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I want to play too. biggrin.png

Here you will find mostly male stuff, some original, some fanfic, and maybe some poetry as well.

Fandom: Trinity Blood

Characters: Abel Nightroad, Tres Iqus (M/M)

Word Count: 303

~ Sin ~

I held on to him. He was strong, but not strong enough, not like this, not yet. There were still 40 percent missing. My right knee pressed between his legs to the altar behind him, my hands locked firmly over his sinewy wrists, feeling the muscles in his arms tremble slightly as he half-heartedly fought to release himself from my grasp.

"T-tres, wait, I'b…" My hearing sensors registered thick congestion and hoarseness in his voice; my heat sensors the feverish glow radiating from the bare, pale skin of his neck. His temperature was at 38,214 °C. Behind his circular spectacles, the crystal blue of his eyes looked blood-shot and glassy.

I waited for him to stop struggling; then I reached my hand to his collar and pulled his face towards my own until the tip of our noses touched. He immediately gave a sharp gasp and threw his head to the side, aiming for his robe-clad shoulder as he stifled two shuddering, frantic-sounding "Ih'nxgh!"s into the black fabric.

I made sure to hold him close against me, feeling the tremor pass through his lithe frame and into my own. Such an odd phenomenon in was, this loss of control over one's body that I myself would never know. It…fascinated me.

"Tres, now look here, we really shouldn't…" he began, turning back to face me with one gloved knuckle pressed to the underside of his nose. I pulled his hand away and silenced him with a kiss. His lips stiffened for 1.2 seconds before he gave in and let me slid my tongue between his teeth.

"I don't want you to…you're gonna catch my…" he mumbled into my mouth.

"Negative. I cannot get sick. I am not human, I am machine." For some reason, he always seemed to forget that in situations like this.

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Oh, VoOssssss~! :laugh:

I'm so glad you've decided to join us drabblers! And...and with such a delicious fandom to start with..mmm. I loved it! The scenario was very real in my head and, gosh, just wow... Abel... :innocent:

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Ahhh. The way you can write a machine's POV so... machine-like... :P Fantastic. And this is le HOT overall. Heeee, lovely gorgeous delightful Abel... :P

WAHOO that you're playing, too :P:blink:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oooooh! ;)

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Sacrilicious! :)

And OMG Tres! :cryhappy: Are you sure germs can't mutate into computer viruses?????

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Wiee, thank you, ladies! group.gif You are too kind. wub.png

Shiny - mutating germs? Sounds like a splendid idea. aaevil.gif

Ok, you can haz more drabbliness. I guess it was only a matter of time before I gave in to my new, all-consuming obsession with Axis Powers Hetalia. I mean, come on! 40 of the world's countries represented by anthropomorphic bishiounen characters? Love I say, love. heart.gif

Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia

Characters: Sweden, Finland (biased? Who, me?)

Word count: 502

~ Puppy ~

"Su-san, I'm home!" Calling out to his partner, Finland closed the front door behind him and stepped into the hall, trying not to stumble over Hanatamago as the white dog had gotten hold on one of his shoe lashes and was pulling at it with great determination, his tail wagging so fast it was barely visible. Clearly, half an hour's walk and playing in the park wasn't nearly enough to satisfy the pup.

"Easy, boy, I think I can handle taking off my shoes on my own", Finland said, smiling at the white fur ball as Hanatamago gave the shoe lash one final tug before disappearing down the hall and into the kitchen, small paws skidding wildly on the parquet. Chuckling to himself, Finland followed.

He found Sweden by the kitchen table, tea mug in hand and blond head bent down over a book. He looked up as Finland entered the room, nodding silently in response to the younger man's greeting. Hanatamago was already at his feet, nibbling at his pants leg and snarling affectionately.

"What are you…?" Finland began shyly, but fell silent as his gaze fell on Sweden upturned face. The younger man's eyes widened.

"Woah, are you reading a tragedy or something?"

"No." And he turned the book over to show Finland the title. Kalevala, it read.

"But you're crying!"

"Oh, this?" Sweden sighed a little, briefly taking off his glasses to wipe at his pale blue, though markedly red-rimmed, eyes with a knuckled finger. The finger lingered for a moment, rubbing at the corner of one eye in small, frustrated circles. "This is just allergies." He gave a short sniffle, as though the mere word irritated him.

"Oh. I didn't know you had allergies, Su-san", Fin said, and knelt down and reached under the table to pick Hanatamago up before Sweden's leg was soaked with pup drool.

"It's usually not that bad." Another sniffle, just as quick as the last one, but wetter this time. "Not as long as spring is being kept safely outdoors, that is."

"What do you mean?" Finland straightened, holding the happily panting dog to his chest, and was met by Sweden's red-tinted, watery, but none the less frighteningly icy stare. He froze.

"You took the dog to the park."


"He's been rolling in the grass."

"Yes, and I had a hard time trying to keep him away from the flowerbeds as w… Oh." Understanding, and horror, dawned on Finland's face. He opened his mouth to apologize, but was immediately interrupted by a shaky gasp from his partner.

"Hehh…!" Sweden had turned his face to the window, looking out at the sun through half-lidded eyes, his lips parted slightly; eyebrows knitted together, nostrils quivering… "Hhh…Hhk'Tsshh! Ha'Tsshh! T'SCHhhah!" He sneezed against his wrist, head snapping down violently with each. Hanatamago yelped in surprise and tried to jump out of Finland's arms to get away from the sudden, explosive sounds.

Eventually, the fit subsided.

Silence fell over the kitchen.

In a weak voice: "T-terveydeksi*."

"Ugh. Tack.**"


* Finnish for "Bless you"

** Swedish for "Thank you".

Doh. heh.gif

Edited by VoOs
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Loving your drabbleness, VoOs! Especially the kawaii little puppy. Who knew something so innocently sweet could be an instrument of wrong?

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Thank you to Cerulean Flower, and thank you to Mewling. <_< I'm glad you're reading.

Fandom: Original

Characters: A bookworm aristocrat and his maid.

Word count: 255

~ Lullaby ~

Every other month she would clean his library.

Every other month she would climb those rickety, wheeled ladders with a feather duster held between her teeth, soon sweeping it along the surfaces of endless bookshelves, freeing them from their pale grey, powdery coating.

Every other month that overwhelming smell would fill her head; the smell of aging paper, of ancient leather, of all the knowledge biding silently between innumerable book covers, and she would breathe it in, deeply, eyes closed, biting down on her lower lip to stop a smile from blossoming there.

Every other month she would walk out of his library, leaving shining wooden surfaces behind, knowing that the major part of all the dust she had cleaned away was not in her feather duster or in her cleaning rag, but still floating freely in the air above the shelves.

And she would go to bed early, for her room was located on the second floor, right above the library, right above the desk to which he would later come and sit to write and read and research his way through the early night hours.

And she would lie on her mattress, her eyes staring blindly at the cracks in the ceiling as she listened intently for the sounds from below, and she would bless the thinness of the floor, and she would bless him, breathlessly, gratefully, again, and again, and again.

Every other month she would fall asleep, exhausted from pleasure, to the sound of her master’s very special lullaby.

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These are delicious VoOs. I especially loved lullaby.......what a fantastic image you weave.

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You can't have it. I want it.

Wondeful work, VoOs! I especially like the first one.

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:yes: oh my word, VoOs you are a genius woman... these are incredible... lullaby.... hrngh......
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Sin... Ooooo >////<


I always love when Tres is sprinkled into a pairing like this xD

Hope to hear more from the you! ( And the two of them ;3 )

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  • 1 month later...
Wiee, thank you, ladies! :group: You are too kind. :jawdrop:

Shiny - mutating germs? Sounds like a splendid idea. :oops:

Ok, you can haz more drabbliness. I guess it was only a matter of time before I gave in to my new, all-consuming obsession with Axis Powers Hetalia. I mean, come on! 40 of the world's countries represented by anthropomorphic bishiounen characters? Love I say, love. :heart:

Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia

Characters: Sweden, Finland (biased? Who, me?)

Word count: 502

~ Puppy ~

”Su-san, I’m home!” Calling out to his partner, Finland closed the front door behind him and stepped into the hall, trying not to stumble over Hanatamago as the white dog had gotten hold on one of his shoe lashes and was pulling at it with great determination, his tail waging so fast it was barely visible. Clearly, half an hour’s walk and playing in the park wasn’t nearly enough to satisfy the pup.

“Easy, boy, I think I can handle taking off my shoes on my own”, Finland said, smiling at white fur ball as Hanatamago gave the shoe lash one final tug before disappearing down the hall and into the kitchen, small paws skidding wildly on the parquet. Chuckling to himself, Finland followed.

He found Sweden by the kitchen table, tea mug in hand and blond head bent down over a book. He looked up as Finland entered the room, nodding silently in response to the younger man’s greeting. Hanatamago was already at his feet, nibbling at his pants leg and snarling affectionately.

“What are you…?” Finland began shyly, but fell silent as his gaze fell on Sweden upturned face. The younger man’s eyes widened.

“Woah, are you reading a tragedy or something?”

“No.” And he turned the book over to show Finland the title. Kalevala, it read.

“But you’re crying!”

“Oh, this?” Sweden sighed a little, briefly taking off his glasses to wipe at his pale blue, though markedly red-rimmed, eyes with a knuckled finger. The finger lingered for a moment, rubbing at the corner of one eye in small, frustrated circles. “This is just allergies.” He gave a short sniffle, as though the mere word irritated him.

“Oh. I didn’t know you had allergies, Su-san”, Fin said, and knelt down and reached under the table to pick Hanatamago up before Sweden’s leg was soaked with pup drool.

“It’s usually not that bad.” Another sniffle, just as quick as the last one, but wetter this time. “Not as long as spring is being kept safely outdoors, that is.”

“What do you mean?” Finland straightened, holding the happily panting dog to his chest, and was met by Sweden’s red-tinted, watery, but none the less frighteningly icy stare. He froze.

“You took the dog to the park.”


“He’s been rolling in the grass.”

“Yes, and I had a hard time trying to keep him away from the flowerbeds as w… Oh.” Understanding, and horror, dawned on Finland’s face. He opened his mouth to apologize, but was immediately interrupted by a shaky gasp from his partner.

Hehh…!” Sweden had turned his face to the window, looking out at the sun through half-lidded eyes, his lips parted slightly; eyebrows knitted together, nostrils quivering… “Hhh…Hhk’Tsshh! Ha’Tsshh! T’SCHhhah!” He sneezed against his wrist, head snapping down violently with each. Hanatamago yelped in surprise and tried to jump out of Finland’s arms to get away from the sudden, explosive sounds.

Eventually, the fit subsided.

Silence fell over the kitchen.

In a weak voice: “T-terveydeksi*.”

Ugh. Tack.**”


* Finnish for "Bless you"

** Swedish for "Thank you".

Doh. :lol:

That, was adorable. <3333 All of your drabbles so far were.

I love them. >w<

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  • 1 year later...

*shameless bump of Doom*

Ahem. No, I'm not actually reviving this, I just needed somewhere to put this silly little dialogue drabble.

Fandom: Original

Characters: my scriptwriter/movie director Isandro and his wife Ida. He has anger management issues, especially from April to June.

Word count: 252

~ June ~

Ugh. I'm seriously considering getting this useless thing surgically removed.”

”Aw, don't do that. It's such a handsome nose.”

”How about staying cryogenically frozen throughout spring?”

”Nooo, I'd miss you.”

”Go away and let me suffer in phh-peace – Hh! Ae'sSCH! - gSCHh! Hae'SCH'ah!”

”Peace? Didn't you just complain that your body is a war zone?”


“If looks could kill, I'd be a smoking pile of ash on the floor, wouldn't I?”

“If looks could kill, I'd be a feared mass murderer. Now get out. I need to get this done.”

“I thought you said you couldn't write?”

“I can't bend my head down over my desk because it feels like my nose is going to drip all over my papers.”


“Hell, I can't even see my papers through this sticky, swollen haze.”


“They wanted this yesterday, you know. All I've written is two passages of dialogue. Then I had to stop because I was sneezing too hard to even hear myself think. Since then I've done nothing but fill these two pages with the sentence All work and no play makes Iso a dull boy.

“I'll.... be in the bathroom.”

“Good, then you c-ahh... hh'eSCHgh! -gkSCH! -kSHh! ...'h'hh'aESCHh'aw! Fugck!”

“You know you will have to take your pills in the end.”

“Dno. They kdock be out cold, and if I'b out, who's goi'g to write this baduscript?”

“Hehe. 'Bad'-uscript.”


“Love you, bye!”

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Leaping Lizards of London Town I fell head over heels for June!

“Hehe. 'Bad'-uscript.” :laugh: Just....unforgetable, I love it.

One of my favorites so far. ;)

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“If looks could kill, I'd be a feared mass murderer. Now get out. I need to get this done.”

I would've have been so proud of this line. I am loving your dialogues, VoOo. <3

Surpuppa. :yes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

(Thank you, GoaS, Nova and Weirdo Girl <3)

I know I said I wasn't going to revive this, but I seem to be on a dialogue spree, so... yeah. Have some more silly bantering:

Fandom: Original

Characters: Isandro, once again, with two of his his assistant directors, Maximilian and Erika.

Word count: 329

~ Attitude(s) ~

”So, how are things going?”

”You see that redheaded beanpole behind the desk over there? His kingdom for a pack of tissues.”

”I can hear you, you know.”

I can hear you. That is the problem. Didn't your mother teach you not to sniffle?”

”I'm afraid she didn't. She was busy teaching me not to bite the hand that feeds me.”

Mmm, fingers, my favourite...”

”You can always feed her your middle finger, Iso! ...wait, that sounded wrong...”

”Always the comedian. How's the set schedule coming along? I got a call from David this morning, and apparently local authorities have given us the thumbs-up to shoot at the castle grounds between the 14th and 17th. Now, the only thing left to do is to bribe some weather gods...”

“You're looking forward to shooting those scenes, aren't you?”

“Outdoors, by the edge of the forest? I'm beside myself with excitement.”

“Better hoard up on antihistamines.”

“And fall asleep halfway through the first shoot? Don't be ridiculous.”

“You really are a masochist, you know that?”

“Uh-huh. I hired you as my assistant director, didn't I? That speaks for itself.”


“Max, have you heard anything more from Cehh... hn'gx!...f-from Cecilia about the costume issue?”

“Bless you. Yeah, it seems the delivery of some of the pieces was delayed, so they decided to... oh. Again?”

“'ngxh! ...Go od, I'b listedi'g. Just... Hh! Ae'ngh! -'h'NKh! - ughh...”

“Ow. Don't suppress them like that, my eardrums hurt just listening to you.”

“I can make you hurt in other places too if you don't turn your focus back to my question.”

“Ok, ok, calm down. Jeez, nothing's on fire...”

“My face is. Now talk, or I'll make it your responsibility to look after the the child actors.”


“Make no mistake: I can, and I would. They decided to...?”

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Your face, Iso. *pinches cheek* His up-to-date self rubs up against my fancies like nobody's business. Desks are the perfect props.

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