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Sneeze Fetish Forum

A super hero story!! (M and F)


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Hello again! Just wanted to thank the forum team for letting me in as a Newbie by writing a sneeze story. I hope everyone likes it. Its been a while, but sometimes inspiration just happens :). Have fun!

Two superheroes were sitting on a bench at Super City Park. It was a

beautiful and clear day with not a cloud in the sky.

"What do you want to do today?" said Super Duper Man.

"Not sure, I'm in a betting mood though" replied Stealth Guy.

"Oh! we haven't had a good thing to bet on in a while...what do you have

in mind?"

"I'm still trying to decide. Have any ideas?"

"No, but I think we might have a bit of a situation" stated Super Duper


Just as Super Duper Man finished his sentence, his face started to


"Uh oh...I think we need to get out of here..FAST!" Stealth Guy


"Too..uh..llate for...uh..uhh..that...."

It just happened to fast for Super Duper Man to stop. He started to

inhale and inhale, taking huge breaths of air into his super lungs.


"Hit the deck!!" Yelled Stealth Guh.


Super Duper Man tried to contain his sneeze, but it was too strong. The

blast knocked over trees, a few garbage cans and even the maintenance vehicle.

It sent it flying out of the park and across the street. Even a few windows were

broken in the appartment building next to the park.

"Yikes...that came up on me fast. Its a good thing I was able to direct

the blast away from the townsfolk."

"Just barely, but I guess it could have been worse. The park wasn't too

crowded and most people are at work. Next time, try to cover your mouth." asked

Stealth Guy."

"I guess that would be the hygenic thing to do, "replied Super Duper Man.

"but I need to find some industrial strength tissues."

"Wait..I've found something that we could bet on?"

"What product will contain my super sneezes?" questioned Super Duper Man.

"No..No, how about we see which super heroine has the biggest sneeze!"

exclaimed Stealth Guy.

"Where did that come from?" Super Duper Man asked.

"Don't know, but I'd rather see a lady sneeze than another man."

"I see your point. So, who are we going to choose?"

"How about Power Girl and Lady Strength?"

"Sounds good to me, I'll take Power Girl because of her extremely long

nostrils. How about betting for $100?"

"Ok! I guess that leaves me with Lady Strength because of her enormous

lung capacity." gleamed Stealth Guy.

The first target was the super heroine Power Girl. She was sitting at

the Super City Coffee Emporium, drinking a Latte. She wore her normal, tight

fitting red super suit and pink boots. She was thin and very long legs. Her

nose was thin, but her nostrils were at least 1 inch in length.

"This is going to be fun" Stealth guy thought to himself.

He used his ability to turn himself invisible and sprinkled the

Professor's very special sneezing powder onto Power Girls large nose. Meanwhile,

Super Duper Man sat in the building across the way, looking through the wall and

using his super magnavision. It didn't take long for the powder to take effect.

Power Girls nose started to twitch. At first, She thought it was an

itch, but it started to get worse. Her nostrils started to open larger as the

sneeze began to develop.


"Oh no" Power Girl thought to herself, "I can't sneeze here."


Super Duper Man and Stealth guy watched intently as Power Girl's sneeze

formed and grew.


It was now a fully forming sneeze. Power girl hitched and hitched,

louder and louder. Her eyes began to shut. Her nostrils widened more and more.

She was about to let out an enormous sneeze!



Just when Super Duper man and Stealth Guy though they would have to help rebuild Super City from the colossal sneeze, all that came out was a tiny, stiffled chirp."

"Ah...caught it just in time." Power girl thought.

The two superheroes left the coffee shop and went to search for Lady


"I guess I owe you $100, "said Super Duper Man.

"Most likely, but hey, maybe Lady Strength has an even smaller, less

dramatic sneeze." replied Stealth Guy.

"I hope so, for my wallets sake!"

To be Continued!!

Mod Note: Fixede tags ~Mute

Edited by The Mute Poet
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So, I wonder what would have happened if Power Girl hadn't stifled her sneeze "just in time." And since she stifled doesn't that mean her next sneeze will be too tickly to hold back like that? *hint, hint* :)

Anyway, thanks. This is a pretty good story so far. Looking forward to more!

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  • 1 month later...

I normally don't like bumping posts, but since someone has already bumped this one up to the first page, I will make this comment. This story seems like it has a huge amount of potential and I am really interested to see how it ends. Since I don't want to be the type of person who just asks for things, I am would love to offer a story of mine as a trade for completion of this story.

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  • 8 months later...

Can U please continue the story i would like to see Power Girl Really Sneeze.

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