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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Out of Azcaban (F)


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Free at last. That was all that could go through Bellatrix's mind as she stepped out of the dementors' range. Strangely enough, though, she didn't feel any warmer. She shivered as she thought, "I just need some chocolate and a good night's rest, and I'll be ok". She stepped forward, preparing herself for the apparation. At that moment, a searing pain shot through her left arm, and her tattooed dark mark turned black with the smell of burning flesh. "Not now," she groaned with a sniffle. The last thing she wanted was for the Dark Lord to see her vulnerable like this. But the pull was too strong. She thought of his face, and turned on the spot into nothingness, knowing that the magic of her bond would bring her to her master.

She stepped out into a dimly lit room even chillier than her cell had been. The cold made her nose run even more than it had been, and she wished she had her wand. Or just a handkercheif for that matter. Still she sniffled as silently as she could as to not alert the Dark Lord to her predicament. The sharp intake of cold air found its way to the back of her nose, and stayed there, slowly prickling and teasing. Lord Voldemort started on the scolding he had prepared, berating her for being so stupid as to get caught as he walked back and forth in front of her. She only half paid attention, as she was focusing on not letting the tickle grow. She knew that one sneeze would not be enough, and a fit would certainly not do in front of her master.

She sniffed again, this time not so silently. Lord Voldemort stopped his pacing and looked up. "What was that?" he asked forcefully.

"Nothing, my Lord. Sorry. Guh... guh... go on"

"As I was saying, you have been punished enough for you stupidity. You have now proved that your loyalty is as strong as ever, and will be rewarded."

"Thank you by lord"

Bellatrix held her breath, hoping the Dark Lord had not heard the stuffiness in her voice.

"What did you say..." started Lord Voldemort before being interrupted. All the talking had intensified the tickle in Bellatrix's nose to the point where she couldn't hold it back any longer.

"ngx...heh-heh-heeehngx- uh. I'm suh... suh.. suh-nggxxx sorry by Lord. I... I... I... heh... I seeb to have caught a cold."

Bellatrix couldn't believe what was happening. Her master's face seemed to turn almost compassionate.

"Heh-heh-heh-oh.......... Heh-engchu hengxui"

Her cheeks flushed, as the embarrasment rose of her vulnerability. She had always hated sneezing, and had always hated the sound of her sneeze. So feminine, high pitched, and delicate. It completely opposed the image she had created of herself.

"ngxui... hechui... choo-choo." The sneezes came stronger and faster. She couldn't even stifle any part of them. She hated having her master see her in a fit like this. Little did she know, he loved it.

The Dark Lord felt the thing closes to love that he could towards Bellatrix. He always had. As much as he tried not to be human, she was the one thing pulling him backward. Seeing her vulnerable only intensified this feeling, because it gave him even more power against her.

"You know, Bellatrix," he said. "You have always been a loyal Death Eater, and you are facing this affliction because of your loyalty. For your dedication, I will accept your response to my summons as proof of continued loyalty and cut this test short. You are free to go."

"Th... thank you by Lord"

"And don't return until you are better. You are exempted from any summons until then."

"Thank you by Lord"

"Now go get some rest."

"Yes, by Lord. Thank you."

Bellatrix again turned into nothingness, looking forward to the comfort that home brought after her long time away.

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Excellent. Those familiar with Miss Bonham-Carter's work may have noticed some very prominent messiness in her other roles.

However, I'm disappointed that Bellatrix isn't going to have to return for more torture/ enjoyment by the Dark Lord..........

And welcome to the forum.

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