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Which Harry Potter characters would you like to see?


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So, watching Deathly Hallows Part I (and the preparatory reread of the book, of course :hug:) have put me in a very Harry Potter kind of mood. I was just wondering which characters you guys would most want to see in a fic? You can request M or F, I don't really care, though I can't promise I'll be able to write them all. I will say though, it's the one fandom where I'm very, er, careful about sticking to the canon. So feel free to request pairings too, but nothing not in the books?

Thanks guys! Haha, I think I might just do a little one-shot or something.

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I think I'm going to have to cast my votes for Cho, Luna and Hermione. Yes, very original. :hug:

Pairings aren't super important to me, so do as you please with those.

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Okay, I will definitely try to write some of those! Maybe Luna, since I haven't seen too many fics about her. Nicole if you want to suggest pairings not in the books, that's totally fine, I just can't promise I'll be able to write them well (I always try to keep it as in character as possible, and that's sometimes hard for me even when they're with the person they're with in the books)

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I'm not too picky on pairings either, but I do love Remus. Very much so! And, for whatever reason, I sort of want to see something with Ron. I might write that one myself, though. :hug: Yay for Harry Potter!

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Ooh, I was wondering if the release of the movie would insipre anyone to write. I, for one, would love to see Snape. He's my all time favorite character.

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Yay! Thank you for so many suggestions, guys! :blush: I think I will start with the Luna and Remus fics, since they got the most request (plus both of them are favorite characters of mine :unsure:) and then try to do the rest. Sorry if it takes me a little while!

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I would also LOVE a Remus fic. And I also second the vote for something with Snape, and possibly Sirius Black. Pairings don't really matter much for me, I'll read anything! :)

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Any female character really; Tonks, Cho, Luna.....the Patils together could be fun.

There must be some top males; what about young Grindelwald?

[Phlegm, of course]

Edited by count de tisza
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There must be some top males; what about young Grindelwald?

Uhuhu. ^THIS. Young Grindewald/young Dumbledore (canon pairing, wooh). I might very well be the only Albus fangirl on the board, but I'm going to suggest him anyway. X)

Other than that, I'm always interested in some Lucius misery. <3

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