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[FIC] - Agapé - M - (3 Parts)

Guest Eventide

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Guest Eventide

This is a little side fiction from a storie series of mine dealing with a friend team, James and Max (Max is short for Maxine), who belong to an organization called the Agapé Design. They investigate things undercover and help the odd person/s in trouble. This more focuses on one of the people that they help, Michael, who just happens to be in the mob.

I use bits and pieces of Italian (I'm taking French, so I don't know much Italian-what I know comes from research). I have the words, their meanings and a pronunciation guide for the trickier one so everyone knows what they mean. If someone ot there who knows Italian and sees I have something wrong, please tell me so I know for future reference.

So yeah, here's the first chuck. There will be one or two more sections to it. Please feel free to give feedback on writing, plot, whatever. I write for the sake of writing, so tips/encouragment/whatever are lovely!

Italian words used in this specific part:

Buon giorno (bwon zhor-no)—good morning

Cara mia—my beloved

Tutto bene (too-toe beneh)—all right/okay

Ti amo—I love you

Gattina—female kitten

Salute (saluteh)—health

Grazie (graht-zee-eh)—thank you

Cia (chow)—hi/bye

Zio (tsio)—uncle

Arrivederci (ah-ree-vuh-dehr-chee)—goodbye


Michael sighed and fingered the lighter in his pocket. Carlo had kept him waiting for over an hour. It was ridiculous! What did he want anyway? It was just like him to say something was important and then not show. Blowing his breath out slowly, Michael stared up at the clear night sky. Even though it made everything colder, he loved seeing the stars.

Two figures came down the alley. One man was the familiar figure of Carlo and the other was a stranger. “Michelangelo,” boomed Carlo jovially.

“It’s about time,” snapped Michael. “I’ve been waiting for over an hour and Angel’s all alone.”

“Relax,” Carlo smiled, his eyes now cold. “This is Gino. He has a job he might give you.”

“Oh really?” Michael tried to seem uninterested. This portly little man might actually pay him, unlike Carlo, who owed him several years worth of cash.

Gino looked Michael up and down. “I think you might do. I’m looking for a young, strong man who’s eager. How old are you?”


“Good age, eighteen.”

Michael glanced at his watch. It was after eleven and he was tired and cold and Angel was all by herself. “Can we speed things up? I’ve got stuff to do.”

Carlo glared at Michael, but Gino laughed. “Not afraid of speaking your mind. I like that. I’ve got this guy who’s been giving me some trouble. According to him, I own quite a bit of money. I can’t have a scandal and I don’t have the time and energy to fight this thing with lawyers, so I need you to take care of him for me.”

“So you want me to kill him.” Michael coughed and crossed his arms. “Sorry, I don’t take blood money. I haven’t quite been able to get myself to graduate to the murdering level of the Mafia. I steal, sell drugs, deliver stuff, but I’m just a slacker when it comes to doing my homework on killing people. Sorry,” he shrugged. Sarcasm would hopefully let Gino off a little easier.

No such luck. Gino’s face darkened and he turned to Carlo. “You promised me he would do it!”

“Sorry, boys. Service is closing for tonight.” Knowing it was better to get out of there fast, Michael turned on his heel and walked off.


Rubbing at his nose, Michael opened the warehouse door and went inside. He didn’t want to wake Angel if she was asleep. A sneeze snuck up on him and he buried his face in his sleeve. “HUT-CHOO!” He cringed, afraid he’d woken her.

Sniffing, he crept over to the cubical-like space in the back of the little building. Thankfully she was still asleep. He smiled, brushing back the light brown hair off her forehead. She took mostly after Caitlyn’s fair Anglo-Saxon heritage rather than his darker Italian line. She had gotten her good looks from both sides, getting Caitlyn’s delicate beauty, Michael’s eyes and smile, and a compromise of both in some features like hair and skin color.

Of course, Angel would be brought up by Michael alone. Her mother didn’t want her, something Michael could not understand. He loved her so much it hurt. Fear was his shadow, following him everywhere. Would his fellow Mafia hurt her, would she have enough clothes, enough food, would she eventually die because he couldn’t get her to a doctor? Would he be able to shield her from his lifestyle?

Heart heavy with these and many other dreads, Michael kissed Angel’s cheek. He got up and went over to the other makeshift bed and, feeling suddenly drained, laid down on it in hopes of falling asleep.


Michael coughed as he woke. He forced himself to sit up. A faint light slipped through the cracks in the walls, speaking of a cloudy day. The sore throat, runny nose, a cough, the headache, and feeling like he hadn’t slept at all the night before all told him something that he didn’t want to know: he was getting sick.

Being sick wasn’t something Michael experienced often. He experienced Angel being sick, but he hardly ever got sick himself. He hoped he wasn’t going to feel any worse because he had things to do, and he couldn’t give it to Angel. Because of whatever was wrong with her lungs, she had a hard time breathing and coughed a lot, particularly at night. She got sick easily, at least nine times in the past year, and he didn’t want her getting sick again.

What he would have liked to do is leave her with someone, but he didn’t have anyone to leave her with. Carlo and Antonio were not an option, Rachele might have been all right except for the fact that was often ‘entertaining’ men at her place. There was no one else. He’d just have to hope that Angel would be able to fight the virus off.

Angel stirred and Michael stood up, his limbs protesting. “Buon giorno, cara mia,” he managed a smile as he sat down on her bed.

“Buon giorno,” smiled Angel. She crawled out from under the blanket. “Are we doing anything today?”

“I’ve got to work today, I’m sorry. Do you still have books and paper left?”

Nodding, Angel pointed at a corner where a small pile of books, paper and crayons lay on the ground. She was only four, but she could already read novels in English and Italian. Not only was she bright, she was very artistic as well. Michael knew he should have her taking lessons or something, but there was no way he could.

“HUT-CHOO!” Michael sneezed into the crook of his arm. “HUTCHOO!”

“Salute,” Angel returned.

“Grazie,” Michael sniffed. He stood up. “I’ll take you to the library tomorrow for more books, tutto bene?”

Angel stood up on the bed and hugged Michael tightly. “Ti amo, Daddy!”

“Ti amo, gattina!” Michael pressed a kiss to her hair. He sighed and left.


Walking down a snow-covered street, Michael coughed. He had not had a good day. The cocaine he was supposed to deliver had been late, making him late to his rendezvous. The client had blamed him, resulting in a fight which led to a fat lip for the client and a black eye for Michael. Such things were not uncommon, but Michael’s cold made it harder to deal with.

By the time he reached home, he just wanted to sleep. He saw Angel drawing on the floor and went over to her. “Ciao,” he greeted.

“Daddy!” Angel awarded him with a radiant smile. She threw her arms around him.

Michael sniffed and rested his head against hers. “What did you make today?” he asked.

Angel pulled away and picked up three pictures. She handed them to Michael. “Can you guess who that is?” She pointed at one picture.

“Anthony?” Michael guessed before sneezing, “HUT-CHOO! HUTCHOO!” He sniffled and rubbed his nose.

“Salute!” Then Angel continued, her expression lighting up, “Zio Antonio wanted me to draw him!”

Michael frowned. “Did Anthony came by today while I was gone?”

Angel nodded. “He said Zio Carlo was looking for you. He stayed for a little while and I drew him and he read part of a book to me.”

Standing up, Michael scowled. Anthony, who went by the name of Antonio because it was more Italian, was not Italian at all. He was of Irish descent, but he’d made good with Carlo and that got him a place in the mob. Anthony was a few years older than Michael and he was always competing to be Carlo’s favorite. Unlike Michael, he would kill people. What kept Michael Carlo’s favorite, however, was something Anthony could never get: a relation by blood.

Michael hated how Anthony would stop by the warehouse when Angel was home alone. Angel had grown up in the Mafia, so she was friendly with Carlo, Anthony, Rachele and a few others, not knowing any better. “What does Carlo want?” Michael finally asked. He had a guess.

“Zio Antonio didn’t say,” Angel shrugged. She was touching up the clouds on a picture of angels she had drawn.

Coughing, Michael sat down on his bed. He was probably in for a major lecture from Carlo and did not look forward to it. He also realized that he hadn’t stopped by Highmore, the private college nearby that he stole food from, before coming home. That would mean he’d have to go out again if they were going to have anything to eat.

Highmore was where Caitlyn went. Part of him mourned his relationship with her, but the other, stronger part hated her. Angel could have had everything she wanted if Caitlyn had loved her! Caitlyn with her powerful father and lots of money, with her beauty and poise. Irritability stirred in him as he thought about everything Angel didn’t have.

“Daddy?” Angel’s voice broke through his angry thoughts.

“What?!” he snapped, turning around to face his daughter.

She stared at him with her large dark eyes, surprise on her face.

Running his hand over his face, Michael sighed. “Baby, I’m sorry! I’m not upset with you!” He held out his arms, inviting her to be close.

After a moment of hesitation, Angel allowed herself to be lifted onto Michael’s lap. “Are you mad at Zio Antonio?” she asked. Her knowledge of their conflict was limited, but it was obvious that the two did not get along.

“It’s just been a rough day,” Michael sniffed. “You didn’t do anything, really.”

The warehouse door slid open and Michael pushed Angel off his lap, getting quickly to his feet, ready for anything. Carlo came in, his eyes menacing. “You, outside,” he snarled at Michael.

“Stay here,” Michael told Angel. He walked outside. It had started to snowing since he’d gotten home. Wiping his nose with the back of his hand, he asked, “What do you want?”

“You were supposed to meet me fifteen minutes ago! You know how I feel about punctuality.”

“You’re one to talk,” shot Michael. “I wait for you all the time!”

Carlo glared at him. “Antonio told you to meet me at 6:00 sharp!”

“I wasn’t home and Anthony didn’t tell Angel anything except you were looking for me.” Michael coughed once and crossed his arms. His voice was getting gravelly.

“Last night was inexcusable! I also hear that you got the merchandise to the client late again.”

Michael glowered back at the godfather in front of him. “Marcus got it to me late, so it wasn’t my fault.”

“Gino’s not happy about last night, not happy at all,” Carlo lowered his voice. “I heard that he may actually be thinking of teaching you a lesson. He’s of the opinion that godfathers should be obeyed and you didn’t obey me last night.”

Covering his face quickly, Michael sneezed. “HUTCHOO!” He rubbed his nose and looked coldly at Carlo. “You tell Gino that it’s none of his business what goes on in this family.”

Carlo shrugged. “I think it might be too late. It’s too bad you don’t have any locks ‘cause if I were you, I’d be worried about that little half-blood in there.” He nodded at the warehouse.

Michael let out a long sigh. Angel, they were going after Angel. Carlo knew he had nowhere to go, no one to turn to that would be safe. “If I were you,” he countered, maintaining his cool attitude, “I’d be worried about what Gino’s telling everybody else. He might be saying that you can’t keep control of your gangsters...”

“And who’s fault is that?” growled Carlo. He pointed at Michael’s bruised eye. “If you’re not careful, Michelangelo, that eye’s going to seem mild compared to what might happen to you and your kid.” He turned and walked away.

Swearing loudly in Italian, Michael kicked the wall. He could tell that Carlo wasn’t joking. He had to think of some place where no one would think to look for Angel. Suddenly it hit him. James and Max. He could take her to James and Max at Highmore.

He’d only met James twice and Max once, but something about them was different. James dressed Goth-style, but his personality didn’t match the stereotype. He had an earnest passion in him, something that Michael couldn’t place. When James had caught him stealing from Highmore cafeteria one night, instead of turning him in, he’d given Michael his coat because it was cold.

Then James tracked Michael down and brought Max with him. Max was blind, but that did not seem to rain on her parade. She was an absolutely stunning piece of work, long and lanky with a delicate bone structure and a lovely face. There was a warmth about her that filled up a room.

On the outside, the two friends seemed totally different. James with his chains. piercings and love for black against Max with her colorful, classy style. But underneath those differences, was a similar loving, joyful spirit that Michael didn’t understand.

When James and Max had appeared at the warehouse, Angel clung to Michael, sure that these newcomers were in league with the boogieman or something equally horrible. Over the hour that they four had spent together, Angel had warmed up slightly, sparing a few smiles and an ‘Arrivederci’ when they left.

Before parting, Max had given him both her and James’ dorm room numbers with the open invitation to come whenever he wanted or needed anything. Part of him rebelled against the idea of asking for their help, but he’d already turned it down twice, believing he could manage on his own. At the moment he really could use a place to keep Angel safe. He didn’t know if they could help with that since harboring a child in a college was probably against the rules, but it didn’t hurt to ask.

Coughing, Michael opened the warehouse door and went inside. Angel sat perfectly still on her bed, waiting for his return. “Gattina,” he began, grabbing Soffice, her indistinguishable red stuffed animal, “we’re leaving for a little while, tutto bene?” He grabbed the coat James had given him and put it on. He handed Soffice to Angel and then pulled her sweater over her head. “Hang onto him tightly.”

It had always amazed him how Angel followed his lead without question. This time was no different. Without a word, she followed him out into the wind and snow. Taking her hand, he began walking in the direction of Highmore.


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omg i love it!!! keep up the fabulous work!!!

gawd, i thought it was ending too soon :laugh: im glad its to be continued... :bleh:

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OMFGZJBLKRFNGRDZMVSJKGTRSL ITALIANO!!!! Molto molto bene!!! :laugh::lol::twisted:

*resolves to actually read the fic when more time* :P but I'm loving it in advance. I'm a sucker for anything Italian (except vehicles).

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Mmmmm, my hot button was hit again! This Michael with a cold is so delicious! :yes: Yummy, I can't wait for more! Thank you for posting! :P

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*resolves to actually read the fic when more time* :yes: but I'm loving it in advance. I'm a sucker for anything Italian (except vehicles).

WHAT? You don't like Italian CARS? :heart: *takes a deep breath and tries to calm himself down*

Okay, yes, well, just got carried away there for a second. Whew. I'm fine now :heart:

I cannot imagine how you wouldn't like a Countach, or a Diablo, or a Quattroporte, or an Enzo? :heart:

But, to each their own, I guess. *hugs Silly Sanne* :P


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Guest Eventide

This is the second part out of three for this story...

Italian words used in this specific part:

Gattina—female kitten

Tutto bene (too-toe beneh)—all right/okay

Sí (see)—Yes

per favore—(pehr fah-voh-reh)—please

It was bitterly cold and in over an hour they’d only gone two out of the four miles. Michael could hear Angel’s rough breathing and it worried him. He would have taken a bus, but the storm seemed to have shut them down. Stopping, Michael lifted Angel and began to carry her. If he was having a hard time making it, she would most certainly be having a harder time.

Michael coughed and sniffed. He hated Detroit and all its snow in the winter. He wanted to go someplace sunny and hot, someplace where Angel would be warm and could breathe more easily. He wished they could hitchhike, but there were no cars. They were stuck walking.

As the day had gone on, Michael had continued to feel worse, but Carlo’s threat now gave him energy. He still didn’t feel great, but he had the strength and willpower to get Angel to a place where no one would find her.


Finally the pair reached Highmore. Angel had insisted on walking the last mile. Michael suspected that she knew more about his condition than she let on and didn’t want to wear him out. No amount of reassurance that she wasn’t too heavy made a difference, she was walking even though she could barely move in the deep snow and strong wind. Both Angel and Michael were breathing hard and coughing periodically.

Michael bent over, looking into Angel’s exhausted eyes. “I’m going to climb that tree, so I want you to hang onto me as tightly as you can.” They were outside of the girl’s dormitory wing. He’d chosen Max’s room over James’ because it was closer.

Angel clamored onto Michael’s back and held onto Soffice and to Michael. He could tell she had a good grip, so he went over to the tree and began climbing it. The branches were slick, making it hard to hold onto, but Michael had practice in climbing numerous things, so he managed.


James walked into Max’s room and sat on her roommate’s empty bed. “Hi there, sport.”

Max turned quickly around from her desk, giving him a reproachful look. “What have I told you about sneaking up on me like that?” she demanded.

“It’s just too hard to resist,” grinned James. “Anyway, Riley’s instructions are to look into as much as we can since we’ve got this place practically to ourselves.”

“Right-o,” agreed Max. “I called your parents and they’re naturally disappointed we’re not coming home for Mid-Winter Break, but they understand. And your mom said you’d better call her tomorrow at the latest, or there will be no care packages for you.”

“Pulling out the big guns, is she? I guess I’ll have to call her,” James sighed, his eyes showing his amusement.

There was a tapping on the window and Max frowned. “Is someone at the window?”

James glanced at the window and blinked. “Michael?”

“It’s Michael?” Max asked, surprised.

James jumped up and opened the window. “Michael, come in.” He saw Angel. “Can you get Angel to me?”

“Go on,” Michael encouraged. “Climb over my back.”

Angel cautiously did and James moved to pick her up. She shied away. “It’s all right, sweetie. I’m not going to hurt you,” James smiled. Angel allowed him to set her on floor. “You next,” he said to Michael. He helped him in through the window.

“Thanks,” Michael sniffed.

James lifted Angel up. She was shivering violently and he pulled off her sweater before rubbing her back and arms vigorously. “You’re a popsicle,” he told her, his eyes gentle.

Max could hear Michael was shivering as well. “So are you! Sit down,” she gestured to the bed beside her. Michael was so tired and cold that he did without protest. Max brushed the snow out of his hair and helped him get his coat off. “Did you two walk all the way from your part of town to here in this storm?” she asked anxiously. She’d heard the wind and snow banging and howling all evening.

Michael abruptly turned away from Max, bringing his sleeve to his face. “HUT-CHOO! HUTCHOO!” He sniffed, rubbing his nose.

“Bless you!” Max exclaimed.

“Yeah, we did,” Michael sighed.

James looked over at Michael. He noticed the eye. “What happened to your eye?”

Max gently touched his face. She found the swollen skin. “It feels painful! Do you want some ice?

“Ice isn’t necessary. I got into a fight this afternoon, no big deal.”

Angel coughed, her breathing still irregular.

“Are you okay?” James asked, shifting her on his lap so he could look at her. She fiddled with Soffice, not meeting his gaze.

“She walked three out of the four miles here,” Michael answered. “I tried to carry her more, but she wouldn’t let me.”

Max frowned. “You’re losing your voice.”

Michael shrugged. All adrenaline was gone, replaced with exhaustion.

James wrapped his arms around Angel, trying to warm her up. She remained stiff, unwilling to let him get close enough to do any good. “Relax,” urged James. “I’m not the scary monster that I look.”

“She’s still pretty skittish.” Michael coughed, the sound now a deep rumbling in his chest.

“You sound awful!” Max turned to Michael. “Are you sick?”

Michael sniffed, shrugging again. “It’s just a cold.”

“A nasty one,” James frowned. “Why don’t you go take a hot shower? It’ll warm you up. I’ll get you some of my clothes to wear while yours dry.”

“No, I couldn’t...” The idea sounded wonderful, but Michael already had to ask for a lot and he did not to impose on them any further.

“Go on. The bathroom is through that door. Use anything in there you like, shampoo, soap, towels, bras...” Max grinned.

Michael chuckled. She had won him over. “Thank you.”

James stood up and let Angel down before heading out of the room. She ran over to Michael and buried her face in his lap. He smiled. “Honest, gattina, they won’t bite. You remember Max, don’t you?”

Angel peaked at Max, who was giving her a kind smile. The little girl managed a small smile in return before hiding her face again.

“I’m going to take Angel to the room next-door and give her a bath if that’s all right with you.”

“You don’t have to. I can give her one.”

Max shook her head. “No, I want you to take as long as you need. I’ll put her in one of my shirts until her own clothes are dry. She can bathe herself, I’ll just supervise.”

“Thank you,” Michael smiled gratefully. He couldn’t believe that neither Max nor James had asked him why he was here or what he wanted. They had just opened up, not needing an explanation. He found that amazing, something he’d never come across before.

“Come on, hon,” Max held out her hand to Angel. “Let’s go get you warmed up.”

“Go with Max, Angel.” Michael gave Angel a nudge.

Slowly Angel released Michael and took Max’s hand. “Now, be careful. The duck in that bathroom likes to squirt water,” warned Max, a smile still on her lips.

Michael smiled as Max led Angel out of the room. James entered a second later with a black shirt and black pants. “Thanks,” Michael said, standing up.

“Bathroom’s that way,” James pointed. “And use the pink soap, it smells better,” he smirked.

“Right,” Michael nodded, his lips twitching into a smile.


The shower thawed Michael, but it also alerted him to how bad he really felt. He had gotten Angel to a safe place and now all willpower was gone. Of course, he still had to throw his pride to the wind and ask for help, and then go home. The former sounded more appealing than the later by a long shot.

Sighing, he headed out of the bathroom. James was talking on the phone and Max hadn’t returned with Angel yet. He sat on a bed, wondering where Max’s roommate was and why the school seemed so quiet.

“Yes,” James rolled his eyes, “I’ll never again wait two weeks to call you. I love you too, Mom.” He hung up the phone, laughing under his breath. He turned to Michael. “Did that help?”

“I’m not half-frozen anymore,” nodded Michael. He had hung his clothes up on the towel rack. He would change back into them before he left. If they weren’t completely dry, it wouldn’t be a big deal. They’d just get wet again anyway.

“The clothes fit you better than I thought you would.”

James was a little taller while Michael was broader, but since James wore his clothes a little baggy, it turned out all right. “They’re good, thanks,” Michael sniffed.

Max returned at that moment, Angel with her. Angel climbed up onto Michael’s lap, Max’s shirt falling just past her knees. Michael kissed the top of her head. “Oh, gattina...” He coughed before pulling Angel closer. He didn’t want to leave her! He’d never been away from her for more than sixteen hours at a time since she was born, but it had to be done.

Max went into the kitchen nook. “You still sound horrible,” she commented as she began heating some water.

James was watching Michael closely. He was one year Michael’s senior, but Michael seemed older. A life of worldliness had taken it’s toll. “Is there something we can do for you?” he finally asked. “You wouldn’t come here in this storm with Angel for no reason.”

Michael ran his fingers through Angel’s hair. “I came to ask for a huge favor. If it’s too much or just not possible because of school or something, don’t worry—”

“What is it?’ James cut Michael’s prelude off.

“I need Angel to stay here for a couple of days. But I’m still not sure if you can because school—”

“School’s off for Mid-Winter Break. Max and I aren’t going home, so we have this place pretty much to ourselves.” James’ eyebrows drew together in a concerned frown. “You wouldn’t ask if something wasn’t really wrong. What’s going on, Michael?”

Michael glanced at Angel. She was listening quietly to the conversation. “Would you like to explore a little?” he asked her, looking at James for approval.

Angel nodded at the same time James did.

“Stay on this floor, tutto bene?” Michael set Angel on the floor and she headed off.

Max walked slowly up to the bed, a mug in her hand. “Is honey-lemon tea all right?”

For some reason, Max making him tea was startling. “Um, yeah...” He took the mug from her and drank it. It tasted good and was soothing going down his raw throat. “Thank you!”

“Are you in trouble...more trouble than usual?” James asked, still a concerned frown on his face.

“You know that I won’t use my gun, which is why Carlo won’t give me any money. Well, yesterday he brought some hotshot named Gino to me, and this Gino wanted me to take care of somebody for him. I turned him down, apparently ruffling Gino the wrong way. Carlo came to me tonight, telling me that Gino planned to teach me a lesson. He unsubtly hinted that it had something to do with Angel. The godfather and most of the other people in our ‘family’ put up with Angel and are decent enough to her, but they don’t really like her. She’s only half Italian, something that doesn’t sit too well. It’s not the first time that someone’s threatened Angel, but it’s the first time I’ve sensed that they might actually be serious. You two were the only people that I could think of where she might be truly safe...”

“Oh, Michael,” Max sighed, unmasked compassion in her eyes and voice.

“Can she...can she stay?” he asked finally. “I’ll call tomorrow and let you know how it’s going, and I’ll try to get her off your hands as soon as possible.” Michael stood up. “Angel,” he called. Raising his voice made him cough and quickly finished his tea.

Angel entered the room and stopped in front of Michael with a smile on her face. “They have a shelf full of books in the hall,” she said happily.

Michael crouched in front of her and took her face in his hands. He spoke softly, “Angel, I’m going to leave you with James and Max for a few days.”

The smile on Angel’s face disappeared. “You’re leaving me?”

Covering his face, Michael sneezed, “HUT-CHOO! HUTCHOO!”

“Bless you!” Max exclaimed once again.

“Thank you.” Michael turned back to Angel. “It’s not for very long.” He hugged her. “I’ve got some things to take care of and you’ll be better off here.” He straightened, his heart breaking as he looked at her confused, hurt expression.

“You’re not staying?” James asked, surprised.

Michael blinked, feeling surprised himself. “No, I’ve got to sort this thing out. Thanks for everything. I’ll change back into my stuff and go home.”

“You can’t go home, not in this weather,” protested Max.

“It can’t be helped.” Did they really expect him to stay? It was bad enough that he was dumping Angel on them, he refused to impose any further. Coughing hard, Michael winced at the painful action.

Max listened to Michael, worry and some emotion that looked strangely like pity in her eyes. “Mid-Winter Break started today, you have seven more days until anyone else returns. You should take at least one night to rest, if not more. It might be better if you let Carlo and this other man cool off before you go try to work it out.”

“I can’t—”

“By the time you get home, it’ll be very late, you’ll be frozen and feel so horrible that you’re not going to have any energy or brainpower to figure out how to handle it,” James pointed out. “Just stay and take a load off.”

What they were saying made sense. Angel’s pleading gaze broke down his resolve completely. He could at least wait the night. He’d feel better in the morning and then he would go. “Tutto bene,” he finally agreed, “I’ll stay tonight.”

Max closed her eyes for a moment before returning to the kitchen. “How does soup sound?”

Even though Michael wasn’t terribly hungry he knew he should eat and Angel was starving. “Wonderful.” He sniffed and sat on the floor, his back against the bed. Rubbing at his nose, he said, “Thank you...”

“You’re very welcome,” smiled Max, stirring the soup.


“Bless you,” James said, tossing Michael the box of tissues.

Michael blew his nose and sighed. “Thanks.” He threw the tissue in the garbage by the bed.

Angel came and sat down next to Michael. She coughed and leaned against him, watching James help Max cook.

After a few minutes, Max said, “Soup’s ready if you two want to come to the table.”

Angel followed Michael to the table and got up on one of the chairs. She coughed before offering Max a tiny smile. “Grazie,” she said as Max gave her a bowl and a glass of milk.

Michael thanked Max as well and began to eat the warm food. He looked at Angel, taking in her pale face and tired eyes. He was still concerned that she’d get sick.

“Do you want more?” Max asked Angel, who had inhaled her soup and milk.

“Sí, per favore,” Angel nodded.

“I’ll get it,” James offered. He stood up and got more food for Angel. “A hollow leg at your age,” he grinned. “Wait until you become a teenager.”

Michael sniffed, feeling the need to explain. “We haven’t eaten since yesterday afternoon. I meant to get more food today, but got distracted.”

“No wonder she’s hungry! You two may eat as much as you want while you’re here,” Max offered. “Make yourselves at home.”

Michael coughed hard.. It hurt to cough. After he finished, he put his face in his hands, tired and very ready to sleep.

“Do you want to go pick out a book from the bookshelf in the hall?” James asked Angel.

Angel gave a small nod.

“Come on,” James smiled. He held the door open for Angel and then followed her out.

“You should sleep,” Max said quietly to Michael as soon as they were alone.

Looking up at her, Michael shook his head. “I’m all right.”

Max reached over and touched his cheek with the back of her hand. “You’ve got a fever and you look ready to drop. You take the empty bed in here.”

“I should sleep somewhere else. I don’t want you or James to get sick. I’m already worried that Angel’s going to get it,” he sighed.

“Don’t worry about us,” Max smiled softly. “Both James and I have excellent immune systems. And we’ll keep an eye on Angel, so don’t worry about that either.”

“Are you sure I’m not imposing. I could go—”

“What is it with you gangsters and arguing?” grinned Max. “You are not imposing by coming here and needing a place to stay, not in the least, okay?” She heard him playing with the spoon in the bowl. “Do you want anymore?”

Michael shook his head. “Maybe later.” He could tell that Max wasn’t going to let him stay up, so he went to the empty bed. “Angel always has a harder time at night, I’m not sure why, but she coughs more and stuff. It’s gotten worse since we moved to our new place near here. Some coughing is normal, but if she seems sick, let me know.”

Max moved to the bed. “If you need anything, just ask.”

Catching her hand in his, Michael smiled, “Thank you, Max!”


“How are we working the sleeping situation?” James asked Max. Angel was sitting on Max’s bed with her book and Michael was asleep.

“Angel, how do you sleep at home?” Max asked.

Angel looked up shyly. “Um... I have my own bed, but I sleep with Daddy a lot of the time.”

“There’s only room for three beds in here, and since your daddy really needs to sleep undisturbed, how about you sleep with one of us,” suggested James.

“Good idea,” agreed Max.

Knowing that if Angel got sick in the night, Max would have a more difficult time taking care of her immediately, James decided to offer. “Are you all right sharing with me?” He looked at Angel. “No tricks, I promise. I don’t hog the covers and you get your own pillow.”

For a moment Angel looked at her book. Finally she nodded. “Can Soffice sleep with us too?”

“Absolutely!” smiled James. “As long as he doesn’t try to steal the blankets,” he added, managing to keep a straight face.

“No, he doesn’t.”

“All right then, Soffice will bed with us.”


James closed the book he’d been reading out loud and looked at Max, who was already in bed. Angel was asleep on her lap. “She appears to be starting to warm up to us. She seemed to like to be read to,” he smiled.

“You have a good reading voice.” Max turned her head to Michael and smiled. “It’s amazing the difference between four and eighteen is. The older they get, the more high maintenance they are.”

“Remember that for when you have children,” ginned James. “Enjoy the terrible twos.”

Max sighed sadly. “He’s so stressed, James! He’s got too much responsibility, too much pain and anger, too much fear for someone our age! At eighteen, I’ve gone through some hard stuff, but nothing compared to him.”

“It took a lot of courage to come here. A lot of pride had to be swallowed and I admire him for doing it! He’s a great guy, just very lost.”

Angel coughed in her sleep and Max held her closer. “They’re not doing well, not well at all. I’m sure not having a meal in thirty hours isn’t the longest they’ve gone, the place they’re living in is awful, the people they have to put up with are cruel, and Michael doesn’t know how to escape it.”

“We need to pray that he continues to let us help them. I wasn’t sure he was going to stay tonight, but I’m glad he did. The storm’s still nasty and he would be in horrible shape if he ever managed to get home.”

“I’m afraid he’s going to try and settle things with those men before he’s well.”

“We’ll just have to trust he won’t,” James sighed. “Should we head to bed?”

“Probably. Good night,” Max smiled.

James gave her a hug. “Sleep well, Maxi!” He carefully lifted Angel and took her over to the bed he’d dragged in. After flipping off the light, he got in and settled both of them down. She coughed, but didn’t wake. Tucking Soffice next to them, he closed his eyes, attempting to process all that was happening.

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Guest Eventide

This is the final section to this particular story. I have a few more stories dealing with the characters at other times in their lives. I may post them, depending on the popularity of the characters. Anyway...

Italian words used in this specific part:

Buona notte (bwoh-nah noht-the)—good night

Caspita (cas-peet-ah)—Wow

Cara mia—my beloved

Zio (tsio)—uncle

Tutto bene (too-toe beneh)—all right/okay

Gattina—female kitten

Before Michael opened his eyes, he the sound of someone typing on the Braille keyboard at Max’s desk. There was the high-pitched whistle of a kettle and then came scrambling. “Max...” Michael began, not wanting to startle her like he had earlier when she hadn’t realized he was awake.

“Oh snap!” said James’ irritated voice. Michael opened his eyes and saw him taking the kettle off the burner. “Sorry, Michael, I didn’t mean to wake you!” he apologized as he began to pour the hot water in a mug. “Ow!” he yelped as he touched the kettle. “And I’m also sorry I’m not Max. If I was I would have not let the kettle go off like that and I would not have burned myself. Plus, I just don’t have that pretty face,” he grinned.

Michael laughed. “Sorry, man, but you don’t.”

“In case you were wondering, Max is with Angel. They’re doing something. Anyway, she told me to ask you if you liked that tea or if you wanted coffee.”

“The tea’s good.”

“Unlike Max, I am not skilled in figuring out special herbal tea recipes so you’re stuck with some sort of tea from a bag.”

“It works,” Michael shrugged indifferently. He coughed and made himself sit up. A question that had been floating around in his mind came back to him at that moment “Could I ask you something?”

James handed him the tea and then pulled a kitchen chair next to the bed. “Fire away.”

“Was Max born blind or did something happen? She seems very comfortable with it, but I’m not sure how to ask her.”

“For the record, feel free to ask Max anything within decency, she’s totally cool about it. Now, to answer your question, Max lost the use of her eyes a year ago last October. I had moved about a month before to her area with my parents and we hit it off which caused much controversy, but that’s another story. Maxi was an absolutely incredible gymnast and runner, she had a shot at the Olympics for gymnastics, she was so good.”

“The night after winning a huge competition and signing on with an agent, she was with her older brother, Heath, and in the middle of an intersection a drunk driver ran a red. He smashed his car into the passenger’s side of Heath’s car and the car behind, who had been tailing, rear ended it as well. Heath got out with a mild concussion, but Max who had been smashed into ended up in a coma due to severe trauma to the back of her head. She woke up blind. She might have been able to continue with track, but her back’s not the same either. Unfortunately after the accident her family fell apart too. It’s been rough for her,” James sighed.

Michael closed his eyes, trying to image what that would be like. What it would be like to have everything going for him and then it all taken away because of a couple stupid people. He sighed, hurting for the wonderful girl who had lost so much. “That’s a really raw deal!”

“But she hung on, she didn’t give up, she was so strong already but she got stronger, she’s truly an amazing person,” James smiled tenderly. “After her mom left last spring, she moved in with Heath. Then when Heath married my older sister, Jen, in September—who he’d met at the hospital while she was visiting over Thanksgiving Break—he moved in with me and my parents.” James shook his head, as if to bring himself out of some other place. “I’m sorry for going on and on. You just wanted to know about her eyes...”

“No, I’m glad I know about what happened,” Michael sniffed. He’d already thought of Max as incredible, but now he thought of her as more than incredible. She’d been dealt a rough hand, but she’d come out of it loving and gentle. How?

The door opened and Angel skipped in. She was carrying a piece of paper. “Daddy, you’re awake!” She hurried to him.

“Be careful, hon, it’s wet,” called Max, smiling. “You don’t want to get paint all over your father...or do you?” she winked at Michael.

“What do you have there?” Michael asked as Angel handed it to him. It was a painting of office.

“Max took me to a room where there all are kinds of paints and crayons and pencils and paper!” said Angel excitedly. “She let me play with clay and draw and paint and...and...” she trailed off, beaming.

Michael loved how happy Angel looked. “That’s wonderful, gattina!” He allowed her to get on the bed and snuggle up with him. By now it was much too late to worry about germs. There was no point in not letting her be close. He looked at Max and smiled, “Thank you!”

Max gave him a warm smile. She heard James sucking on his hand. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” James shrugged. “Just a hot kettle.”

Pulling his hand to her, she brushed the skin. “You burned yourself! Did you run cold water on it? Oh, wait, there’s Aloe Vera cream in the bathroom. Sit tight and I’ll get it for you.”

“I can get it. You are so much like Jen, always taking care of everybody.”

“Is that a bad thing?” asked Max, raising an eyebrow.

“It depends on whether or not you let me win at chess one of these days,” smirked James.

Max narrowed her eyes. “Letting you win won’t help your game any. You’re a very smart person, but you just don’t try.’

“And you type-A personality people try too hard,” shot back James. “I’m serious, if you were like me and got through school with a B- average, you would be so much more relaxed and I might actually be able to win at chess.”

“Are you going to get the cream or am I?” Max asked.

“I’m going, I’m going,” James huffed off.

Michael watched as they bickered. He couldn’t place their relationship. Were they together as a couple or were they more like brother and sister? It was obvious that they were best friends, but which way was the relationship headed? Not sure he wanted to know the answer, Michael turned his attention to Angel and began questioning her about her day thus far.


James showed both sides of the kitchen towel to Angel. Then he put it over his fist for a split second before pulling it off to reveal an apple. Angel stared at him with huge eyes. “Caspita...” she whispered in awe. “Max, he really is magic.”

Max ran the brush through Angel’s hair and muttered something in her ear, a small smile on her face.

“It was in his sleeve?” gasped Angel, not knowing to keep her voice down.

Michael worked hard to keep from laughing at the indignant look on James’ face, but Max didn’t bother to hide her amusement.

“You’re telling secrets!” accused James. “How dare...” He stopped, looking suspiciously at Max. “This is not the first magic show of mine that you have known things you shouldn’t. For generations the men in my family have passed down these secrets, they have never left the family! How do you... Jen! Jen snitched! She told me all my secrets!” stormed James, pacing up and down.

Max smirked. “Sister-in-law privileges.”

“This is unbelievable!” said James in outrage. “Off with her head!”

“Why?” Angel asked innocently.

James stopped, looking at Angel in disbelief. “She...she has betrayed her clan, her family! It’s a heinous crime that can’t go unpunished!”

Michael couldn’t help laughing. But it quickly turned into a harsh cough that wouldn’t stop. Max was by his side instantly with water. “Thank you,” he gasped once it had stopped.

Max laid her hand against his cheek.. “You feel very warm.”

“Are we keeping you awake?” James asked as he set Angel on his hip. “We can go somewhere else.”

“No,” Michael sniffed. “I enjoy the company.” Realizing he needed to sneeze, he hid his face in his sleeve. “HUTCHOO! HUTCHOO!”

“Bless you,” returned James.

Michael rubbed his nose. “Grazie.” He coughed again.

Max bit her lip. “I wish I had cough medicine, but I don’t. I’m sorry!”

“It’s fine,” Michael croaked.

Angel squirmed in James’ arms and he put her down. She got on Michael’s bed and coughed a couple of times before cuddling close to him. She didn’t say anything, but Michael knew she was concerned about him. “Gattina, don’t worry,” he said softly.

Sitting up straighter, she touched Michael’s chest, her face very serious. “Are you going to die?”

This stunned Michael, Max and James. Michael shook his head. “No, baby, no, I’m not going to die.” He caressed her cheek. “In a few days I’ll be fine.”

“But you cough like I cough when I’m sick and you worry that I’m going to die.”

“What do you mean?” Michael had no idea how she knew this. When Angel got really sick and couldn’t breathe he did worry she would die. But he’d never expressed this fear to her.

“I’ve heard you tell Zio Carlo that you want money so that you can take me to the hospital so I don’t die.”

Max and James both knew to keep quiet.

Michael held Angel tightly to him. Every now and then he’d be shocked by how much she noticed, how much she knew but never talked about until something came up that made her feel like she needed to say something. “I don’t know why you get so sick, cara mia, but you get much sicker than I am. Don’t worry about me dying. I’m not seriously sick, my body will fight it off and I’ll be just fine. Don’t worry, tutto bene?’ He pressed a kiss to her forehead.


“I knew Angel got sick, but I didn’t know that she got sick enough that Michael thought she might die,” Max sighed. She and James were talking quietly in the kitchen.

James looked over at the bed where Michael slept and Angel, curled up next to him, read. “And I’m sure, from what Michael’s said of him, Carlo doesn’t give the money needed to take care of her. We need to see if Riley will let us get more involved with him.”

“I’ll do that first thing in the morning. It’s too late tonight.”

Walking over to the bed, James smiled at Angel. “It’s time for bed.”

Angel shook her head, holding onto Michael as he coughed in his sleep.

“I know, sweetie, but you need to rest too. Michael will be all right. Let’s get Soffice and head to bed.”

Max joined them. “Tomorrow you can spend more time with your daddy,” she promised.

Angel relented and allowed James to lift her off the bed. “Buona notte,” she told Max.

“Good night, hon,” Max smiled and gave Angel a hug. “Sleep well.”


Something brought James out of his dreams, but it took a moment to realize that Angel was crying softly. He looked at her. “Angel, sweetie, what’s wrong?” he asked in a low, concerned voice.

Angel didn’t answer. She was huddled in a ball, squeezing Soffice tightly, her tears falling onto his stringy fur.

“Are you sick?” James laid his hand on her forehead. She didn’t have a fever. “Was it a bad dream?”

There was still no response.

James could tell that she wasn’t going to talk. “Come here,” he whispered, pulling her to his chest.

A quiet but rough sob left her throat and she cried freely. He sighed, wishing he could say something more. At the moment all he could do was let her cry.

After a couple of minutes, the coughing and shallow breathing started, activated by her crying. James sat her up and she could breathe more easily. He guessed that she probably wanted Michael, but wasn’t willing to wake him up. James didn’t want to wake him either, so he’d have to do. “Relax,” he murmured.

Angel’s tears slowed and after ten minutes she was breathing well enough to lay down again. During the entire time, she had not said a word, but her doe-like eyes spoke of some sort of pain.

James waited until she had fallen asleep to settle down again. What were the cause of her crying? Was she starting to get sick? Was it fear for herself? Fear for Michael? A nightmare? He wasn’t sure why, but her tears bothered him. It was something about how she never said anything, never responded. All he had gotten was the hint of pain her eyes...


As soon as Michael woke, he knew had a love-hate relationship with the phrase ‘You have to get worse before you get better.’ He definitely felt worse. But, if that saying was right, then he’d be getting better soon. He coughed a few times and forced his eyes open.

Max heard him shifting and looked up from her book. “Hello you,” she smiled softly. “I’m glad you could join us.”

It was obvious that he must have been asleep for a while. “How long have I been out?”

“Almost fourteen hours. It’s almost noon. How are you feeling?”

He rubbed his nose, growling, and sat up. “HUT-CHOO! HUTCHOO! HUTCHOO!” He sighed tiredly and collapsed on the pillow again.

“Goodness, bless you!” Max cried. “Not much better I see.” She laid a cool hand on his face, concerned. “Sorry, pal, but what you’ve got isn’t a cold, it’s the flu. You’re temperature’s too high for a cold.”

Michael groaned. “I’d better get over it quickly,” he rasped, his voice almost gone.

“Just relax. You’ve still got a while.” Max brushed back some of Michael’s black hair.

“But I’ve got things to do...” Her long, slender fingers continued running through his hair. It was very distracting. So was her gentle smile, her eyes so full of compassion, the honey blonde hair that framed her face.

For so long Michael had believed Caitlyn was the most beautiful female in the entire world. He’d known many lovely women, mostly through Carlo and Anthony. But both Caitlyn or Rachele dimmed when next to Max

Max’s beauty was enhanced by her warmth, a warmth that never cooled. Caitlyn and Rachele were cold, self-centered women who’s beauty would be gone in forty years. Max’s wouldn’t.

But who was he kidding. Seriously? She was out of his league, totally unattainable. He knew that, knew that even if there wasn’t James or anybody else, she would never be his. There was no point in resenting that fact. He could admire her from a distance, soak in what he could during the brief times they would spend together before she was gone.

While Michael thought about this, Max had moved on from his hair to feeling his gland. “I still wish that I had something to give you besides tea and soup. I don’t have any Advil or anything like that...”

“Really, you’re doing more than enough,” Michael smiled.

“What I have done is run you a hot bath. I was going to wake you up soon, but you’re already awake. James has got Angel in the library again, so just relax. There’s clean clothes in there—I have your own clothes washing at the moment by the way—so I think you’re set.”

“Thank you,” he sighed gratefully as he made his way to the bathroom.

“You’re welcome,” Max smiled.


Michael reentered the bedroom lethargically. Max gave him one of her sunny smiles. “How about a little food? Sit in the desk chair. It’s more comfortable than one of the table chairs.”

Sitting down, Michael sighed. The bath had felt good, but it had only been temporary. A shiver ran through him and he sniffed. It was cold.

As attentive as ever, Max brought a blanket and placed it over his shoulders.

“Thank you,” Michael managed a smile. He’d stopped wondering how she, without sight, could know so much about the visual world around her.

“Your voice is almost gone,” tutted Max.

“How’s Angel?” Michael asked. He didn’t like sleeping so much and not seeing her.

Max placed more hot food in front of Michael. “If we keep her distracted, she’s just fine. When we lax on it, she gets anxious. Bless her heart, she’s so sweet and serious sometimes. She’s very concerned about you.” James had told Max about Angel’s crying and they theorized that it probably had something to do with worry for Michael. Not knowing all the details of their lives, the two couldn’t guess exactly what all Angel’s fears were. But the fact she was so worried broke their hearts.

“She is very sweet and serious,” agreed Michael. He coughed hard and sighed again.

Through the door came James with Angel. “Did it hurt?” Angel was asking.

James nodded, acting macho. “Yeah, it hurt, but I managed to make it through the long, dragging hours of pain.”

Max smirked. “Angel must have asked about his lip ring,” she muttered to Michael.

Angel saw Michael up and went straight to him. “You’re awake!”

“Sorry, I was out for so long, gattina!” Michael lifted her onto his lap. She nestled into him contentedly. A sudden sadness filled him. He knew that he soon would have to take Angel and leave. Everything she had with James and Max would be gone. The food, the shelter, the safety, the normal family-like life, the goodness, it would be gone. His love for Angel was such a selfish love, but he couldn’t let her go.

Max and James were arguing about the proper way to make macaroni and cheese. “You just melt the cheese over it,” James told her.

“No, you make a cheesy sauce. Then you bake it.”

Something about the way they disagreed was wonderful, it was just so normal. He wished Angel could have that all the time. He wished he could have that all the time...


“What do you think?” James’ voice came from the kitchen.

Michael slid his eyes partway open and saw James sticking a spoon in Max’s mouth. She tasted it slowly and nodded. “Adding vanilla was definitely the right choice.”

“And what do you think?” James put a spoon full of chocolate something in Angel’s mouth as well.

She smiled and nodded.

Closing his eyes again, Michael didn’t want them to know he was awake. He wanted to lay, burning the last few days into his mind. A time and place where he and Angel had been loved without reservation, a time and place where the worry seemed to be pushed away and replaced with laughter, a time and place where beauty, warmth and passion flowed out of James and Max constantly, a time and place of agapé.

One day, one day when he was free of Carlo, of Antonio, of women like Caitlyn and Rachele, of men like Gino, he would learn agapé. He would teach Angel agapé. He would spread agapé out in hope of touching lives like his had been touched, even if it was just with a smile or a kind word. Someday agapé would free him.

The End

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I really, really enjoyed reading this fic, eventide! You have a lovely writing style! Thanks for sharing with us! I hope there are more stories floating around in that brain of yours! :D

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