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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Your Greatest Obs Ever (MALE)


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To mirror the other "greatest observation" thread, I thought I would add one for male content, two threads will keep the material separate, but hopefully also keep everyone happy! :)

The idea is to post your most memorable, favourite observation of all time here. Whichever sprung to mind first when you read the thread title. :blushing:

Not being interested in male sneezing myself, I have none to share, so I suppose the sneezing fit in this thread:


will have to do. Hope you enjoy compiling your favourite male obs of all time!

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Well, i have had a few good obs. One of the best has got to be my manager in the pub. Not only is he good looking, but i particularly enjoyed this:

Well, i went into the pub where i work last night because i had to meet one of the managers for a drink. Great, i didn't really want to go, but it ws in my best interests as you need to keep on the good side of your managers.

I tried to persuade the other manager, who also had a night off, to come out with us (he is much younger, good gooking). He is quite tall, fark hair and eyes, a little dark goatee. When i went over to him and spoke to him he sounded quite stuffed up, quite cute really. Then he turned away from my slightly, put one hand in front of his nose and mouth and sneezed, then carried on with what he was saying. however, it didn't stop there, and he continued to sneeze every few seconds! I was mesmerised. I blessed hima few times and then got bored with it lol. After a minute or so, he started to pinch his nose as he sneezed to try and stifle.

I should have noticed he was sneezy earlier, because he nose (which is large ish- no horribly so) was red and his eyes were watery. After a while i was like "My god sneezy, whats wrong with you! Stop it!" He just looked at me, grinned and said in a kind of sad voice, "I don't know, i just can't stop sneezing".

This continued, though not so badly, for the rest of the time i was in there, maybe half an hour or so. Bless is heart, he was wandering round with a rolled up ball of tissue in his hand and kept dabbing at is nose. He said he had only just woken up. He has just moved back in to the pub, so it might have been the dust in the room because they redecorated it.

Maybe he has hayfever that i have never notcied before? Hmm...This happens reletively often after work late at night, so there could be more to come.


He has done this many more times since and i always make sure i am sitting next to him. lol. Its great :)

Also, my public transport obs are a fave of mine.

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Amen to male sneezing!

I had a great series of obs last weekend. I went on vacation with several of my friends. We went on a road trip to another state and back, total of 5 days. One of my friends is a pretty regular sneezer. He's 25, about 5'10" or 5'11", quite muscular but not overly so, and he has brown hair, brown eyes.

Anyway, I had a thought that I might get some good sneezes in on this road trip, especially since we were all sharing one hotel room. He sneezes generally anywhere between 4-10 times a shot. I tried to keep track this weekend, I really did, but I stopped counting at around 85-90 :blushing: He would sneeze in groups like he had, "Hruuussh" "Hrruussshhhhuuu" in groups of at least 4. The best was one night when we went to a movie. His sneezing doesn't really seem to bother him so I'd never heard him stifle. But, during the movie, he stifled on three different occasions! The first he sneezed twice regular, then stifled three more. A few minutes later he stifled three more sneezes. I was sitting right next to him :P and I wanted to tell him that stifling wasn't going to help him any but I didn't want to draw attention to it.

Anyway, I stopped counting on Friday, and we still went Saturday and Sunday all day with him sneezing...I'd estimate that it was around 120 times during the whole trip. What I wouldn't have done for a tape recorder!!!!!


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  • 2 months later...

Well, i had been waiting for a train for ages (it was delayed- typical Southwest trains) so i was beginning to get a bit pissed off. Finally the train pulled up (10 mins late) and i jumped in the carriage nearest to me and sat down opposite a man, possibly in his late 30s, greying hair and He was wearing a suit and carrying a breifcase (one of those city types ).

I carried on about my business- well, just sitting on the train- i was only going two stops, when i noticed that he was sniffling quite a bit. well at this stage my ears pricked up and i took a bit more notice of this city guy. He had a white hanky in his hand and was trying to fight off a sneeze. He did not look like he was winning though. I felt a bit sorry for him because it looked like his cold was a stinker. lol. Anyway, i digress, right. He was desperately fighting off this sneeze his eyes were watering and red round the edges and his breath hitched as he went to sneeze and then alas! Then man did not sneeze that time, sighed and relaxed again. He then did the face again- oh yes- i was grinning! lol and yet again i heard his breath get quicker, i think he thought he could fight it off again but no, right at the last second he bought his hanky over his mouth and nose ("EEISCHOO" kind of sound- fairly loud) and sneezed, quite wetley into it. He sniffled again and blew his nose (for the blow fetishists it was sort of medium in volume, long and wet).

I was not thinking could this train journey get ANY better and then the man started doing the face again almost straight away. Unfortunately his very successfully fought away any other approaching sneezes until he got off at the next stop. HOwever, when he got off the train he walked past the window of my carriage and i saw him bring his hanky to his face and sneeze one last time as he left the station.

What a fantastic trip! the only thing that could have made it better was for him to stay on the train till the end of the line (Richmond) which was where i was headed.

On my way home i took a bus (missed last train) and was sitting there minding my own business and enjoying my earlier obs from the evening when a few stops because i got off a young indian boy got on and sat next to me- he was in his 20s. There were other empty seats on this bus but he chose to sit next to me and i am SO glad he did. I was about to get off then i felt him stiffen beside me then he sneezed a neat little "Echoo" into his cupped hands. It was very nice sounding (not messy which was good as i was sitting next to him faaaar to close). He didn't sneeze again, but it was perfect end to a nice evening.

Hope you enjoyed. Im no very good at writing obs.

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Guest sneezgrrl

My roommate in college had terrible allergies and sneezed regularly. It was wonderful because I had a little crush on him as well! hehehe! But I remember this one particular time, we were walking thru Central Park, and he said to me..."ugh, I forgot to take my allergy medication this morning!" I knew exactly what that meant! We also realized that neither of us had brought any money with us, so we would have to walk the 40 or so blocks back to the apartment. It was summer, and definately not a bad walk, if not suffering from a terrible allergy attack! He started sneezing and sneezing, and only had like 2 tissues in his pocket. Poor thing...I really did feel bad for him. He contined sneezing all the way home, and all night once we got back. He took some allergy meds, but they didnt seem to kick in for the longest time. He has the cutest sneezes too! He's asian, in his early 30's, and nice build, but only about 5'5. Rather large sneezes for his size though! Kind of sounds like "RRrruuuuSHOOO! RrruuuuuuSHOOOO!!" , and he would ALWAYS sneeze in multiples! He had terrible allergies, and when I went to visit him recently, he said to me..."ugh...my allergies are worse than ever!" Which I cannot even imagine because he suffered regularly with them before. Had lots of observations living with him, and colds too. One day I'll sit down and try to remember more of them.


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Guest littleotwo

My best sighting is from a while ago, and it's of my first serious boyfriend. We lived together for a while and split up when I was about 25. He had allergies in general anyway, and those were fun for me, but I have one memory of him that still remains my favorite.

Once we'd been out late on a Friday, seeing a show, hanging out with friends, drinking and smoking. On Saturday, he woke up next to me with a cold.

We kissed good morning and we were lying there, blinking at the late morning sun coming through the blinds, when he suddenly sneezed twice. We were both on our backs next to one another, and he picked his head up slightly and sneezed straight down over his stomach.

He would sneeze openly and with pleasure in front of me, because he knew I liked it--although I only ever told him he had a great sneeze. He had a bit of a puggish nose, and his nostrils had a wonderful flare. I always blessed him.

We talked for a little while, about the show and about breakfast, and a few minutes later, he sneezed twice more in the same way. He tended towards doubles.

I feel kinda sick, he said.

Still sleepy and clueless, I assumed he meant that he was hungover. We both usually sneezed in the morning and I thought nothing of it.

No, he said. I think I'm getting a cold.

Soon enough it became apparent that he really was. He'd picked up some little germ, and as it took hold inside his nose, it made him sneeze and sneeze. It gradually blossomed into the sneeziest cold I've ever seen a man endure. One thing that made it nice was that he had no fever or sore throat, just a runny nose and this really awful tickle.

And he knew I thought his sneezes were cute, so each time he was overcome with this tickle, he'd just throw back his head and sneeze, like a little kid. I kept blessing and kissing him and calling him sneezy. He thoroughly enjoyed the attention.

Sometimes he would sneeze 8 or 10 gigantic sneezes in a row, one after another. At others, a twenty-second buildup would seem to peak, and then just disappear. (He would look me in the eyes with the most desperate expression...) Once he got the tickles so bad that it made his head shake involuntarily from side to side. When it suddenly subsided--with no sneeze--we both cracked up because he looked so funny.

We spent the day in my room with a big box of tissues and a movie, and he kept a good sense of humor about catching cold, even though there were moments when he could do nothing but sneeze (poor thing). He strained to clear his nose, but the increasing frequency and intensity of his sneezes made it sound like a hopeless battle.

Sometimes, usually at the end of a bad fit, he would sneeze a little snot and I'd see it land on the bed covers, or the floor. The relief would last only minutes before he'd feel a tickling again. At others, he'd be in mid-fit, winding up for another, and his nose would suddenly drip onto his shirt. It might have been piteous if he hadn't finished each fit with a surprised smile, or some kind of little joke, but he weathered his cold well.

Between the kissing, handholding and the spraying of sneezes, it's noteworthy that I did not catch his cold, although I wouldn't have minded.


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  • 1 month later...
Guest nosey

For my first post on the forum I would like to share my absolute favorite observation of all time... one that has been burned in my memory and my heart! Sorry if it's a little long...

A few years ago I was hanging out with three (all male) friends of my husband and me. (My husband was not present.) We were lightly indulging in some *herbal* activities while chatting and watching television. My favorite guy in the group, I'll call him R (I'm not physically attracted to him yet I've always had some unexplained interest in him) seemed a little sniffly. I had never heard him sneeze before and after knowing him for three years was beginning to think he was like me, i.e. won't sneeze in front of anyone. I was wrong. While I was involved in a conversation with one of the other guys, R sneezed once. It was the most perfect male sneeze I have ever heard. To write it I would have to go with a simple "Ha-schoo" sound but that hardly conveys it. My heart absolutely leapt but I ignored it and continued my conversation. A few seconds later R sneezed again. Then again. And again. I could hardly believe it. After about 6 or 7 he left the room, then came out of the bathroom with some toilet paper. I watched out of the corner of my eye as he sneezed about 5 more times, each one sounding better than the last-- nasally but with a perfect "choo" sound. The other guys ignored him, so I did too. R then came back into the room and joined in our conversation. I had been pining for one sneeze and suddenly I had heard maybe 15. Perhaps it was due to the *herbal* enhancement, but I could hardly believe my feelings. I not only felt so turned on, but so... endeared to him, and have remained so to this day. By the way, I witnessed one more of these episodes from him months later. Then a couple of months ago he sneezed once while sitting across from me at a restaurant, but it was a bland one B-P

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I could hardly believe my feelings. I not only felt so turned on, but so... endeared to him, and have remained so to this day.

I know exactly what you mean by "endeared"! I' ve never seen it expressed that way, and yet it's exactly what I have felt at some times.

When first discussing the fetish with another fetishist (over ten years ago - thanks to French Minitel !), we were wondering what was the deepest feeling when someone like your friend sneezed - repeatedly. The answer was... the urge to kiss him !

And, by the way, that observation was not too long - just right - left us wanting to know more ! Thanks so much!

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  • 2 months later...
Guest sneezychick

Well, my boy toy John and i were making love and i really wanted him to sneeze for me. I had pepper in one of my hands, lying beneath him. I put the pepper shaker to his nosehe sniifed a little. It got out 2 small "hitchoo's". Another 2 minutes went by, nothing, so i poured some out into my hand and made him sniff it. That pepper difinately hit a weak spot in that nose because he sneezed 19 times, yes 19, almost in a row, he would build one up and let out a loud "ha hatchoo!!!!!!" And the best part was when he would start to talk about the situation, "It's not fuuu fuuuunn ...."HaTCHOOOO!!" I handed him tissue after tissue, the greatest day of my life :blink:


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  • 4 months later...
Guest sneezylass

best m obs eh ? last year i had a boyfriend with a cold no couhging but sneezing all the time it was mint u could enjoy his really sweet ah ah aaaaaatchuks all the time ! yes they sounded like that ! odd but cutte!

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Oleander

oh, i have a great one. it was during the summer, and a couple of guys from the youth group told me that Sam had said he could beat me at foosball anyday. we played, and i won (of course :bleh:). later on we were all joking around, and two of the three guys that were still there had to go, leaving Sam and me. we talked for a little while, and i had this irrepressible urge to see him sneeze. and he did, like... five minutes later. i have never blushed like that in my life. it was the only time i'd seen him sneeze, but it was worth it. he tried to fight it for a while, then his eyes kind of squeezed shut and he sneezed with this 'hehh... Ekshooo!' kind of sound, totally uncovered, and the light was shining just right, so i saw the spray land on my shoes and such. it was soooo awesome. i still have a crush on him.... :laugh:

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It happened in June last year, I was in the florist's shop looking for a nice flower for my friend's housewarming party. The old man who own the shop had called in some extra help, a goodlooking dark-haired guy in his late 20's. This poor guy must've been allergic to something there, because he was constantly sneezing. I never saw him sneeze because he actually hid in the back of the shop when a fit was about to start. Anyway, he sneezed loud, wet "HAH-TSSHOO!"'s not once, not twice, not thrice but ten to fifteen times A ROW! :drool: Every now and then I heard him blow his nose wet and forcefully, apparently in attempt to stop the sneezing but he didn't succeed, every time he blew his nose another fit begun. He must've sneezed over 100 times while I was in there. I almost couldn't concentrate when I payed, I think I handed over the wrong amount of money not once but twice. :drool: His boss looked rather tired, but I was thrilled. And I'm not really into male sneezing, but that was truly amazing! :drool:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest ever_so_clever

I really don't have too many actually. And since I'm more into cartoon sneezes than real people (with the exception of my crush <3) I don't notice much. However, just because I'vve been reading so many obs here...meh crush stopped by yesterday and sneezed once while we were on the computer. hwee and I blessed him. :yes: I NEVER bless anyone ever.

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  • 2 months later...

this is my greatest obs!

Well, greatest so far... cuz ya never know what the future will hold...

A week ago, I was at my boyfriend's house, and he was in the restroom. Well, I waited for him just across from the door in the hallway (i was impatient because we were leaving to see a movie). So, I'm just waiting there for him, and then suddenly, the bathroom door busts open, and he's standing there with his pants unzipped (but covering everything), hand on the doorknob, and the SEXIEST pre-sneeze face I have ever seen!! He had a big huge fit right there in front of me, and all I could do was watch him with a stunned face. He sneezed about 7 or 8 times with big build ups and they were like "He-iiishhhh!"

It was great!! Ahhhhh, it was my highlight of the YEAR (so far...).

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  • 9 months later...

I'm not attracted to guys and have never really gotten much of a thrill from male sneezing but maybe someone who does will like this:

My junior year in college I was stuck in a shitty dorm, that's neither here nor there. Two of us lived in one room, we had a bathroom, and on the other side of that bathroom two other guys had a room. Straight as I am I can't deny that one of them was somewhat good-looking, and he was pretty sneezy. All year long I'd hear him sneeze medium-loud singles ("HEHHshoo!"). Occasionally the sound of it provoked in me the odd urge to reach for the tissue box and start rolling, then sneeze myself. A couple of times he called back "Bless you" and I found that rather embarassing, being averse to public sneezing and all. Thing is, though, I was curious to see him sneeze but he never once did it when I was in his room or vice versa.

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  • 1 month later...

I posted this in the regular obs. place ... sorry if you're reading it for the second time!

My favorite male sneeze had to come from my ex-boyfriend. My birthday was coming up, and I'm the kind of person that says, "eight days 'till my birthday!" "seven days 'till my birthday!" "six days ..." well, you get it. Anyway, my boyfriend at the time were out to dinner and I said, "five days 'till my birthday ..." and he said, "really? I forgot!"

Well, I was a little aggitated by this response so I said, "You don't remember when my birthday is?" and he said, "No your birthday is ..." and then he got this blank look on his face. Nothing, no pre-sneeze expression, nothing. He just looked like he was thinking. "November ..." Blank look. "Tenth." Because I thought he really did forget I was giving him a hard time. I said "we've been dating for seven months! how could you forget my birthday?" and he said, "I didn't forget your birthday!"

And then he said, "Wait, you want to know ... the reason ... for the s sss-slight ... pa-pa-pa-pause ... here it ... ka-ka-comes ..." And then he lead out three fabulous sneezes! "HUH CHHHHhhhhhh ... HUH CHHHHhhhhhh .... HUH CHHHHhhhhhh" His sneezes are so cute. No ooo's or eee's. Then he said, "WOW! I nearly blew my head off there!" I blessed him and laughed. He didn't know about my fetish, but If he only knew how hot that made me He would have "forgotten" my birthday more often!

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"we've been dating for seven months! how could you forget my birthday?"

Very nice obs sweetie.... don't feel bad though... I was with my ex-husband for seven years, and he still can't remember my birthday off the cuff (funny though, his birthday's November tenth too! LOL)

I remember the birthdays of every guy I've ever dated, every close friend I've ever had, and 90% of my family members (I can't remember my brother-in-law Frank, and I can never remember my grandma.... gee, I guess I have a better than 90% rate!) But i'm just freaky that way. I can't forget numbers.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest elcaminohippie

I joined this forum because I am a friend of Miss Kitty's and although I do not have an auditory fetish (I have others) I do understand it. I was telling her about this a while ago and she practically demanded that I include it here, I joined in the winter when the following wasn't working, but now that spring is here and I am inundated with pollen here goes:

The sneezing/masturbation connection:

For years now I have noticed that if I rub my tongue on the roof of my mouth something above the roof of my mouth begins to itch. It itches, so I rub it again. I keeps itching; I keep rubbing. It was a lot like the first time I mastrubated. I knew this continual rise of itching and pressure was building to something I just didn't know what. And then all the pressure and itchiness was relieved when I sneezed. But just like sex or masturbation, if in the frenzy of working towards that last hurrah I rubbed one too many times, I would be left over with just a little bit of itch and pressure. And the only way to get rid of that is to start all over.

This week at work alone already I must be up around 30 sneezes. And they're making it easy: they were passing around flowers for administrative assistants' day!

Wanted to say hello to everyone, and share a little bit about myself.


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This week at work alone already I must be up around 30 sneezes. And they're making it easy: they were passing around flowers for administrative assistants' day!

Wanted to say hello to everyone, and share a little bit about myself.


Wow, really nice! Thanks for sharing, Jeff! And of course, welcome to the forum! Please feel free to share any more self-obs you have! :drool:

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  • 10 months later...

One of my best male obs had to be when I was with a guy, lets call him J, and we had been casually seeing eachother for a while...

we were hanging out one day, and I noticed he was sniffling, and his nose sounded stuffy, so I asked him if he was sick...

he said no, he was just kind of tired, but I persisted in asking him to make sure (and because i really just liked talking about it!)

We were just sitting on the couch when all of a sudden he sneezed twice! Aahtchoo haaTchoo! His sneezes were rather infrequent but pretty strong.

later that night i was sitting on his lap, and his nose was still running, so I put a tissue up to his nose, and made him blow it.

We then just started making out, and the sneezing pretty much stopped, but it was a great night!!!

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  • 1 year later...
Guest pookie77

Oh my ex-boyfriend ...

Best sneezer I have ever known. I remember coming back from one of our first dates, going into my room to change, and hearing him sneeze 8 times in the living room with about 10 seconds between each sneeze. I had no idea at the time what a repetitive sneezer he would turn out to be. During our first year of dating he had several morning fits of 20 or so sneezes, but nothing like the night of our first anniversary.

We were low on cash, so we decided to do a picnic in the park. It was early August, and I still wasn't fully aware of his hayfever at that time of the year. He showed up eager, and we headed to the park. We set up our blanket in the middle of a field of green grass, and managed to get through dinner before he let out his first sneeze. He had a very small, cough like sneeze. Mind you, he was a totally gorgeous Latino ~ tall, brown, muscular --- he would subtly close his eyes, pull his head up in anticipation of the sneeze, and then this little stifle would slip out. He gave me that look like, "they're gonna keep coming", so we started to pack up, but, every 10 seconds or so, another small sneeze ~ as he walked over to throw away our plates, he literally had to stop, take a breath, look to the sun for some inspiration, and sneeze. 11 sneezes occurred at the park, before we walked back to our apartment.

I thought the sneezing had subsided, as I was used to him sneezing 10 times or so, but when we got back to the apartment, he went into the bathroom, and I heard him sneeze another 8 times, a little quicker than before. He came out with a smile on his face, but with a stuffy nose and watery eyes. I couldn't help but feel a little bad for him. But, he wanted to keep the night romantic, so we headed into my room to be cozy. Every 5 minutes or so, he got caught up in another set of 2-3 sneezes. Well, of course, it was our anniversary, so we became intimate :yes: --- but, our escapes could not keep down the allergy ridden man in my embrace. He sneezed here and there throughout our love making (as if that didn't drive me WILD!!!). I could NOT believe he made it through it --- but then, thinking back, each sneeze must have made a pretty awesome contraction while on top of me ...

Anyway, he DID finish, and I think that was the last straw for his nose, because he sneezed more than I ever saw him sneeze the entire time we were together. Each sneeze was spaced by about 5 seconds, and they just kept coming, and coming, and coming ... I was starting to get concerned for him, so I suggested we leave the bedroom, in case there was something in there setting him off. We dressed as he continued to sneeze, his beautiful face tortured by the buildup, and then headed out of the bedroom. I remember throwing my arms around his back as we walked out of the bedroom just as he was leaning forward into another sneeze. My body was THROBBING with each sneeze ... it was unbelievable.

Finally my poor baby's nose gave him a break. He was a stuffy mess after that, but at least he got a sneezing break. All in all, I believe he sneezed well over 70 times.

He made a repeat performance on the night of our second anniversary, but he waited till he was home to be overwhelmed by the sneezing. We were on the phone when it began, and after about 15 sneezes, and no actually talking, I felt bad for him and hung up with him.

He was an amazing allergy sneezer. I could tell stories all day about his fits!!!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

My favorite obs of all time definitely comes from my boyfriend. A brief description: he is gorgeous, has long curly blonde hair, which he keeps tied back in a low pony, nerd glasses, a perfectly straight and medium small nose, slightly pointed, full soft lips, and dazzling blue eyes. He's somewhat pale, although I'm paler.

I was over at his house, and we were playing Soul Calibur II. Well, actually, he was playing, and I was having a snack break. I was sitting to the right of him, and he was sitting next to me on the left, we were about 2 and a half feet apart. He was fiercely battling someone. He hurriedly and forcefully turned his head right, and sneezed sounding like "Hesch-chew" and then continued playing, without missing a beat. he misted my arm and the side of my face. I almost died right there from excitement. I blessed him, of course, but I don't think he heard me, because he was so absorbed in his game.

Best obs ever, at least, that I can post yet. :P

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  • 6 months later...

Mine was at the shop I work in on Saturdays. This guy - D - was a student back from uni for the holidays; medium height, about 5'10, medium length dark hair styled in soft spikes, pale eyes, fairly skinny but toned, and ridiculously attractive face. One of those faces that's immediately recognisable as gorgeous, but also really expressionate and quirky. It wasn't like a fit or anything - sadly - but just this one, like "hh'yiiehh-hoo!" Not especially loud, but pretty vocal. For some reason it was really really hot. Like, :) hot. I was doing the avoiding-looking-at-him thing, but he did the little ducked-head-grin-like-nothing-happened afterwards. Which made it more awesome. I feel kind of sad now that my greatest obs was so short ...

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  • 11 months later...

Figgered I'd throw my 2 cents in here. :)

One of my all-time favourite male obs happened several years ago. but it still stands out in my mind because it was pretty awesome. :lol: I was still living at that apartment with the sneezy neighbour I posted about, and I was standing in the living room doing something, while my roommates J and D were in opposite rooms. One of them was talking to me so I was distracted, but then I heard this loud sneeze from outside that I knew wasn't either of my roommates. It sounded like "REH-SCHAAH!", really loud and masculine and somewhat wet. Like I said, I was distracted, so for a moment I didn't notice it. Then it sort of clicked in my head and I was like, 'Did I really hear that?' Right after which I heard another one, sounding like it was right outside the window I was standing by. It sounded closer than the first one, so I kept listening, and sure enough, about four or five seconds later there was another huge sneeze that sounded like it came from my back yard. I just stood there like a total nerd holding my breath and hoping my roommates didn't come in at that moment, but my patience paid off because I heard another sneeze from the end of the sidewalk, then another from out in the parking lot! He might have sneezed more after that, but I couldn't hear them. I also was never sure who it was - I think it might have been my neighbour, because it sounded similar to him, but I'm not sure. Very enjoyable, either way! :wub:

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