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LYK's Drabble Thread THE SEQUEL [57/100] 11/5/15


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WOW A mere five years after starting this nonsense, I am continuing, sporadically. New stuff starts on Page 8 and is no longer exclusively Inception-related (and probably won't contain much more Inception).

Are you excited?! I'm excited! XD What the crap?! I couldn't even stop writing for a week. Man. Nothing else is ever going to get done. Thanks to Aprilcot's suggestion, I have picked up a new 101 word prompt list (edited for my writing pleasure in some cases). Since this is Round 2 I figured... Why not double the length of the drabbles? biggrin.png Right? Right? So there you have it. I'll post two per update. That way you're getting more words for your buck and it'll last longer. biggrin.png

I decided to make a separate thread since I changed the drabble structure and, by doing so, the challenge.

These are/probably will be mainly Inception fandom. Blanket warning of Arthur (DeLacey)/(James) Eames slash! Not your cup of tea? Bet you'll find something better elsewhere. wink.png Those who like Inception and who care about my fanon or whatever should check out my other drabble thread first. There are some interesting developments in it. Not necessary for understanding, but interesting.

Rock on.

Title: Rain
Fandom: Inception
Sneezer: Arthur, m.
Notes: They're in Brussels.

The Rue de Bouchers is finally beginning to clear, likely due to the lateness of the hour. Overhead it thunders and Arthur glances warily at the darkening sky. "James," he says, and he gets no response. He sighs. "James. We should go in."

"Where's your sense of adventure, darling?" Eames murmurs fondly, draping an arm around Arthur's shoulders and pulling him down to sit at an empty outdoor table. He smells strongly of spiced beer and Arthur can tell by Eames's smile that the man is drunk. "Haven't you ever wanted to kiss in the rain?"

"I'd rather be dry," Arthur responds in a clipped tone. He tries to pull Eames up and toward their hotel, but the forger resists. They are still standing together in the street when the clouds open up, soaking them in seconds.

"This is your fault," Arthur grinds out. He tries to pull away, but Eames sweeps him into the start of a waltz, half-singing the counts. "You never think things through. Ih- Ih-hnngst!" He sneezes over his partner's shoulder, face pinched.

"Bless you, dearest," Eames says warmly. "You will remember this fondly, someday." And he kisses Arthur's cheek as they step and turn again.

Title: Safe
Fandom: Inception
Sneezer: Arthur, m.
Notes: Makes more sense if you've seen the movie.

As quickly as he can, he twists like a cat, throwing his arms out and catching the nearest windowsill, his fingers scraped bloody, his shoulders almost torn from their sockets. He impacts the skyscraper hard, but it is better than the sidewalk, visible 350 stories below. All is silent. Then-

Non, rien de rien~ Non! Je ne regrette rien~

With relief, he lets go of the wall. He plummets, he crashes, and he doesn't die. Everything is white hot and he feels like vomiting, but he can't seem to find his face anymore…

Arthur wakes gasping, automatically scrabbling for his die with one hand and the Beretta under his pillow with the other. He can't seem to get enough air into his lungs.

"Darling?" Eames's voice is sleep-heavy, and he turns. "Darling, what is it? Lord, you're burning up!" He frowns and takes Arthur's gun as the man pitches forward with a harsh sneeze. "Did you have a nightmare?"

"James, I can't- Eh-hekksh!" Startled, he puts his hands up against Eames's chest as the man embraces him. "I can't…"

"Shh, you're safe, Arthur." Eames rubs his back, kisses his forehead, and is there, just there. Arthur slowly starts to relax.

It's good to be back. Not that I was away long. XD

Edited by LeapYearKillers
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A SEQUEL drabble thread?!?!??!?!??!! You have NO idea how happy this makes me...and I'm sure countless others on the forum.

YAY! More Arthur and Eames!!!! ;)

Fantastic job on the first two :]

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YAY!!! I am so happy there's a sequel. Loved them both, and especially the second. YAY! And now I have something happy to think of as I keep studying... thank you so much for posting this!

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Ohmygod. Last I checked this was all still brilliant....

So so glad you're back. The imagery is so vivid in the second drabble. Plus, I really really love Edith Piaf.

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YAY! More Inception drabbles. I really should go and see the movie and then re-read them all. :D Especially if you're planning on spoiling us with more. xD

These were so "awww" :D ... and awesome, we must not forget awesome. ;)

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Finally caught up on all the drabbles...I have to say, I am pretty floored. You're so good at conveying exactly the right emotions in so few words. I feel like I know these characters so well now...

but that doesn't stop me from wanting more glimpses into their delicious, sneeze-filled relationship!! quite the opposite in fact!

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Thank you all so much! :drool:

Title: Mum

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur, m.

Notes: Slight warning for sex.

Eames does not think about how close Arthur is, but he can feel it every time the man takes a breath; their backs are flush, nothing between them but rope. They are both naked. (One day Eames will tell Cobb not to send them into the dreams of a dominatrix. He wishes he’d said it before.)

For the moment they are alone in the room. “You all right, Arthur?” Eames asks, because they are teammates, not because Arthur can’t handle himself. He pulls at his bonds but they don’t give.

“Yes.” But Arthur sounds odd. “I wish she ha- hadn’t found, heh, the knife. Heh-nngst!”

“Bless you.” Arthur’s allergies must be reacting to the woman’s perfume.

Arthur makes a disgruntled noise before gasping and sneezing again. “Hnngst!” This goes on for minutes on end. Eames is about to ask if he’s okay when Arthur starts making noises of a different kind: panting, and once a low moan.

Eames thinks Arthur is getting off on this. “Darling?” he inquires, bemused.

“When we wake up, you will tell no one. Understand?” Though breathless, Arthur’s threats must be taken seriously.

Eames files away the information for later and smiles slowly. “Mum’s the word.”

Title: Ownership

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m.

Notes: Motley is a German Shepherd/Husky mix. A picture.

Arthur walks to work the same way every day. He has done it so often that his feet can lead him while he drops his nose into a good book. He knows everyone along his route. Nothing ever changes but the weather.

This is why it is such a surprise when the dog jumps on top of him. He barely registers the impact of paws on his chest before he is crashing backward to the ground, luckily onto the grass. “What the hell?!” he cries as he gets licked on the cheek.

“I am so sorry!” comes a voice from behind him. “Motley, get back here! Bad boy!” The voice’s owner turns out to be an attractive man in paisley. He also happens to look exhausted, sneezing heavily into a handkerchief while grabbing his dog’s collar. “Heh-gisshx!”

“Um, bless you,” says Arthur, rubbing away dog slobber.

“Sorry. He’s usually much better behaved. Eh-gissh!”

“Don’t worry about it.” Arthur is blushing. “I don’t think I’ve seen you before.”

“I’m Eames,” says the man, holding out a hand, then thinking better of it. “…I’m not feeling well,” he explains.

And Arthur, hesitantly, changes things.

“Can I buy you a coffee, Mr. Eames?”



No lie! O____O

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AAAHHH! I'm so excited! LYK's Drabble thread the sequel??!!! This is so exciting! YAY! Wow, this idea sounds intriguing... I looove dogs. They definitely are the best. Motley is adorable! And very Eames. Thank you for this. I absolutely loved all of them. I have to admit, Eames has definitely grown on me! I always liked him, but now... :drool: Thank you sososososo much! *is eagerly awaiting the next installment* Wait! Is the DeLacey a new thing? I love it. It is so perfect. Arthur DeLacey. It's beautiful. You are a genius.

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I am so glad that I suggested this!!!!!

Wow these first four are AMAZING!!!!!!!!

I love Motley!!!!

He is sooo sweet!!!!

And Safe was just adorable!!!!!!!

I can't wait for the next 96!!!!!

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted::laugh::drool::nohappy::laugh::cryhappy:

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Will I ever get tired of sneezy and/or fetishy Arthur? xD Probably not, as you keep writing him so deliciously. :)

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Thank you all! :dribble: I'm totally serious about that exchange, by the way... >>

Title: Candles

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m.

Notes: None.

“Now I suppose you’ll want to sing Kumbaya,” Arthur says, straightening from lighting the candles on the low coffee table. The flame flares up and casts dancing shadows over the cramped and cluttered living room of their flat, its light a warm counterpoint to the flash of lightning outside. He shakes out the match and drops it into an old coffee cup, sticky with the dregs of a long-forgotten all-nighter.

“Not unless you sing along,” Eames hums from the sofa. He throws aside his afghan and holds out a hand, beckoning Arthur to cuddle. With the other he covers a chesty cough, turning his face toward the back of the couch.

“You’re contagious,” Arthur murmurs, but he comes over to curl up beside his husband. “How are you feeling, by the way? And I forgot to ask you how your research went.” He lays his head on Eames’s shoulder, ears warming when the Brit sneezes.

“Egh-issh!” It takes him by surprise, and he doesn’t manage to cover it, but Arthur doesn’t seem to mind. In fact, he’s relaxing for the first time all night. Eames smiles. “Let’s not talk about work, darling. Not when we’ve got each other to ourselves.”

Title: Kisses

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur, m.

Notes: Boarding school AU.

The grass under the bleachers is wet from the afternoon’s rain, but Eames doesn’t care. He plops down with his back to a support, tossing his schoolbag to the side. “Well, darling?”

Arthur, who prides himself as sensible and does not like being wet, does not sit. He remains standing until Eames sighs and pats his lap. Then Arthur sets down his own bag carefully and straddles him.

“You’re better, then?” Eames asks hopefully, his arms coming up automatically to lie in the small of his boyfriend’s back.

“I suppose,” Arthur smirks. He is the one who presses their mouths together, ignoring the faint click of teeth and the taste of nicotine. He teases for a moment before caving and allowing Eames into his mouth.

They are still kissing when Arthur freezes, palms gone flat on Eames’s shoulders. He makes a desperate sound in his throat before pulling away hurriedly. “Eh-chxxst!” He doesn’t have time to stifle; his hand is only halfway to his face.

Eames feels it mainly on his neck, but there is a thin spray on his cheek as well. He scrubs it off with his cuff and ignores it, because Arthur looks upset enough as is.

Edited by Leap-Year Kisses
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Buhduhwha? So adorable! I'm so excited that you're keeping this up! I kind of am worshiping you right now. I'd write you that exchange if I could write worth crap because I just want to do something as thanks besides showering you with praise.

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*cuddles in with Eames and Arthur*

These are sooo good. Saw Inception again recently, too, and am only enjoying JGL and Tom Hardy all the more. :twisted:

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Here are two more. Enjoy! (I like these ones a lot.)

Title: Wind

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur, m.

Notes: AU.

Arthur watches it progress down the street: a gust of wind that contorts first one brown tree and then another until it sounds like he’s standing by the ocean instead of at a bus stop in New York. When it reaches him, it tugs at his hat and whips his scarf away just as he’s putting it on. He runs to catch it, his cold fingers tangling in the fringe and taking it back from nature. Shivering, he wraps it around his neck, giving in to a shallow cough. He knows a fit is inevitable and he braces himself against the sign post, bending and hacking and, somehow, still breathing.

“Oh, darling, you get yourself into the worst messes,” comes a familiar voice, and a hand follows it to rest on Arthur’s back, rubbing soothingly. “Why aren’t you in bed?”

“I have work today,” Arthur croaks, straightening, finally, and giving Eames a warm look, too tired to really smile. He pulls his scarf up over his nose as a sneeze tears out of him. “Eh-hhxggst!” He sniffs. “Ow.”

“Bless you,” says Eames, and though they are only bus stop friends, he shields Arthur from the next gust with his body.

Title: Park

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m.

Notes: Film industry AU. I got the idea for this from the favorite sneezy scenarios thread.

“I- I wasn’t expecting to see you again,” Eames says, letting his gaze drop to the cobblestones before looking back at Arthur. “I thought that you’d… That you’d-” His eyes are shining with tears and he takes a deep breath… before pitching forward. “Heh-gisshx!”

“Cut!” comes the director’s frustrated shout, and Arthur backs off of his camera, raising an arm to wipe at his forehead. It’s May but it feels more like August and he’s sweltering. He pushes his sleeves up a little bit farther as Mr. Cobb gets out of his chair and goes to talk to the star of his movie. Ariadne, Eames’s love interest in this particular flick, has already gone to the refreshments table for a cold drink.

“Eames,” Cobb says, pinching the bridge of his nose. “What. What am I supposed to do about this?”

“You could change the setting to post-apocalyptic downtown Chicago,” Eames says thickly. “Heh-gesshx! Or anywhere but here,” he says, gesturing around him to the copious birches.

Cobb starts squinting and Arthur sighs. They have trying to film this scene all morning, but Eames’s hayfever is too persistent. Grimly, he unbuttons his collar another notch and brings Eames a checkered handkerchief.


Coincidentally, if any of you have favorite scenarios, feel free to share. It's not an imposition; I LIKE to please.

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:twisted: Love, love, love, love, LOVE!!! :nerd:

These are so good. I rather like the idea of them all being in the film industry like that (*film geek alert*)...it was very interesting :hug:

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YAYAY! These were just too cute! I especially loved Wind. The whole scene was picturesque brilliance. The scarf flying away, Arthur trying to catch it, Eames asking why he isn't in bed (which I lovelovelove in stories), and then shielding him from the wind. So sweet!

I like the scenario in Park too. It was really original. And of course, Eames' allergies acting up again... :) I'm pretty sure I use that emoticon a lot when I reply to your drabbles. I guess that's just the best way to describe them. Lol.

I think you have covered all of my favorite scenarios and more, the fabulous writer that you are, but if I think of anything... And yes. Arthur............. :laugh: :laugh: :P:) :) okay, that's enough. You're the best.

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