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Sneeze Fetish Forum

My two favorite sneezy guys


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So, today I went out to eat at a fast food place in my neighborhood and I ran into my older brother and his best friend, who we'll call M. (This was unsurprising as my brother and M practically live at that place). We decided to eat together, which was nice, because I hadn't seen much of my bro lately.

((Background information on M: he and I dated once upon a time, but we broke it off because there was no spark and because it caused weirdness with my bro. We're still great friends though, and sometimes (i.e. when he sneezes) I am just absolutely in lust for him. Like I was at lunch ;) He is also the only one I've ever told about my fetish. He was great about it, and constantly indulged me with his sneezes (he has the worst hayfever EVER). By the way, another cool fact about M: he looks exactly like Harry Potter (the way JKR describes him in the books, not like stupid Daniel Radcliffe who has stupid blue eyes instead of green ones. Rant Over). Really, I kid you not; once a little kid actually thought he was Harry Potter when we went to see the movie together. So funny. Right, back to the point...))

Anyway, while we're waiting for our food M keeps sniffing wetly, and he also rubs his nose with his finger a couple of times.

"High pollen count, huh?" I say sympathetically.

"Yup." He sniffs miserably. "I've beed sdeezing by head off all day," he adds, miserably congested.

We get our food and as we're sitting down M raises his fist to his face. "hi'ngxxt! h'NXXXT!" He stifles and lets out a moan.

"Bless you, man," my brother says sympathetically. He has an easy time relating to how M feels about his hayfever because he's crazy allergic to dust. Like, he once sneezed for twenty minutes nonstop, crazy allergic.

"Thags," he says before blowing his nose into a tissue. "Ugh, I'b so sick of by stubid dose overreactig to all this stubid polled."

"Well, I'm not," I mouth at him behind my brother's back. He rolls his eyes, then gets taken completely by surprise by another sneeze, so he doesn't have time to stifle. "hi-CHUH!"

"Bless you," I say. I like his sneezes but feel bad that he's so miserable.

During lunch he sneezes some more, but they were pretty boring, so I'll just skip to the good part (that's right, I haven't even gotten to the good part yet!). M asks me if I want to come over to his house to watch a movie with him and my bro. (It was Sherlock Holmes, in case you were wondering.) He keeps sneezing the whole time we're walking to his house. In fact, it's actually getting worse (probably because there are tons of flowery plants on his street). As we walk by a rose bush, which he's particularly allergic to, he has such an intense sneezing fit that he sounds like he's going to explode if he doesn't get them out fast enough, although he's still stifling them into his fist. "h'ngxxt! h'ngxt! h'NXXT! NXXT! NXXT! hih-NXT-chuh! hiihh...ihh..."

His sneeze is stuck. He runs his finger lightly around the edge of his nostril in an attempt to coax it out. "hiihh...ih-CHUH! hih-CHUH! hih-ngxt!"

"You shouldn't stifle them, M," says my brother. "It just makes the fit last longer. Trust me, I speak from experience."

"Hold od...not dode yet...hih-CHHUUH! CHUH! Ugh, I'b takig bore allergy beds whed we get hobe," says M.

"I may want some too if your house is anywhere near as dusty as it was last time," my brother says.

"Good idea...sorry aboud thad agaid, by the way," M apologizes.

"It wasn't your fault."

(Me: ;) . And inwardly :frust: for not accepting their invitation to go last time.)

Anyway, fast forward to when we get to M's house. My brother and I sit down next to each other on M's couch, arguing about something (it's one of our favorite pastimes, and we're really good at it. It's mostly just for fun, though.)

Suddenly, my brother breaks off his argument. I look at him to see what's going on, and the blank, sneezy expression on his face says it all. "ehSHEW! heh-ESSHEW! Dabn, they forgod to dust agaid," he says, annoyed and already congested.

"Sorry, bad (man)," M apologizes. "You cad leave if you wadt."

"Dah, I'll be okay if you go get those allergy beds," my brother says.

(Me: A cross between :inlove: , :) and :( (for them). I mean, all that congested talking? Awww...so cute)

"Alrighd thed," M says and goes to get them.

He comes back with two pills and a glass of water. My brother swallows the pills and M goes to set up the movie. Then he comes over and sits on my other side. Almost immediately, he sneezes.

"Are you okay? Why are you still sneezing if we're inside?" I ask, concerned.

"I'b fide, id's probably jusd a delayed reactiod frob beig outside so log," he says.

As the movie starts, I'm having a hard time concentrating because of what I hear on either side of me.

"H'ngxxt! hih-CHUH! ih...hih-CHUUH!"


When their finished, they groan at the same time.

"Allergies suck," says my brother.

"I secod thad," says M.

As the movie goes on, they keep sneezing. Eventually, my brother falls asleep with his head on my shoulder. After a while, so does M.

(Awww. Can't you see why I love these guys?)

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OK, this is officially THE CUTEST obs I have EVER read. EVER. I'm soooo jealous of you! Those boys sound so adorable! Congested and sneezy, and at the same time, plus m/m blessing and care and.... :) Wonderful obs. Please keep us posted on these boys and their allergies!

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Awww, ohmygod I was grinning like an idiot while reading this. So cute! I seriously love this obs and you are a god for sharing it with us!

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Awww, so very cute. *giggles at kid thinking M was Harry Potter* He sounds great. :blush: And awwww at them falling asleep w/ head on your shoulder, that's the cutest thing. :laugh: Thanks for sharing! :)

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Thanks for all the positive feedback, guys!

I have another obs about my bro for you guys (so yes, I am keeping you updated about my guys and their allergies :laugh: )

Just now my dad and I were sorting some old papers (you know, all those bills and receipts and notices and stuff that you get in the mail and just stuff in a drawer somewhere until eventually it reaches critical mass and you actually have to go through all the damn stuff.) Anyway, my bro comes downstairs with his hair all messed up 'cause he just got up :) (yeah, and it's 1 pm here! His body clock goes completely weird in the summer...).

So he asks what time it is. We say 1:00 pm , and tease him for being a sleepyhead, and...you probably don't want to hear all this, it's boring, sorry. I'll get to the point.

Suddenly he sniffs and looks somewhat awake for the first time today. "What are you doing?" he asks.

"Sorting through these old, dusty papers--oh, crap," I say when I remember who I'm talking to.

As if he was waiting for me to say that, he explodes. "heh...heSHEW! ESSHHEEEW! HETCHEEW! Guh--heSHEW!--gotta go! HESHEW!" He runs upstairs, sneezing all the way.

I feel so bad for him... :blush:

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Thanks for all the positive feedback, guys!

I have another obs about my bro for you guys (so yes, I am keeping you updated about my guys and their allergies :laugh: )

Just now my dad and I were sorting some old papers (you know, all those bills and receipts and notices and stuff that you get in the mail and just stuff in a drawer somewhere until eventually it reaches critical mass and you actually have to go through all the damn stuff.) Anyway, my bro comes downstairs with his hair all messed up 'cause he just got up :rolleyes: (yeah, and it's 1 pm here! His body clock goes completely weird in the summer...).

So he asks what time it is. We say 1:00 pm , and tease him for being a sleepyhead, and...you probably don't want to hear all this, it's boring, sorry. I'll get to the point.

Suddenly he sniffs and looks somewhat awake for the first time today. "What are you doing?" he asks.

"Sorting through these old, dusty papers--oh, crap," I say when I remember who I'm talking to.

As if he was waiting for me to say that, he explodes. "heh...heSHEW! ESSHHEEEW! HETCHEEW! Guh--heSHEW!--gotta go! HESHEW!" He runs upstairs, sneezing all the way.

I feel so bad for him... :lol:

Aw, but he sounds so cute muahaha! Also, I got up at 1 PM today. :laugh:

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O_O ....Oh....my....god. This is like the best observation i have read in my life xD You're so damn lucky! *rages on with jealousy* >_>

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Holy Crap!

These guys must be some kind of sneeze gods or something LOL

If I ever did hallucinogenic drugs, im convinced that my tripping would be something like this except with rainbow colors everywhere.LOL but lets not get any ideas. HAHA

Excellent Ob!!! flawless

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