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What if you were reading an observation about yourself


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I was just thinking that what if you are reading an observation on here and you thought to youself.."this setting sounds very familiar" and later you realize that someone has written an observation about you?! How would you react? I'd personally be glad that someone enjoys seeing me sneeze xD

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Haha! I've thought about that too. :laugh: It'd be a mix of shock and flattery I'd think. But would one have the courage to say that the sneezer was actually them?

*mystery~* |3

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I've thought about that situation before too xP It would never actually happen for me since I don't sneeze in public, but if it did...I think I'd message them privately and try to get to know them with a potential for meeting up in future if they seemed nice xD Would be cool :laugh:

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I've thought about that situation before too xP It would never actually happen for me since I don't sneeze in public, but if it did...I think I'd message them privately and try to get to know them with a potential for meeting up in future if they seemed nice xD Would be cool :laugh:

Ah i never sneeze much in public either...it's not like i don't want to sneeze its like i feel it coming and i think about it too much and then it like never comes lol or sometimes theres just certain situations that i don't want to sneeze then i like rub my nose to make the urge to sneeze go away and lol as i was writing this my 12 year old sister just sneezed as she was leaving my room lol

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Hmm... Well first of course would be the "god, I thought that street was empty..." for I'm one of those who don't sneeze as long as there is people around me... Then I'd think that okay, it's rather nice because at least someone would like it enough to write obs, as I'm one who hates their own sneezes (or rather the sound, yuck).

I would probably forget about the whole thing after laughing at it for a while. And start wondering what kind of stalker had written the obs and where they'd be hideing if I didn't see them anywhere around me...

Now, what I just wrote sounds stupid and I just can't think of any better way to say that... *sigh* What ever. :laugh:

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I'd feel flattered and famous. Unless of course, the observation were unflattering:

There is a hideous troll of a woman I work with, she thinks she's so clever, but really, we all laugh at her behind her back because she is a total loser. Anyway, the other day, she shows up to work wearing a red polka dot blouse and a red polka dot headband and you could tell she thought she was being totally stylish, but really, she looked totally ridiculous. AND she had allergies, and she kept announcing, "I'm gonna sneeze", as if any of us cared (her sneezes are every bit as hideous as she is), and when she did she pulled out -- seriously! -- a red polka dot handkerchief and sneezed the most repulsive-sounding sneezes into it. It was enough to put me off sneezing for ever!"

Then I'd just be embarrassed.

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You're freaking me out a little, cause i was talking about this concept, kinda, just last night.

I wouldn't mind too much.

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To be honest, I'd Freak unless I knew the person. I don't completely know why. :laugh:

I agree with tma, but I'm not sure why I'd freak. :drool:

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I'd feel flattered and famous. Unless of course, the observation were unflattering:

There is a hideous troll of a woman I work with, she thinks she's so clever, but really, we all laugh at her behind her back because she is a total loser. Anyway, the other day, she shows up to work wearing a red polka dot blouse and a red polka dot headband and you could tell she thought she was being totally stylish, but really, she looked totally ridiculous. AND she had allergies, and she kept announcing, "I'm gonna sneeze", as if any of us cared (her sneezes are every bit as hideous as she is), and when she did she pulled out -- seriously! -- a red polka dot handkerchief and sneezed the most repulsive-sounding sneezes into it. It was enough to put me off sneezing for ever!"

Then I'd just be embarrassed.

Thank you, dear, you seriously brightened my evening with this, though yes, that would be embarrasing... :)

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I think I'd be a combination of freaked out and intrigued to know who they were and if we actually knew each other or they had just happened to see me on the street somewhere or something.

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I think it would be kinda neat...but a little freaky. Maybe along the lines of anxious i suppose. However i too would be glad someone liked my sneezing :)

I would probably try and find out who it was that saw me...I'm too curious >.>

Now i just gotta make sure im lookin my best all the freakin' time!! :cryhappy:

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WHOA i think about this all the time. I would be beyond excited, both that someone likes my sneezes and that someone near me, in my daily food group, also has this fetish. I think it would be a great way to strike up a conversation and develop an amazing relationship.

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As long as they praise me and my sneezes, I think I would be perfectly fine with it. I might even invite that person to a tea party.

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I'd feel flattered and famous. Unless of course, the observation were unflattering:

There is a hideous troll of a woman I work with, she thinks she's so clever, but really, we all laugh at her behind her back because she is a total loser. Anyway, the other day, she shows up to work wearing a red polka dot blouse and a red polka dot headband and you could tell she thought she was being totally stylish, but really, she looked totally ridiculous. AND she had allergies, and she kept announcing, "I'm gonna sneeze", as if any of us cared (her sneezes are every bit as hideous as she is), and when she did she pulled out -- seriously! -- a red polka dot handkerchief and sneezed the most repulsive-sounding sneezes into it. It was enough to put me off sneezing for ever!"

Then I'd just be embarrassed.


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It would amuse the hell out of me. I would also certainly admit to it as it would be cool to know that there is a fellow fetishist around where I am in real life.

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Yeah I have had this thought as well! I also worry about giving away too many details when writing obs that would allow the sneezer to recognise themselves, which would somehow lead them back to identifying me :D Maybe I do tend to overthink things... :blushing:

Edited by NoV
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I sneeze a lot - due to allergies, colds, dust, anything makes me sneeze honestly. *sighs* And I absolutely can't stifle, even if I don't like to sneeze in front of others. I just can't help it.

So it's entirely possible that another sneeze fetishist could've seen me by now. Actually I'd say the possibility is pretty high. *g*

I think as long as he/she enjoyed it and wouldn't say anything personal or mean about me, I wouldn't mind.

Actually I think I'd feel kind of flattered. :zippy:

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I've certainly thought about as well.... usually when sneezing in public. :laugh: I think it would depend on who wrote the obs how I'd react. :lol: It would be very amusing if it were a member I'd like to meet. :zippy: Otherwise I might (probably irrationally) be slightly freaked out initially at least because I'm strange. :blushing: And then probably quite flattered. :D

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:wub: I'd be terrified at first, and try to convince myself that it wasn't really about me. But if it was just too obviously me, I'd probably wonder if I knew them or not. :)

I might be flattered if they said...I don't know...that I was yummy or something...which brings me to my fear of what others think of me behind my back. ^_^

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I'd think it was pretty cool. I'd want to befriend the person, probably. Kismet, you know?

But whenever I think about this scenario, it's more along the lines of someone ELSE spotting ME on the site, so, like: I write an obvs about a cute girl and then she identifies herself. I'd feel awkward as hell.

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I'd certainly be embarrassed to start with, but once I'd got over the 'oh my godsomeonesawmesneezeandtheywroteanobsaboutme! :o' phase I'd certainly very much hope they were complimentary and be very flattered. Then I'd probably critique it in my mind: 'I'll have you know, my sneeze sounds nothing *like* that!', etc :dead: and if I was feeling particularly brave I might even post my thoughts, but not mention it was an obs of me :laugh:

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I'd certainly be embarrassed to start with, but once I'd got over the 'oh my godsomeonesawmesneezeandtheywroteanobsaboutme! :D' phase I'd certainly very much hope they were complimentary and be very flattered. Then I'd probably critique it in my mind: 'I'll have you know, my sneeze sounds nothing *like* that!', etc :hug: and if I was feeling particularly brave I might even post my thoughts, but not mention it was an obs of me :heart:

... *starts typing furiously* :heart:

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