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Precipitation and Observation - (4 Parts)


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Because I’m unforgivably lazy, I’m basing this off of something I wrote a few months ago. It takes place after the Southern Raiders, because I love rain-induced illness.

Thanks to everyone who waited for me! I finally got this done, though. Haha.


Toph had been first to notice something was wrong.

She had entered his tent with an expression that seemed to be a sort of combination of determination and curiosity. The sun was almost entirely below the horizon, and the campsite was comfortably dim. Zuko himself was rearranging what little belongings he had brought with him, likely ready to turn in for the night.

"Something's up," Toph stated, not particularly fond of formal greetings. She crossed her ankles and her arms in a state of casual oddity.

Zuko only blinked. "What do you mean?"

"You've been shivering since you and Katara got back from your little field trip. You hardly touched your dinner and your heartbeat is erratic. What's wrong with you?"

Zuko only blinked in response. “Nothing. You’re probably just imagining things.”

“I don’t imagine things, Sparky. I feel them. And I felt you shaking like a leaf all throughout dinner. If you’re sick, just fess up so we can get you rested up faster – that way you’ll be in better condition to teach Aang firebending.”

“I don’t get sick often,” the pale firebender informed in a flat tone.

Toph shrugged. "I'm just sayin'. Aang can't have a firebending teacher who's dead or dying."

Zuko managed a chuckle. "Right, because that's all I am to you, a firebending teacher?" A pause, and then, "I'm sure it's not that bad. I mean – if I were ill. It… wouldn't kill me, or anything."

"Nice save, Sparky." The earthbender remarked. "I can feel you shivering right now. It's not that cold up here."

“I told you I’m n.. not…” Zuko’s speech faltered before he emitted two short gasps and buried the lower half of his face into his shirtsleeve. “Uht’tsSCHHh!” A pause, another gasp, and then, “CHSHHuh!”

“You are so convincing.”

“It’s nothing. I’m fine.”

Toph seemed contemplative for a moment, then she turned to leave. Before exiting the prince’s tent, she reminded, “I can tell you’re lying.”


Aang wasn’t particularly unobservant; in fact, he was very attentive when he wanted to be. Often, during firebending training, he would zone out – especially when his teacher would start on some monologue about fire being both living and dangerous or something equally repetitive and boring. He’s tune back in once Zuko started demonstrating stances and moves, and, being the Avatar, Aang certainly had enough of an advantage to stop listening when he wanted to.

But this time, he didn’t want to. Zuko was off; something about him wasn’t right. If his slightly decreased agility didn’t give it away, then his increasingly hoarse voice definitely did. Aang grew especially concerned when he noticed Zuko pausing to cough, when he thought Aang wasn’t looking. He seemed to sway a little as well, his footsteps uneven and gaze occasionally unfocused.

Aang wasn’t really one to jump to conclusions, but he did suspect that Zuko’s field trip with Katara really did a number on him. Zuko was tired, Aang could tell, but obviously too stubborn to admit it. Still, testing his firebending teacher's health was a risky move, and Aang was prepared to feign fatigue for the sake of Zuko's well-being.

"I'm getting kinda tired," The younger boy remarked. "Can we take a break?"

Zuko blinked away what would have likely been an immensely relieved expression, and instead put on a façade of indifference. "Sure, if you need to."

Aang grinned and happily sprinted back to camp, displaying a suspicious amount of energy in comparison to his claimed wear. Zuko followed at a more regular pace.

"We're just taking a break," Aang explained. "We'll probably pick up again in a few minutes."

"Hm," Katara seemed contemplative. "I wouldn't get started too soon; lunch is almost ready."

"Great!" Aang exclaimed. "What're we having?"



Katara and Aang both turned to see Zuko with his head bent into the crook of his elbow.

"Oh no," Katara protested, her tone disapproving; almost authoritative. "Don't tell me you've caught a cold."

Of course, the threat of a common cold was a meager one – but the chance of it developing into something more serious, like pneumonia, was very probable. Had this been a few days earlier, Katara would have disregarded such a likelihood. However, her recent excursion with the bronze-eyed boy had sparked a sort of bond – not necessarily a strong one, but it was there, which allowed Katara to acknowledge Zuko as a part of their constructive family.

"Relax," Zuko stipulated, pressing a knuckle to the tip of his nose. "I'm fine."

Katara watched as he contradicted himself with another sneeze, “Aht’TSSCHh!”, stronger this time, that bent him at the waist and left him sniffling fretfully.

Katara sighed. "You probably got sick from being in the rain so long yesterday." She sounded more annoyed than distressed, and stamped her hand to his forehead. She frowned. “You can’t tell me that you firebenders can’t even handle a little precipitation.”

"I can't possibly have a fever," Zuko murmured, uselessly sliding his own hand under his bangs to check.

Katara sighed again. "Go back to your tent; I'll make you some soup. We can't risk Aang getting sick so close to the comet."

"I've got a pretty good immune system," Aang supplied.

"Anyway, I'm sure it's nothing." Zuko added. "I'm probably just a little warm from training so hard. Don't worry about it." He'd been interrogated before, but he wasn't so used to being fussed over. The idea of it was foreign and generally uncomfortable.

Defeated but unaccepting, Katara sighed out a “fine” and went back to preparing lunch.

“Will you be up for more training after lunch?” Zuko asked Aang. The thickness in his voice was subtle but present, and he’d taken to scrubbing at his nose frequently, which left it a contrasting shade of pink against his porcelain complexion.

Uneasily, Aang replied, “Well, if you’re not feeling well, I—”

“I’m fine!” Zuko insisted quickly, his posture raising along with his voice. “As long as you’re… a-able t… to—huh! Haht’SCHHtt! Huh’TSCH!”

“You really can’t stop once you start, can you?” Katara said wryly. At least he’s covering his mouth.


Zuko practically couldn’t taste Katara’s curry dish, and the mild spices burned his strained larynx, but the rice was soft and warm and not too much of a pain to swallow. The watermelon juice was tangy and it stung a little, but cold enough to partially numb his throat.

His throat wasn’t much of an issue, though, compared to the his incessantly buzzing sinuses. Not intense enough to initiate a sneeze (thank Agni), but still strong enough to pose as a severe annoyance. He fought the urge to crinkle or rub at his nose or even sniffle, knowing full well that either would do little to quell the tickle and instead would likely instigate questioning from the others.

“Aang,” he addressed once the meal was finished, “are you ready to get back to firebending training?”

Aang gave the exiled prince a once-over and his gaze grew weary. In a tone that suggested he was trying very hard not to offend, he said, “You know… I’m not really feeling up for it today. My earthbending could still use a little work; is it okay if we pick up again tomorrow?”

“You don’t have to coddle me!” Zuko snapped. “I don’t have a problem training you; I feel fine!”

“I never said you didn’t, I just thought—”

“What, that I wouldn’t be able t… to…” Zuko felt himself sway, and his vision blurred. He stumbled backwards on unsteady feet before blacking out completely.


Their expedition to the Boiling Rock, Sokka thought, resulted in an impressive bond between Zuko and himself. Sure, the firebender was stoic and bumbling and immensely awkward, but Sokka realized that he meant well and had grown to find some of Zuko’s gauche mannerisms quiet charming.

But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t have rather been spending the evening with Suki, instead of watching over the ill-stricken teen to make sure he wouldn’t do any further damage to himself.

Broodingly, Zuko said, “I don’t understand why Katara feels the need to quarantine me.”

“It’s not a quarantine,” Sokka corrected. “She just doesn’t want to see you hurting yourself.”

“I’m fine,” Zuko insisted, although his thick articulation and glazy eyes suggested otherwise. “I can still function just as well.”

“That may be, but we need you at one-hundred percent when you teach Aang firebending. He can work on his earthbending with Toph while you get rested up.”

Zuko furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance and opened his mouth to shoot back a retort. However, he got a panicked look in his eyes his expression crumpled.

“Hh’AETSCHh! Huh! Haht’SCHHuh!” With the second sneeze came a moderate burst of flame, dissolving almost as quickly as it erupted. Sokka jumped and scrambled backwards, and Zuko phrased surprise and sheepishness.

“Whoa – you just –!”


“Do you, um… do that often?”

Zuko looked almost shameful as he replied. “No, not regularly. I don’t… usually lose control like that.”

Sokka shook his head, and with a twinge of humor, added, “I swear, between you and Aang we’ve got some of the most dangerous sneezes in the world. Come to think of it, we’re facing the Firelord not too long from now. Maybe you should give Aang your cold…”


I know I’ve said it before, but really. I hate endings because I’m so bad at them, haha.

I really like variety with this kind of thing, which is why I didn’t elaborate on any specific relationships and had a bunch of different POVs. I’m adding a second part after this, although it’ll be unrelated and more of a general thing. I don’t know if I’ll write anything more after that, though.

What did you think?

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Made of win.

And FIRESNEEZING! Haha, poor Sokka. His bad luck combines with Zuko's bad luck for dangerous possibilities...

And by dangerous, I mean sexy, of course.

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Awesome. :)

Lol, and of course Sokka has to be the one stuck with Zuko when he fire-sneezes. :laugh:

I love the way you've put all the characters down. It reads just like an episode. :)

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This was lovely. :D I love how Zuko was denying that he was sick, up until passing out. Your characters felt very in character and it was like watching the show. Hope that you decide to write more. It was very good! =]

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AAAHH! Thank you, everyone! You guys are so amazing. <3 I'm really, really glad that you enjoyed it! I have a thing for Zuko. He's so... sexy. And his awkwardness is adorable and hot at the same time. He's just so.... YUM. He seems like the person who would try to control his sneezes but FAIL HORRIBLY at it, because he always tries hard to uphold control and power but he just cannot. I love it.

And since he's such a weakling (and a disappointment to his daddeh), I have a feeling that he'd have allergies. Just uh... throwing it out there. (;

Speaking of allergies! SPOILER: the next part will involve them! And Sokka, because he's so cute and funny, but secretly hot (OHMYGOD HAVE YOU SEEN HIM WITH HIS HAIR DOWN? YESS) and supersmart. That's all I'm giving away though. I'll start working on it tonight!

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Okay, so I know I said I’d do a kind of generalization-thing for my second drabble one-shot thing, buuuut this idea wouldn’t leave me alone so I’m doing it first.

I’ll admit, I’m not a huge fan of Suki, but I don’t hate her either and I certainly have no aversion to her relationship with Sokka. But! I like Toph’s character A LOT, and I love her crush on Sokka in the show – it’s like, even though she’s super tough and nearly invincible in comparison to most kids her age, she’s still a girl with a crush on her best friend. It’s one-sided, though.

And I like to play with that aspect. Which is what I am doing. So! Enjoy!



Her inability to see with her eyes did not limit Toph on terms of observation. In fact, Toph believed that it enhanced her detection skills. She would notice little things about a person that someone with optical vision wouldn’t pick up on; somebody’s posture, their level of anxiety or breathing patterns, the amount of weight they put into each step and each inflection in their voice. It was all there, but it took a blind and perceptive earthbender to perceive.

Still, she wasn’t particularly observant if the subject didn’t catch her attention. Toph could be described as blunt and abrasive, and unless a detail was crucial or principally entertaining, she wouldn’t bother paying much attention to it.

And only one person was important enough to Toph earn such generous perception.

“…and Hama is such a great waterbender. She took me to this field that was just overwhelmed with gorgeous flowers – I feel like she can teach me so much!”

No, not Katara, although Toph’s relationship with the girl had improved since their escapade with scams a little while back. Toph had surprisingly grown fond of the waterbender, especially since her announcement had given Toph the opportunity to get away with our original subject.

“…and the area is surrounded by these really cool rocky hills and walls – you’d love it, Toph – and there’s a river running through the middle of it…”

Toph held a hand up, silencing the blue-eyed girl. She held an expression of pleased curiosity. “Rocks, eh? Tell me, Sugar Queen, where this field was, exactly.”

“It’s just a little bit south of here,” Katara answered, eager to express her knowledge of the area. “If you head back to the spot we were camping at before Hama found us and then go southwest for a few minutes, you should be able to find it.”

“Sounds easy enough,” Toph replied, then averted her gaze in Sokka’s direction. “Sokka! You’re coming with me. I could use some company.”

She felt Sokka shrug. “Sure,” he answered.

“It’s a shame you can’t see the fire lilies, Toph,” Katara apologized, and it sounded like she really meant it. “They really are lovely.”

“I’m sure I’ll manage,” Toph brushed off. Coarsely, she grabbed Sokka by the wrist and dragged him out the door.


The scenery was beautiful, Sokka could admit. The flowers were such a vibrant shade of red and the river was impossibly clear and blue. The contrast of the drab stones freckling the field didn’t bring the landscape’s captivating image down, but instead added to the charming effect it had on his eyes.

His nose, however, was a different matter.

As soon as the fire lilies had come into view, his nose had begun to burn in the most aggravating fashion. It itched, and rubbing it did little to suppress the tickle.

Sokka was grateful that Toph was unable to see – that way she wouldn’t know that his eyes were watering. And, hopefully, she was too distracted by the impressive cliffs to notice him rubbing his eyes incessantly.

“Snoozles! Quit your sniffling and come over here for a sec, will ya? You’ve got to see this!”

Spoke too soon.

When he got closer to Toph and the giant rock she was demonstrating on, Sokka noticed that the lilies in the area were taller and bigger, and he felt the tickle intensify. Instantly, Sokka pressed his face into his sleeve in an attempt to smother the explosion.


Toph ceased her bending and turned to face him. “Did you say something?”

“I—” Sokka tried to explain, but interrupted himself with a gasp and then another sneeze. “Huh! MmphSCHTt! MPHSHTT!” Or two.

Toph’s eyebrows knitted together. “…You done?”

Sokka gave a liquid sniff before responding. “Urgh. Sorry.” There was a panicked look in his eyes before he winced into another sneeze. “Hh’MPTSCHH! Uhhn.. Okay, I’m done – I think. For now.” He offered a weary grin before realizing that Toph would be unable to see it.

“Um. You alright?”

Another sniffle, and then, “Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Good. Let me show you this new technique I learned.”

Before he had a chance to react, Toph lifted the ground up from underneath Sokka and moved the rock from its previous position, alternating its shape to surround his limbs and torso, like an earth prison. Impressively, Toph was able to modify the shape of the stone without coming in physical contact with it, and her grip was impossibly strong.

So much moving of earth predictably kicked up masses of dust, which further aggravated Sokka’s sinuses. Already, he was stunned from Toph’s quick movements and his becoming involuntarily encased in stone, and his lack of ability to cover his sneezes left Sokka feeling unreasonably vulnerable.

He turned his head as far into his shoulder as he was able, and reluctantly released the sneeze.

“Hh’AESCHHuu!” Loud and forceful, as he’d expected. But also embarrassingly wetter. “AETSHHue! AATSCHuU!” The vocal expulsions were quieter and quicker than the former part of each sneeze, but still uncontrolled and equally as discomfited.

Though his vision was blurred with allergic tears, Sokka could see Toph grinning amusedly from below, although he knew (hoped?) that her inducing him wasn’t intentional, even if she did enjoy teasing him. Sokka felt the rocks around him crumble and looked down to see the dirt pedestal lowering him back to the ground. Again, an ample amount of dust formed around him and he grimaced once more.

“PTSCHH! MmphSCHhh!” At least this time he was able to suppress them more easily.

“You alright, Snoozles?” Toph asked, although she sounded more entertained than concerned.

Toph had heard Sokka sneeze a few times before, each one hastily muffled into some sort of fabric – his shirtsleeve, a handkerchief when one was available, and the like. She had a feeling that it wasn’t as much about gaining control as it was about being courteous; that is, he tried his hardest not to spread germs. Sokka could be impetuous and unintentionally rude, but he wasn’t a total jerk.

Still, muffled as they were, Sokka’s sneezes still had force. Too much to be entirely stifled and definitely enough to jerk his head dramatically each time. Toph had expected that, entirely unreleased, they’d come out loud and harsh. She hadn’t expected to be presented with three of his natural sneezes during her demonstration, although she really should have anticipated that an upraise of dust would do something to trigger his allergies – or whatever it was that had been making him sneeze just a few moments prior.

It wasn’t that she was interested in Sokka’s sneezes particularly, but it was a curiosity that Toph sometimes mulled over. They still weren’t anything special compared to the rest of him; Toph had merely come to a point where every aspect of the tribesman seemed fascinating and endearing.


“Must be the flowers,” Toph concluded. “You wanna head back?”

As Sokka rubbed his eyes again, Toph stuffed a few fire lilies into her pocket, just in case she’d need them later.


I hope this was okay with the switched POVs and everything. Ah! What did you think?

Also! Do you have any requests for me to write within this fandom? Or, like… ideas? BECAUSE SERIOUSLY I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO WRITE NOW LOL.

Edited by Sen Beret
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OH MY GAWWWWWD soooo cute!

i like sokka he is so damn funny in the serie

thank you for giving him allergies :D

hm a request...let me think...

i would like to see snezzy!aang maybe from a cold ;)

and katara taking care of him...??!?!

you just let sokka think about that zuko better give

his cold to aang and then fight against the firelord :laugh:

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AWWW. Thank you guys so much! Knowing that people are reading/like my writing makes me so happy because LOL I MOSTLY WRITE THIS STUFF TO INDULGE MYSELF. Since this show is just full of sexy people, omg.

I have a soft spot for Toph, so I MIGHT victimize her next. That or I'll do something with Azula, although I don't have any ideas for her yet... I'll need help on that one. xD

I'm considering another Zuko snippet; something ironic about him being sensitive to smoke. BUT I DON'T KNOW YET. Help me decide?

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I like the Zuko smoke sensitivity idea. And you should victimize Toph. She's a great candidate for victimization. Azula is too, but I'm drawing a blank on how to get her all sneezy. A cold, perhaps? Involuntary ash inducing? Lol I really dunno |D;

(Isn't it totally awesome how my iPod can recommend the word "victimization" all on it's own? 8D)

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If you do another Zuko snippet, I will do my best to get out another installment in "Weakness". Hmm... Jet's grass stalk makes for some interesting possibilities... (*ships Jetko like whoa* *also ships Maiko, how the eff does that work?* *oh, I know: ZUKO SANDWICH*)

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YAYAYAYAY SO MANY RESPONSES omg. I'm so happy! Thank you everyone! Since I'm plagued with a cold right now and too embarrassed to go out in public, I'll probably have some time to write something. Since I seem to have trouble with length and with rich content, I might just come up with a few shorter, more drabbley pieces. Since I've got an idea for the Zuko-smoke installment, I'll put that together first and bundle it up with a Sokka coldfic sometime soon. AND THEN the Jetko allergyfic because OH MY GOD I love that pairing, too. ;)

I'm still having trouble choosing between Zuko and Sokka. They're both so... attractive... ffffahdjkhfsakfhjkfhdsak <33 notlikeishipthemtogetheroranything.. erhererehreherm.

Edited by Sen Beret
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I can’t take full credit for this one! It was a combined project between me and Winged. :drool: I’ll have the others I promised up as soon as I can, yo. For real! But this is better than something I could hope to write alone, haha.

It’s Zutara, but there’s minimal (if any) romance. Takes place during the latter part of season three, after The Southern Raiders. There are no sneeze spellings in this one; I hope that doesn't take away from it.


To say it was raining was an understatement – the massive clouds that had been gathering for days had all but exploded, unleashing their wrath upon the thirst-stricken earth below. The grounds had initially soaked up the downpour with gusto, absorbing every drop of moisture within reach. But as the hours dragged on, the now-saturated earth began to slowly reject the cascade of icy liquid, creating sluggish floods that crept lazily over the flatlands.

Zuko watched the floodwaters sliding by and shivered, blinking his tawny eyes in annoyance as rainwater dripped from his ragged bangs.

“Stupid rain,” he muttered.

“Complaining about it isn’t going to make it stop,” Katara chided from his left, though her statement was only a mild reprimand.

Zuko glanced over as she drew her knees to her chest and leaned back against the trunk of the willow tree providing them shelter. “You like this.” His tone bordered on accusatory.

Katara shrugged complacently. “I’m a waterbender.”

The Fire Prince rolled his eyes dramatically. “So of all the people I could get stuck with, I get Miss Positive.”

“That doesn’t even make sense,” Katara replied, amused. “Look, Zuko, I’m not any happier about this than you are. But we’re going to be here for a while, so it’s probably better if we try to make the most of it.”

Her upbeat attitude sickened him. Zuko shot a venomous glare in her direction before shaking his hair like a dog to dislodge the clinging water droplets. But the rain truly had put her in a better mood; none of his usual “obnoxious personality traits”, as she had once called them, seemed to be bothering her at all.

“Why do you keep doing that?” Katara spoke up, automatically flinching away as water slung from Zuko’s saturated hair. “It’s not like it’s going to keep us any drier.”

Maybe not, Zuko amended his previous thought, taking in the annoyance creeping into her tone with a sense of vague triumph. “I don’t like being wet,” he shot back, shivering unconsciously. “It’s not something I generally go for.”

Katara didn’t reply, only turned her gaze back to the seemingly-impenetrable curtains of rain surrounding their little dome. It wasn’t raining as hard as it had been earlier, but the water just kept coming, thick and ubiquitous.

“They’re going to have a heck of a time getting back to camp,” she spoke after a moment.

She was referring to the rest of their group, scattered around the area as they were. Sokka and Toph had gone hunting, taking Aang and Appa with them so they could get back to camp when the clouds building overhead finally decided to give way.

Zuko and Katara had been charged to check out the surrounding terrain; they were several hours’ walk away from camp when the storm exploded. The two adventurers had quickly taken shelter under a nearby tree, not expecting the rain to last more than half an hour. But they had been huddling under the sodden willow for more than an hour now, hoping against hope that at least the floodwaters would start to abate.

Zuko sourly tossed a stone into the slow current drifting by a few yards from their little embankment. “We’re going to have a heck of a time getting back to camp,” he replied.

“I guess we could always make a run for it?” Katara suggested half-heartedly, peering out past the floodwaters. “We could wade through the flood, then…” she trailed off, realizing the futility of her idea before it fully left her lips.

“Yeah. No.” A sudden chill ran up his spine, and Zuko began to shiver violently.

“What’s wrong with you?” Katara demanded, watching as Zuko pulled his knees to his chest and huddled in on himself. “You’re in an even worse mood than normal, and that’s saying something.”

“I just don’t like the rain. At all,” Zuko muttered, throwing her an angry glance. He paused, shaking his hair again. “And I’m wet, and cold.”

“So am I!” Katara threw up her hands in the beginnings of a tirade that died almost before it began. She crossed her arms over her knees and rested her chin on them, gazing out into the rain again. “I was hoping the tree would keep us drier than this, anyways.” The young waterbender pulled her soggy hair over her shoulder and squeezed it out like a towel.

“Yeah.” Zuko closed his eyes. “But I guess it is better than being out in the storm.”

Katara glanced over at him in surprise. “Was that a positive comment?”

“No,” Zuko replied without opening his eyes. “Never.”

They were silent for a few moments, listening to the pattern of the rain as it drummed insistently against the ground around them. Water continued to trickle through the thin branches of the willow, soaking the two benders huddled beneath its leaves.

“Do all firebenders hate water, or are you just particular?” Katara ventured after a while.

Zuko was silent for a moment before replying. “All of us, for the most part. We don’t do as well—” he trailed off, his eyes snapping open.

Katara could see he was annoyed with himself. “You what?”

“Nothing,” Zuko snapped, then burrowed his face in the crook of his arm and coughed. Katara didn’t notice until the coughing strung out for several seconds longer than it should have.

“Are you okay?” She asked when he finally stopped, breathing raggedly.

“Yes. Sure,” Zuko snapped back, swallowing uneasily.

Katara watched him for a moment more. “You’re seriously not that predictable, are you?”

Zuko furrowed his eyebrows. Guardedly, he asked, “Predictable how?”

“I thought only children caught colds in the rain,” Katara chided, sounding almost amused.

“I’m not—” Zuko started, but was cut off by a sneeze which he smothered into his shirtsleeve. Involuntarily, he shivered.

“You’re not…?” Katara prompted.

“I’m fine,” Zuko insisted. Carpingly, he added, “I’m just cold.”

Another bout of coughing came over him, and when he was finished, Katara said, “sounds like you have one, too.”

Zuko sneezed again, twice, contradicting his previous claim and satisfying Katara’s suspicion.

“Come on,” she incited, “we’re going to be stuck here for a while anyway; you might as well just admit it. You told me a while ago that dousing you with water would get you sick. This isn’t any different.”

Zuko exhaled dejectedly. “Just… leave it alone, okay? You worry too much.”

Katara frowned. “I’m not usually one to ignore it when one of my friends is sick. Besides, it’s kind of cute how vulnerable you’re turning out to be, considering how tough you try to act—”

“It’s only in the rain,” Zuko punctuated. “I don’t usually get sick otherwise.”

“So you admit you’re sick?”


Katara exhaled in an annoyed huff. “Of course. Stubborn as always.”

“What’s admitting anything going to change?” Zuko demanded, suddenly angry. “I’m fine, it’s not like putting words onto something makes it any more or less real!” He broke from his seated position and paced to the farthest corner of their dry space, crossing his arms over his chest.

Katara watched with growing concern as his pose was interrupted by a quiet sneeze that he tried unsuccessfully to mask. “Zuko, being sick isn’t anything to be ashamed of. It’s not like we’re going to throw you out of the group,” she joked half-heartedly, watching his tense shoulder muscles. Amazingly, they were beginning to relax, loosening ever so slightly.

“Yeah,” he finally replied. “I know.”

“You don’t sound like it,” Katara muttered, just loud enough for it to reach his ears. She watched his back and shoulders tighten again; she was surprised when they suddenly relaxed once more.

“I know,” he repeated, his voice barely above a whisper, and coughed once more. Quietly, Katara ambled closer to him.

“I just… don’t like feeling weak,” he elaborated once he caught his breath. “And I don’t like looking weak either.”

“It’s not like a virus is permanent,” Katara reminded, and Zuko jumped at the realization of her closeness. When he turned to face her, she slid a dark hand under his ebony bangs and frowned.

“You’re a little warm,” she remarked.

“No warmer than usual,” Zuko assured with a quick sniffle. “I’m a firebender, remember? I’m naturally warmer than you are.”

“Still, getting drenched will probably give you a fever.” Katara predicted. “Oh!” Enlightened, she abruptly stilled the water falling above them, so the area surrounding them was dry, like an umbrella.

Zuko blinked. “You couldn’t have done that before?!”

“It’s not like I could think very well with all of your complaining!”

Zuko had opened his mouth to protest when his expression abruptly changed into something much less angry, much more vulnerable. He quickly ducked his head into his shoulder and sneezed forcefully.

Katara’s argument died on her lips. Impulsively she crossed the no-man’s land between them and pressed her hand to his forearm. Zuko jerked and pulled away, shooting a surprised glance in her direction.

“What?” he demanded.

“I’m bringing down your fever, hold still,” Katara replied irritably, replacing her hand and closing her eyes in concentration. An outline of faint blue light began to show around her fingers.

Zuko watched her with a mix of wariness and curiosity. “Did it…work?” He asked after a moment, tilting his head like a bird.

Katara’s eyes slid open. “Do you feel any different?” She countered, pushing the back of her hand against his forehead again.

Zuko flinched but kept from pulling away. “I don’t think so.” He paused almost apologetically. “But I’m sure it…helped?”

Katara exhaled in a frustrated huff. “No, it didn’t. I didn’t think it would, but I wasn’t sure.”

“Oh. Sorry,” Zuko added awkwardly.

Katara shot him a glance that was half amused, half annoyed. “Yeah. Anyways.” She stepped away from Zuko, moving to the outskirts of her invisible umbrella. “The rain’s died down a little bit.”

“Really?” The firebender perked up and followed her example. “Yeah! Yeah, it looks like the floodwaters are going down a little.”

“Ebbing,” Katara supplied automatically. Her eyes didn’t leave the gray sky cloaking the soggy afternoon.

“What?” Zuko’s reply was distracted. His calloused fingers traced the length of a willow branch hanging down by his face, brushing the rough scar tissue on his cheekbone. The water actually felt kind of nice now, soothing. He remembered the icy grasp of the cloths the healers had pressed to his face after his father had scarred his face; the sensation rose to the memory of his facial nerves, rippling in a quiet shiver.

“Ebbing. The floodwaters are ebbing,” Katara explained, glancing over at her companion. He didn’t respond. She cocked an eyebrow.

“Let’s…head back to camp. Sound good to you?”

“Yeah, most definitely.” Zuko snapped back to the present. “Let’s get out of here.” He brushed by her, ignoring the rainwater that began to soak him the second he left their bubble.

Edited by Sen Beret
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That was spectacular!! Did I ever mention that their voices are in my head!? Excellence on both your and Winged's parts. :twisted:

Ooh! Ooh! Do Azula next, with some ash-induced sneezing! /isnotgonnagivethatideaupplz

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:unsure: *squeees*

That was totally cute and sweet and *AWWW*

I love the interaction between Katara and Zuko. :)

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