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Hankies in Knickers;

count tiszula

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People may have supposed that I am fantasising when I just occasionally mention that girls keep [or used to keep] their hankies in their knickers, but I am so old that in my youth girls used to joke about this habit. Of course for all I know it may go on to this day perhaps in girls' boarding schools and the like. Any witnesses?

And the other day I received at least fictional confirmation of the fact when I caught part of the 70s film of "Swallows and Amazons", starring the lovely Suzanna Hamilton when a young girl. However, it is another girl who, as Titty, when overcome by emotion goes under her skirt to the lower hem of her black bags [knickers in the sense of knickerbockers] and extracts a hankie for a quick blow. I would guess that this used to be universal until girls graduated to long skirts, so certainly for all schoolgirls and "tennis girls".

There is no sneezing in the film, by the way.

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I have never thought you were fantasising, for some reason I am wholly aware that this was done though I cant for the life of me understand why. My grandmother also used to keep hers in her bra. No pockets you see, and sleeves arent that safe.

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Very interesting...unlike Vet, I wasn't actually aware that this was done, although it doesn't surprise me at all. I imagine that 30, 40 years ago and more, the use of hankerchiefs was a lot more common than it is now. Thinking about it, as a hanky user myself, I probably fall into this category...during hayfever season (which for me is now finished), if I was out somewhere and wearing trousers with no pockets (as I often do) and a long t-shirt over the top of them, I wouldn't have anywhere to keep my hanky except tucked into the side of my trousers. Which inevitably involved part of the hanky getting tucked down the side of my knickers as well....does that count? lol (no pun intended, honestly! :lmfao: )

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Hankies in knickers?!

Interesting, but you can't beat a hanky up the sleeve as far as I am concerned. I don't know why but I love that, especially from a younger person (adult, not child, I hasten to add) as it is not really in vogue anymore


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Hankies in knickers?!

Interesting, but you can't beat a hanky up the sleeve as far as I am concerned. I don't know why but I love that, especially from a younger person (adult, not child, I hasten to add) as it is not really in vogue anymore


That's true Joal, and most of the time that's where I put mine...the only trouble is, in hot weather when you're wearing short sleeves it's impossible! My only other compromise under those circumstances is to carry my jacket with me (which I usually do) and keep my hankies in the pockets of that (which I have done many times) :lmfao:.

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Hankies in knickers?!

Interesting, but you can't beat a hanky up the sleeve as far as I am concerned. I don't know why but I love that, especially from a younger person (adult, not child, I hasten to add) as it is not really in vogue anymore


That's true Joal, and most of the time that's where I put mine...the only trouble is, in hot weather when you're wearing short sleeves it's impossible! My only other compromise under those circumstances is to carry my jacket with me (which I usually do) and keep my hankies in the pockets of that (which I have done many times) :lmfao:.

*looks forward to the cooler weather and Wishing retrieving a hanky from up her sleeve after sneezing*

sooooo cute

*sighs happily*


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Yes, I have heard of this... although it seems quite bizarre to me. I feel sorry for girls not having enough pockets in the past! :shy:

It reminds me of part of an old Morecambe and Wise sketch that I saw ages ago (and sadly can't find a clip of). It goes something like this:

Eric Morecambe: (Looking at something out of the window) "It's a beautiful sight, that."

Ernie Wise: "What?"

Eric Morecambe: (pause) "Ada Bailey hanging out her knickers on the line." (This was a running joke.) "Do you remember Ada Bailey from school, Ern?"

Ernie Wise: "Yes, of course I do."

Eric Morecambe: "I go up to her with some flour, and blow it in her face to make her sneeze."

Ernie Wise: "Well, why did you do that?"

Eric Morecambe: "You should see where she kept her hanky!"

If anyone stumbles across a clip of that, please let me know! :drool:

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I sometimes actually USE my underwear as a hankie! If there's nothing else to use...lol

You must be freakishly limber!

;) Mental picture I now can't get rid of... ;)

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I sometimes actually USE my underwear as a hankie! If there's nothing else to use...lol

You must be freakishly limber!

:P Mental picture I now can't get rid of... :P

Well, stevie, you should include that in your...material.....

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I never really thought about girls having to do this, but it makes sense. Although it sounds like it would be awkward to retrive the hankie if the girl ever needed to use it! :P

Actually, I've placed a hankie in my bra before, when I was wearing outfits that didn't have pockets and couldn't carry a purse. It stayed put just fine in there, but I was careful not to take it out when anyone was looking! Although I'd rather be caught reaching into my shirt than down my knickers, I don't love the idea of people catching me doing either! :P

Yes, I have heard of this... although it seems quite bizarre to me. I feel sorry for girls not having enough pockets in the past! :wub:

It reminds me of part of an old Morecambe and Wise sketch that I saw ages ago (and sadly can't find a clip of). It goes something like this:

Eric Morecambe: (Looking at something out of the window) "It's a beautiful sight, that."

Ernie Wise: "What?"

Eric Morecambe: (pause) "Ada Bailey hanging out her knickers on the line." (This was a running joke.) "Do you remember Ada Bailey from school, Ern?"

Ernie Wise: "Yes, of course I do."

Eric Morecambe: "I go up to her with some flour, and blow it in her face to make her sneeze."

Ernie Wise: "Well, why did you do that?"

Eric Morecambe: "You should see where she kept her hanky!"

If anyone stumbles across a clip of that, please let me know! :wacko:

Hilarious! :P

I sometimes actually USE my underwear as a hankie! If there's nothing else to use...lol

You must be freakishly limber!

;) Mental picture I now can't get rid of... :rolleyes:

Me neither, snufflebunny! :)

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Never heard of women keeping there hankies in there knickers,but i certainly dont object, HOT!!!

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I have to admit, I am finding this thread interesting... :laugh:

I do find both hankies and knickers a bit of a turn-on, but I don't find it especially hot to think of a woman keeping her hanky in her knickers. However, after reading Sneezedreamer's post above, I realise that I do find it quite sexy to imagine a handkerchief being kept in someone's bra. ;)

Although I agree- it must be quite difficult to get it out discreetly! Every time you needed to blow your nose, you'd have to start rummaging around inside your shirt! :lol:

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However, after reading Sneezedreamer's post above, I realise that I do find it quite sexy to imagine a handkerchief being kept in someone's bra. :P

Although I agree- it must be quite difficult to get it out discreetly! Every time you needed to blow your nose, you'd have to start rummaging around inside your shirt! ;)

I know plenty of women who do this... not to spoil the imagery or anything, but they use the bra strap as the thing that holds the hankie/tissue in place :D

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I sometimes actually USE my underwear as a hankie! If there's nothing else to use...lol


Washed or worn, Stevie?? :P:D

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I know plenty of women who do this... not to spoil the imagery or anything, but they use the bra strap as the thing that holds the hankie/tissue in place ;)

Interesting. :laugh: It certainly doesn't spoil the image... it's nice to know some of the female secrets of bra-tissue-storage! :blushing:

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This conversation makes me long for a world I never knew. The only thing I've ever actually seen is a hankie up the sleeve, or in a jacket pocket, but having a hankie tucked in the knickers (what we in America would call panties, right?) is a perfectly splendid idea! Perhaps some public service minded individual will someday make a clip demonstrating this technique?

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Both, Mr Sneezy! lol It depends how desperate I am to blow my nose, heheh.

You just made my day on several levels, Stevie.

I wish we were neighbours. :drool:

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