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G-Man's Strengths and Weaknesses

Graham Cracked

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[[[First off...I'M BACK!! :blushing::heart: :heart: :D :D Took a little time off to work on this story as well as a few others that are non-fetish related. Second, Happy Halloween!! Or, belated, however long it takes me to write this, it might be a day later here when I'm done. xD I had epic times with a couple of college friends. I was Ramona {lol I'm obsessed} and I had a Scott and a friend who was a bit out of place as Liquid from MGS. Sadly we did not have a Gideon, but we DID see a Pre-Release DVD Cut of the film! It left me with my SP satisfaction, especially for Gideon. :) So with that inspiration, I shall now post my story! I've rewritten it several times, and I think this is the better of my choises. ^^; Also, SWEET! IMMA MEMBER NOW! XD SCHWARTZMAN GOODNESS EVERYWHERE!!]]]

The limousine pulled up to the studio as the darkened out window hid the fact two eyes were glaring at it through thick-rimmed glasses. As they scanned around the building before the engine stopped, they shut slowly. The man, Gideon Gordon Graves, was ready. Ready to take back the woman that escaped him.

Did she really think leaving New York would make us even? He thought with a grin as he stepped out from the opened door of the limo. Oh, no. Once the League of Evil Exes finishes off that zero she's with now, she'll be crawling back into my arms...if not, I'll take the little brat down myself. He stood outside the front of the Chaos Theater. He nodded slowly with a tiny, smug grin. He wanted only the best for the sight of his victory. He could see it now, him and Ramona sitting at the top of the stairs and her pathetic new boyfriend falling to the greatness of him, or at least that's how he imagined it.

A shiver went down his spine, not from fear, however. No, Gideon Graves never feels fear. A sharp gust of icy cold wind shot straight into the side of his face and neck. He pulled at his white jacket and made his way into the theater.

"Of all places, she could've picked somewhere warmer..." He growled under his breath as he began for the entrance. He saw the cage-like entrance was chained with a Masterlock. He turned around to the awaiting limo driver who stayed standing next to the open passenger door. He snapped twice at him and pointed at the door, commanding him silently to open it for him. The driver approached quickly and went for his pocket, pulling out a series of keys. He tried one key after another in the stubborn lock, feeling the eyes of G-Man burn holes in the back of his head with each failed key.

"I-I know they gave me the key to this, sir..." The limo driver said nervously, trying to calm down the maddening Gideon.

"They gave you a key to the door or the lock?" Gideon asked slowly and in a monotone that frightened him more. The driver paused with his keys, then reached in his pocket once again to see if there was anything left.

"...O-...One moment, sir..." He quick paced back for the driver's side door and grabbed his cell phone, dialing shakily from nerves and the cold air. Gideon sighed deeply, a ploom of annoyed smoke raising above him from his breath. He rubbed a numbing hand and refused to go back into the limo. He was set on getting in there and being the first to take in the Chaos Theater. If he went back into the limo, he would feel like some sort of weakling, or from what he thought. The limo driver came back around the vehicle and stopped before Gideon, trying to avoid his direct glare.

"...Well?" Gideon asked simply.

"Th-There's a locksmith on his way to open the lock, sir..." The driver said, looking at everything else he can except for Gideon.

"I see..." He responded, dangerously calm. "And...how long exactly is he going to take?"

"I-I-I'm not sure...sir..."

"Alright...that'll be all, then." He dismissed the driver.

"Sir?" He looked up to him, wondering why he had remained so calm. Suddenly, his eyes finally found Gideon's rage within the calm just from his look. He felt his heart stop and nodded quickly, running back for the driver's side door and sitting inside. He didn't dare question why Gideon didn't return inside. He didn't want to risk saying anything that might set him off.

Gideon waited. And waited. Trying to remain firm against the chilling wind. His long brown hair whipped in his face as he stood back to the harsh breeze. The limo driver glanced out the opened passenger door in the back, knowing if he'd rather stand outside in the Canadian weather than sit in the limo with him, he was in a mood not to tamper with.

He stood firm in the wind, almost with statue-like sturdiness. But one sudden shift of the wind took him by surprise as it shot through the inside of his jacket. The breeze was enough to make this strong mountain shudder.

"This damned weather..." Gideon growled under his breath. He felt his shoulders begin to shake and his teeth chatter. He took a look towards the inviting limousine, then stood erect once again, clearing his throat and sniffing with confidence. However, on his inhale, another shot of cold wind took over his body, and the sniff became a mild hitch. He held the back of his hand to the side of his nose, trying to keep his absolute control. He tapped on the top of the limo, commanding the driver to step out.

"S-S-Sir?" The limo driver asked nervously and cold.

"How...long ago..." Gideon asked slowly, preventing another accidental sniff to cause anything to happen to his control. "...did you call them?"

"Uh...a-about 15 minutes, s-sir..."

What, is he driving across the whole COUNTRY?! Gideon's mind shouted, his mouth unwilling to open again. He only gave an annoyed nod and glare, turning away. The driver paused, refraining to go back in before he at least asked him.

"S-Sir...w-wouldn't you r-rather wait in h-h-here?"

Gideon's head turned quick as a flash, his glasses overtaken with a glare so fiery it momentarilly warmed the driver to a burning nervousness. The driver trembled and dropped back into his seat, shutting the door for the last willing time.

He waited for the driver to be out of sight before turning back away, his hand wavering in front of his face. He took in a few quick breaths before gritting his teeth, realizing he came close to losing it. Thinking that pacing might help to warm him up instead, he began to walk up to the theater entrance, then back to the limo, then back and forth once again.

Seems to be working a little bit... He thought for a moment, before another gust of icy wind caught him off guard. He stopped dead, mid-pace, thick eyebrows furrowing down behind his square glasses. His nostrils flared slightly as he brought his hand back up to it quickly, his breathing becoming hitches. He was stuck between keeping and losing control of it, his body and mind in a tug of war. He held grip of his promenant nose tightly as he tried to supress the feeling. Every so often, his head and shoulders would shift forward violently into his hand, but he tried at his hardest to maintain. Not a sound was emitted until he stood back up, gave a small sniffle and pulled out a kerchief from his breast pocket. He held it to his face and cursed under his breath on how late the locksmiths are.

"All I wanted to do..." Gideon began to complain to no one. "...was go into my precious new studio, my lovely new theater, and here I am in the damn cold because SOMEONE couldn't get all the keys in order!!" He began pacing once again, building in rage. "I don't even know WHY they have this stupid lock here! What are people gonna steal?! The ELEVATOR?!?! This is completely POINTLESS!! But I'm NOT going to be beaten to show weakness, NOT this guy!"

By instinct, he threw both his hands down in his rage and was unaware of how much cold air he was taking in. Not until he paused once again in mid-rage, starting to feel his nose twitch. He shook his head lightly, bringing the kerchief back to his face. His eyes shut and, for the first time, quivered with a mild sign of weakness. He gasped several times, still trying to keep control. But the more he took in, the worse the feeling got for him. His nose tinged a reddening warning behind the cloth, but with one more sharp gasp, he couldn't control it any longer.

"IIH-GCHUUUUF!!! HEE-KCHUUU!! EHHHH-GCHUUU!! KYAA-CHUUUFFF!! KEE-CHOOO!! HEEEE-CHOOOOO!!" Gideon fell to a loud and violent sneezing fit, his free hand holding onto the top of the limo. He tried sniffing it back to no avail. He had to wait out the only thing he couldn't control. "GYAA-CHUUUF!! HEE-CHOO!!! IIIHH-CHUUUUF!!! EHH-CHUUU!! KEH-CHUUU!!" As the fit eased enough for him to at least see, his teary eyes saw two men standing in front of him, a trademark Locksmith's label on the van behind them. He glowered at them behind his glasses before another fit began to build. He tried to at least suppress it to command them to get to work. "The...the lo-HEE-Hyaaa...the lock...the-here...g-get it o-Iih...off..." He gestured for the door as they still stood there, confused. He saw that and sniffled harshly, standing erect and in a mild rage. "Do...it...now..." Gideon's lips shook to speak, trying to suppress another building fit.

The locksmiths took the hint and headed for the door as Gideon waited, kerchief held to a still twitching nose. With his other hand, he knocked on the limousine again, the driver coming out quickly. He knew to stand behind the locksmiths as they finished to pick and remove the lock, proper key at the ready. Once all of the doors were open and to the ready, they all stood out of the way of him and watched carefully. Gideon remained standing there for a moment, then slowly removed the kerchief and cleared his throat, standing with a struggled confidence.

"No one...speaks...of this...no one..." Gideon said through gritted teeth as he walked in through the doors into the Chaos Theater. The three men in the front all avoided his gaze and attempted to ignore the sounds of loud, echoed sneezes sounding through the amplified building.

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*gathers the cash in coins from the rubble*

:hug::D :D I'm SO glad/relieved you liked it!! I scrapped about 3 other ideas before I came up with this one. This is primarily a one-shot, but I could try to joggle up a few more ideas. ^^]]]

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I scrapped about 3 other ideas before I came up with this one. This is primarily a one-shot, but I could try to joggle up a few more ideas. ^^

Ehh, I do the same thing when I write. No worries! What were the other ideas? I'm just curious, since, ya know... :(

No worries, this fic was honest-to-goodness great!


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I scrapped about 3 other ideas before I came up with this one. This is primarily a one-shot, but I could try to joggle up a few more ideas. ^^

Ehh, I do the same thing when I write. No worries! What were the other ideas? I'm just curious, since, ya know... :(

No worries, this fic was honest-to-goodness great!


Let's see...there was a Scent Sensitivity one I scrapped before this that I wish I didn't have to, with him reacting about the same to a flirtatious assistant's perfume. At one point she sprayed it right on his face...x///x m-maybe I'll post that one later. The other two ideas were similar to this one, except they were of him actually getting sick. I scrapped those cause I did that with my other story.

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Let's see...there was a Scent Sensitivity one I scrapped before this that I wish I didn't have to, with him reacting about the same to a flirtatious assistant's perfume. At one point she sprayed it right on his face...x///x m-maybe I'll post that one later.

Hey, if you wrote it, post it! I think you write super well! Plus, this forum needs as much Scott Pilgrim as it can get... :(

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Oh true to that one. Scott Pilgrim luff everywhere!! :(

I probably will post that one someday, after I get up enough energy for my next idea ^^

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  • 3 weeks later...

xD You guys are awesome! *epic hugz~!!!*

I'm currently spending a few days away ATM, but I'll get right back into the swing of things once I'm back home and holidays are situated. :D

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