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Avatar: The Last Airbender


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Title: Um...still working on that

Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender

Starring: Aang (sick), maybe Zuko/Sokka later

Description: Set between seasons 1 and 2. At the end of season 1 Aang and Zuko were out in freezing weather at the North Pole...

Disclaimer: I don't own anything, so don't sue me!


Ah..hah...ahCHOO!" Aang sneezed himself ten feet in the air.

"Bless you, Aang!" Katara looked up at her friend. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fi--ah...hatCHOO!--fine," called Aang as his next sneeze forced him five feet higher.

"You don't sound fine," said Katara doubtfully

"It's just something in the air," Aang reassured her, sinking to land on Appa's back again. "We air nomads have very sensitive noses."

"Alright, but we're stopping if it gets any worse," said Katara firmly.


Aang wasn't fine. As a matter of fact, he felt terrible. His nose was itching and tickling nonstop, he felt hot, then cold, then hot again, his throat felt like it had been sandpapered and his whole head felt like it had been stuffed with goo. Thick, smelly, sticky goo. He knew he'd probably gotten sick when his body had been out in the freezing cold of the North Pole, especially because his spirit's absence left his body more vulnerable.

Thanks so much, Zuko, thought Aang as he steered Appa through a cloud bank. He was determined not to show Sokka and Katara that he was sick. Katara would fuss over him, which would waste time they didn't have on their way to Omashu and the Earth Kingdom. He would just pretend he wasn't sick, and it would have to pass eventually.

As they flew through a cloud, the sudden moisture in the air combined with the constant tickle in his nose was to much for Aang. "Ah...hah...aaahh-CHHOOO!"

Sokka and Katara looked over at their friend in alarm just in time to see him fly straight into the air again.

"That does it, Aang, we're stopping so I can--"

But Aang wasn't finished. "Ah-CHOO! hahTCHOO! eh...ah...haaahh-CHOOO!"

"At this rate, he'll sneeze himself to the moon in the next five minutes!" said Sokka.

"Sokka, this isn't funny! I think he's sick and he's not telling us!"

"Sick? Why would he be--oh, yeah, crazy firebending prince took him out in a snowstorm on the North Pole, right. Still--"

He was interrupted by Aang's landing right next to him.

"Are you still fine, Aang?" asked an annoyed Katara.

"I...uuhhh..." Aang collapsed where he was standing on Appa.

"Aang!" yelled Katara and Sokka.


"Why didn't he tell us he was sick?" Katara asked Sokka a few hours later.

"How should I know? I'm not a mind reader," Sokka shot back.

It had taken them forever to find a good cave, and of course Sokka was the one who'd had to get off Appa and check to make sure there was nothing inside every single cave Katara spotted from where she was comfortably seated next to Aang's limp form. Of course, there was always something inside. If it wasn't tiger-bats, it was a bear-snake, and if it wasn't a bear-snake, it was spider-foxes. Then, after they finally found a cave that had nothing in it, Katara had made him go look for water while she took care of Aang. When he got back with the water (most of which he had spilled on himself on the way back) he found that Katara had wrapped Aang in every blanket and sleeping bag they owned, including his. When he complained Katara had yelled at him and said he didn't care about Aang. That had led to the inevitable argument, and now the two siblings were sitting in the cave in a bad mood.

"Uuhhh," Aang groaned, finally waking up and breaking the stony silence.

"Aang! Why didn't you tell us you were sick?" asked Katara.

"What happened?" Aang coughed weakly.

"You almost sneezed yourself to the moon, then landed on Appa and collapsed," Sokka informed him.

"I--huh...ah-choo!" It was a sign of how weak he was that he didn't even rise one inch off the ground.


So, what do you think? Comments are appreciated. CITOKATE! (Criticism Is The Only Known Antidote To Error)

BTW, please vote: should I continue with Zuko or Sokka?

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Aww, this is sweet! I like the difficulty they had actually helping Aang, its more realistic than finding a cave instantly. The argument between Katara and Sokka was very IC, and amusing. Nice work--I look forward to seeing more!

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I really don't watch anime, but someone recommended Avatar to me and on one boring rainy day I watched some. And then I watched some more. And some more. And before I knew it I finished it. Suffice to say I enjoyed the series. I never particularly wanted to read sneezy!Aang though. However, even though I think that you really managed to capture the characters (Aang flying into the air and his way of laughing things off even though they might be serious-ish) and the feel of the show (the humour with the seriousness and duty) I am really enjoying sneezy!Aang despite myself.

In regards to your question, I'd be most interested in reading sneezy!Zuko but sneezy!Sokka could be quite lovely too! Write whatever takes your fancy.

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Okay, sorry this is taking so long, but I'm really busy plus I have writer's block. I'm trying, here :P

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Omg I used to love this show when I was little! I would make up things like thi in my head all the time and it's good to know I'm not the only person who likes this

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  • 10 months later...

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