You're not going anywhere.”

“Quidd, please. I'b ahd adult, I cad take care of mbyself. *Sniffle.*”

“What's my name?” Quinn teased, raising an eyebrow playfully. Rachel huffed impatiently.

“Stop id!” the sick girl whined crankily, her lower lip sticking out in an unselfconscious pout as she swiped at her leaky nose again. “I...*sniff!*...I dod't have tibe for this.”

“Rachel, enough. We're making time, okay? You're sick, you don't have a choice. This isn't something you're gonna cure with Chinese herbs; not in one day, anyway. I already called into the theater, so just relax. Jackie is all set to go on for you. Duncan said to rest up, get lots of fluids and check in in a couple of days.”

“A couple of days?” Rachel squeaked indignantly. “What did you tell him?”

“That you have a fever of a hundred and one, you're really congested, and you have a frog in your throat,” Quinn replied with a frown. “Which is the truth.” Rachel groaned miserably and put her face in her hands. “Heyyy, it's okay honey...everyone takes sick days once in a while. You're not losing any points. You'll be back on stage before you know it, and they'll be worshiping you just like they always do.”

“Ugh, fide, okay,” Rachel sighed petulantly, rubbing her forehead woozily. “Fuck.”

“Poor little lamb, how can I make you feel better?” Quinn cooed. “D'you want some tea? And maybe a little breakfast, hmm? I'll make your favorite maple-cinnamon oatmeal...”

“Yeah, okay,” Rachel nodded with a yawn, rubbing sleepily at her faintly pink-rimmed nose. Then she tensed, eyebrows knit desperately together as she snapped forward with another raspy, rattling “HehEISHOOoo!!” into the damp tissue cupped in her hands.

“Bless you, my little froggy,” Quinn cooed, kissing her sniffling girlfriend once more on the cheek before slipping out of bed to make her some tea and oatmeal. Rachel just sighed, and blew her clogged nose into a fresh tissue.


Edited by wannablessedbe
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haha, thx lady. do I have to? probly not. it's really just the simplest way to ask for praise in exchange for more story! yes.gif

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Oh my god, yes please!!! Do you really still have to ask that?

^^^^ that is sooo true!

but Im still gonna tell you YES :)

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hey guys! thanks for the great response, it definitely encourages me to keep going! here's part II...enjoy smile.png


Part 2


Quinn had only been in the kitchen a few minutes when Rachel came stumbling in, woozy and shivering with her arms wrapped around herself. "Honey, you didn't have to get up," Quinn said gently, stroking a lock of dark hair back from Rachel's frighteningly pale face. "I'll bring you this stuff as soon as it's ready, okay? Go get back in bed, you're shivering."

"I got lodely," Rachel sighed, curling up against her girlfriend's warm body and dropping her head limply onto Quinn's shoulder. "I wadt to stay with you. *Sniff.*"

"Aww, baby...you're really out of it, huh?" Quinn cooed, wrapping her arms protectively around her girlfriend's overheated body and holding her close. "I'm not going anywhere, my little star. I'm right here, I promise..."

"'Kay," Rachel croaked softly, with another sleepy sniffle as she shivered weakly in Quinn's arms. The blonde girl felt her protective instincts surging as she cuddled Rachel and stroked her hair; this woozy, submissive, soft-spoken version of her girlfriend was positively alarming.

"C'mon babycakes, let's at least get you bundled up on the couch so you don't get a chill, okay? I'll be right over here."

"Uhh, yeah, okay," Rachel nodded dazedly, letting Quinn wrap an arm around her shoulders and steer her gently through the archway that divided the kitchen from the den. A few feet in front of the couch, Rachel stopped abruptly with a quavering breath; when Quinn glanced over, she saw a trickle of snot leaking from the shivering girl's flaring nostrils, and down her upper lip, her expression utterly tortured as her eyebrows knit together. "HuhhESHOOoo!! *Sniffle.*" Rachel's thin shoulders were snapped forward with a violent, sickly sneeze, that she barely contained behind her cupped hands.

"Bless you honey," Quinn hummed soothingly, handing Rachel the crumpled tissue from her pocket that she'd used to wipe her girlfriend's runny nose when she was sleeping. It wasn't ideal, but it was better than nothing.

"Thag you," Rachel mumbled huskily, taking the tissue and unselfconsciously wiping it around her wet nose, dabbing up the dribbles of snot creeping down her upper lip. Quinn managed to get her wrapped in a blanket on the couch before her breath started to hitch again, and her eyes, still puffy with exhaustion, started to narrow ominously.

"I'm gonna go grab you some tissues from the hall closet," Quinn said with a little half-smile, giving her sniffly girlfriend a gentle kiss on her hot forehead before scurrying off down the hall.

"Uhh...'kay," Rachel gasped softly, her breath hitching weakly as she rubbed the damp, used-up tissue absently against the moist pink underside of her leaking nostrils. When Quinn came back, she found Rachel in the exact same position, head tilted back against the couch cushions with the damp, wadded tissue pressed up to her pink nostrils, eyes narrowed to slits, mouth half-open, fighting to resist the sharp intake of breath that would force another bone-rattling sneeze out of her.

"Here you go, little froggy," Quinn murmured, rubbing Rachel's arm as she sat beside her on the couch and deposited a fresh box of tissues in her lap. Utterly unable to speak, Rachel just nodded slightly, blinking sleepily as she took one hand away from her nose to tug a fresh tissue from the box. As soon as the pressure against her tingling nostrils lessened, the twitchy tickle of snot leaking out of her nasal passages became unbearable, and her lungs overrode her woozy brain, forcing her body to suck in a sharp, wheezy breath as her glistening pink nostrils dilated widely.

"Uhh...UHHSHOOoo!! Hehh'EISHOOooo!! *Sniff!*...Ughh, fuck..." Rachel groaned softly, hunched forward with her hands cupping a damp tissue to her face.

"Bless you. Are you getting a chill, baby? D'you want another blanket?"

"Yeah," Rachel croaked miserably, grabbing a few more tissues and roughly blowing her nose into the bundle. "I'b sorry."

"Don't be sorry, sweet girl. It's not your fault." Quinn kissed her girlfriend's feverish temple while Rachel folded over her damp bundle of tissues, and pressed them back to her tender, dripping nostrils. It was a source of embarrassment for the dark-haired girl (though Quinn thought it was kind of adorable) that getting a chill when she was sick made her succumb to prolonged sneezing fits, that ended only when she was thoroughly warmed up again. It was the only time Quinn had ever seen her girlfriend sneeze twice or more in a row, though usually there was at least a bit of breathing room between sneezes; which was especially important right now, with her breath so raspy and wheezy.

"Here you go, chilly willy," Quinn cooed, with a little wink as she tucked another blanket around her shivering girlfriend.

"Tha...thadks...uhhETCHOOoo!! Eh, eihhISHHOOoo!! *Snrf*..." Rachel snapped forward with the tissues clamped firmly to her spasming nose, blowing wetly into the folds and rubbing the damp bundle against the sore, pink-tinged skin around the rims of her nostrils.

"Bless youuuu," Quinn sang softly, smiling sympathetically as she lightly rubbed Rachel's back. The dark-haired girl whimpered miserably as she tossed her used-up bundle of tissues into the little trash bin beside the couch, rivulets of slick discharge already running freely from her pink-rimmed nostrils before she could reach for a new tissue.

"Ughh, this sucks," Rachel groaned softly, jamming a fresh tissue to her nostrils as her lip quivered helplessly. "I cad't bake it stuhh...stop...UghishOOOoo!! *Snrf, sniffle.*" Quinn felt a sharp pang of sympathy as she watched her sweet girlfriend succumb to another teasing, congested, overwhelming sneeze.

"My poor baby! I know what you need. Give me your feet." To woozy to argue, Rachel shifted under the blankets, and deposited her bare feet in Quinn's lap. "Aww, your poor little feet are freezing!" Quinn gasped, immediately rubbing the warmth back into Rachel's cold toes. "No wonder you can't stop sneezing. Cold feet are your kryptonite. I should've put some slippers on you before anything else. I'm sorry, angel..." Quinn briskly rubbed Rachel's feet as she spoke, shaking off the chill that kept the dark-haired girl sneezing every thirty seconds.

"S'okay," Rachel yawned, closing her eyes and settling back against the pillows a little as the intense, chilly tickle began to recede from behind her nose and eyes. "That feels...better...ehh...ehhISHOO! *Sniff.*" Rachel snapped forward weakly, clamping her hands firmly over her nose and mouth so she wouldn't sneeze directly on Quinn, who was still holding her feet.

"God bless you. My poor little froggy, you're really sick, aren't you? We might have to call in the troops this time, love. I know you like going the natural route as much as possible, but I think we might need a real prescription for some real antibiotics. You sound terrible."

"I dod't wadt a prescription," Rachel whined softly, rubbing her eyes with a woozy yawn as she nestled down further into the blankets.

"I know you don't want it, honey. But you might need it." Quinn tucked the blankets back around Rachel's thoroughly warmed-up feet, smiling softly. In truth, she was relieved that Rachel was arguing with her; the woozy, clingy, submissive behavior she'd been displaying all morning was far more alarming to Quinn than the raspy, wheezy breathing or the feverish heat radiating from her skin.

Cad I just...*sniff!*...try to get better with by herbal stuff first?” Rachel whined, rubbing blearily at her eyes.

Of course. But if you're not feeling any better by tomorrow, we're calling the doctor, okay?”

'Kay,” Rachel sighed miserably, curling up against the couch cushions with a soft yawn. “Cad I have by special tea dow?”

Sure, baby. I'll be right back.” Quinn leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss to Rachel's hot forehead, and climbed off the couch to fetch her girlfriend's favorite ayurvedic tea from the kitchen.

Edited by wannablessedbe
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oh, well if you insist, sneezster, then what choice do I have? ;p we'll see. rachel's feeling pretty needy right now...we'll have to see what happens after a few days of quinn's selfless devotion, eh?

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Quinn must get sick, too. I insist! wink.png

Can I insist too? <3 love it!

im gonna have to third that! :) this story is so awesome and insanely adorable i love it!

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You guys give awesome feedback! I think you deserve a reward... smile.png





Part 3


Rachel drank all her tea without any coercion, but only poked at her oatmeal. Quinn cajoled her a little, but gave up without much of a fight, distracted by the stabbing headache forming behind her right eye and temple. She didn't complain, though, loathe to cause Rachel any worry or stress when she was so sick and weak. Besides, they were already spending the whole day (and probably the next several days, at the very least) cuddling and lazing around the apartment while Rachel got over this bug; so what was the point of making a fuss? Quinn swallowed a couple of Advil and made another pot of tea.

“Baby, will you tell me a story?” Rachel murmured woozily when Quinn came back to the couch with two freshly steaming mugs; and despite the ache in her head, the blonde girl couldn't help but smile at her sweet, sleepy girl, curled up under the blankets with her big brown eyes barely open.

“Sure I will, honey,” Quinn yawned, returning Rachel's sleepy smile and curling up beside her under the blankets, blowing lightly on the surface of the hot tea before she handed it off to the sniffling girl.

“Thadks,” Rachel sighed, holding the mug in both hands and taking a little sip. “Oh, Jesus, that feels so good...*sniffle*...”

“Good, drink up. You need to stay hydrated till this fever breaks,” Quinn yawned again, gently feeling Rachel's forehead with the back of her hand. “Poor little thing.” The blonde girl snuggled in closer, rubbing the little starlet's warm back when she doubled over with a raspy, congested cough.

“Ouch,” Rachel whimpered when she'd recovered her breath, wincing and rubbing her chest.

“That sounds awful, babe. D'you want some cough syrup?”

“No. Story,” Rachel whined, settling down limply with her head on Quinn's shoulder and closing her eyes. “Tell me something happy, Quinnie...”

“Okay, a happy story,” Quinn sighed, closing her eyes, too, and stroking a hand absently through Rachel's hair as she tried to force her throbbing head to think of a happy tale to make her baby feel better. “Once upon a time, there was a little froggy who lived in a magical forest...” Rachel giggled sleepily, then abruptly cupped a hand to her mouth to cover another rattling cough.

“Sorry,” she wheezed weakly, burying her face in the fabric of Quinn's soft sweatshirt.

“It's okay, honey, shh,” Quinn cooed, snaking her hand under Rachel's pajama top to rub her warm back. “Just try not to laugh, okay? I don't wanna make you feel worse.”

“Uh-huh,” Rachel yawned, dabbing the edge of her sleeve under her tender nose with a soft, sleepy sniffle. “Now tell the story about the magic frog.”

“Ah, well, that's just it,” Quinn smiled, tracing her fingers lightly up and down the smooth, warm skin of Rachel's back. “This little froggy was the only creature living in the forest who couldn't find his magic power. Every other creature had some kind of magic; but poor little froggy could only croak. And more than anything else in the world, he wished he could be special, and find a magic power all for his own.”

“This is a sad story,” Rachel mumbled, her voice growing softer and sleepier by the minute.

“No, Rach, it's a happy story...because then the little froggy realized that he did have something special, something none of the other animals had. See, the fairy princess who lived in the forest loved the sound of the froggy's croaking so much, she decided to make him the conductor-in-chief of the magical woodland orchestra.”

“Ahd thed everybody would doe he was...*snrf*...he was...uhhISHOOoo!!” Rachel sleepily cupped a crumpled tissue to her face, but it wasn't enough to contain the wet expulsion of snot from her irritated, congested nose, and she could feel the warm dribbles trickling between her fingers and soaking into Quinn's sweatshirt. “Ughh, sorry,” she sighed miserably as she pinched the damp tissue firmly around her wet, pink nostrils.

“You don't have to apologize, honey. Your poor little nose can't help it.” Quinn kissed the top of Rachel's head, yawning softly. “Now do you want to hear what happened to the little froggy next?”

“Uh-huh,” Rachel sighed, absently pinching and squeezing the damp tissue around her still running nostrils. She was too sleepy to sniffle now, and just pressed the crumpled tissue lightly to the underside of her wet nose, letting it soak up whatever sluggish trickles of discharge leaked out.

“Good. Well, the froggy made such beautiful music with the woodland orchestra, that the king and queen of fairyland heard about it all the way up in the fairy castle, and they asked him...” Quinn's voice trailed off into a long, woozy yawn. “...They asked him to come and perform for the royal court.”

“Lucky froggy,” Rachel murmured, her voice so soft and raspy it was barely audible.

“Uh-huh,” Quinn agreed, barely holding onto consciousness herself. It was just so warm and cozy, bundled up on the couch with Rachel's fever-warmed body curled half on top of her...and her pounding head was so tired... “Uhh...hehh...Hht-chshh!! *Snrf.*” Quinn's exhausted body jerked weakly against Rachel's warm weight, and she sleepily pulled her hand out from under the blankets to wipe away the wet smear left running from her nostrils down her upper lip.

“Bless you,” Rachel murmured, lightly rubbing her thumb over Quinn's bellybutton. “You gettihg...sick too?”

“Uh-uh.” Quinn denied sleepily. “M'fine...just a sneeze.”

“'Kay,” Rachel yawned softly. Her thumb stilled against Quinn's stomach, and she gave another soft, raspy sigh. Then her body went completely limp, and her wheezy, congested breathing evened out into sleep.

“I'm not sick,” Quinn grumbled woozily to herself, wiping the back of her hand once more against the trickle of slick discharge that continued to gently drip from her nasal passages. “Huhh...eh, hehhh...” The sleepy blonde girl pressed the edge of her sleeve firmly to her quivering nostrils, as they twitched and pulsed with gentle waves of persistent, irksome tickles, finally opening up wide against the damp fabric in abject, unquenchable irritation. “Ehh, eihISHoo!!” This time, Rachel didn't so much as twitch when Quinn's body jerked under her, deeply asleep and utterly dead to the world.

“Ughh, fuck,” Quinn groaned sleepily, too exhausted to even consider opening her eyes and reaching for a tissue from the coffee table. With a miserable sigh, she just wiped the trail of snot dripping from her now-stuffy nostrils on her damp sleeve, and with a woozy sniffle, she snuggled down a little deeper under the blankets and joined her girlfriend in blissful slumber.

Edited by wannablessedbe
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